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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Sceptile Lv. 52
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
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Unlimited - I'd rather use Meganium (NG). 1/5
Modified - Combo with Tangrowth, Exeggcutor, or Celebi*. But
it still doesn't make those cards much better. 3/5
Limited - Again, it's hard getting stage 2s into play here.
But if you do, the poke-body could come in handy. 3/5 |
Arbok14 |
Hey, today we have
one of the more talked about cards from the new set,
Sceptile. Today we will look into this, the final
evolution of the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald starter, Treecko.
Name: Sceptile Lv. 52
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: Ah yes, the Wild Growth Poke-BODY has
everybody talking. With only 100 HP for a stage 2, a
weakness to fire, and a retreat cost of 3, Sceptile
stumbles out the gate. Its attack is really bad,
especially for four energies, but with the power you
would only need 2. The Power is what it will be used
for, which makes all basic grass energies into 2 grass
energy. This would be great, but I really don't see
great partners to use for it. I've looked for stage 1's,
but most are weak, and it's really tough to make a
successful deck with two stage 2's. The only combo I can
think of is with Tangrowth. I haven't seen or heard
anything official about this, but if Tangrowth's Power
Whip attack could take the effects of the Body...
*shudders at the thought* I don't see this happening,
but I definitely can be wrong. There really isn't
anything out there right now besides Tangrowth that
would really be able to take advantage of it well.
Modified: In consideration of possibly having the Body
work for Tangrowth's Power Whip and for Pokemon in the
future that could benefit... (4/5)
Limited: Small HP and large retreat cost on a stage 2
makes it not worth it, but it could do well in certain
situations. (3/5)

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Sceptile lv 52
aint going to be your main attacker but its body can
generate some insane damage outputs fast (leafeon
maybe)?. CC retreat is easy to pay with its body. Dont
even think about playing DRE with this. Its attack may
be useful but i suggest finding another poke to stack
your extra energies on (tangrowts first attack actually
is quite fun with this)
Modified 3.5
Classic 1.5
Limited 4 |

Raichu88 |
Modified: Love this
card! Sceptile has always bin one of my favorite cards.
This one has no exceptions.
The power is super but too bad they didn't print Leafeon
Lv X in the same set. They only Energy accelerators in
the Format that you can combine this with are Flygon d
and Togekiss. There are some cards you can combine this
with but I just don't think it will be fast enough. The
POP 4 counterpart is really nice too.
Rating : 3/5
Limited: Hard to get out but good attacks and good
Rating : 2/5 |

Alex Bramham
Nationals Finalist 2007 |
Lots of options and combos for this, it may even make a
new archetype. Much like Honchcrow, if it sits middle
tier then Latilock will not see much play but if
Sceptile really works then latilock may gain popularity
and wreck it. Tangrowth, Exeggutor, Sceptile POP4,
Dragonite ex are to naem but a few of the grass pokemon
that could make use of the extra energy.
Modified: 4.7/5 - Big potential
Limited: 1/10 - Don't bother with stage 2s, mediocre
without the right combo. |

goose |
Sceptile Lv.52 GE
Mornin. Today’s COTD is Sceptile a wonderful card
from the new GE set. The HP is low and Magmortar
Lv.X bait but, it makes up for that with it’s
amazing poke-body Wildgrowth makes all of your (G)
energy count as (G)(G)! That means two (G) for the
price of one! This is what will allow (G) decks to
be used, as it is the only “nearly broken” cards out
there for (G) pokemon. It’s body combos with it’s
own attack instead of 2 (G) 2(C) for 50 or 70 it is
only 2 (G) for 50 or 70. Add his power with pokemon
like Dragonite (Delta) DF who is (G) type and start
doing 80 per turn for 2 (G)! Or use it with Venusaur
CG and let his attack do 20 damage per every (G)
energy on the field!
Pros –
(G) needed support
Great poke-body
Cons –
Low HP
Modified – Expect to see a few (G) decks at states!
Limited – Once you get it up there is no stopping
it. 4/5
Today’s COTD review has been brought to you by the
letter (G),
“As for me, except for an occasional heart attack, I
feel as young as I ever did.”=