Arbok14 |
Hello, today we have
one of the starters from the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
generation. It is Swampert, the final evolution of the
starter Pokemon Mudkip.
Name: Swampert Lv. 53
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: The Swampert is pretty good, having a
Poke-Power similar to the old old old old Base Set
Venusaur. It has 130 HP, which is great these days for a
Stage 2, but a Weakness to Grass, which could hurt if
Sceptile gets popular. The Retreat Cost of 2 isn't
horrible for a Stage 2, especially since the Power can
certainly help it get the necessary energy. Anyway, on
to the Power (called Wash Out), which allows you to move
as many water and fighting energy attached to your bench
to your active. It does not say 'Basic Energy,' so go
ahead and move Double Rainbow Energies and other
Rainbows as well. Hammer Arm is a tad expensive (WWCC)
for 80 damage, but it can definitely discard something
good from your opponent's deck. I do see this guy in
some decks, mainly for use of the Power, but Hammer Arm
is not a bad attack to have to rely on if you need to.
Modified: Not bad. I could see this guy made into a
decent deck, possibly with Donphan with Rapid Spin.
Recycle the energies as you switch in and out. Decent
idea? We'll see... (4/5)
Limited: Pretty good, but the attack is expensive. Being
a stage 2, if you can get it out and energized, it will
knock a lot of things out fast. (4/5)

goose |
Swampert Lv.53 GE
Howdy partner. Today’s COTD is Swampert, a very
large mudbug that seems to like smashing things. 130
HP in nice, nobody uses grass much so the weakness
isn’t bad, and 2 retreat in normal for a big guy
like Swampert. The poke-power is nice, as often as
you like during your turn, you can move one energy
from your benched pokemon to your active pokemon. I
could see this getting use in a Wailord deck, wait
until Wailord is almost KOed then use switch/warp
point for a new Wailord and just move all of the old
Wailords energies onto the new Wailord. The attack
is sub-par, 80 for 2 (w) and 2 (c) will only see
play in the above mentioned deck (Because Wailord
uses 4 energy to attack too.)
Pros –
Good HP
Great Power
Cons –
Sub-par attack
Modified – Works with Wailord nicely. 3.5/5
Limited – Too much setup is needed unless you play
an almost pure water deck. 3.75/5
May the force be with you,
“’I am’ is the shortest sentence in the English
language, could ‘I do’ be the longest?”