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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Darkrai Lv. 38
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.67
Limited: 3.08
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
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Unlimited - Babushka. 1/5
Modified - This guy should only be used for leveling up. His
attacks are stupid. 1/5
Limited - I'm not sure if Basic Darkness energies are given
out in limited events. If they are, this could be decent,
doing 50 damage for 3 energy. The energyless attack could
help thin your deck and get the energy cards you need. 3/5 |
Arbok14 |
Yay, Friday at last! Today we are looking at one of the
new Darkrais, the Lv. 38 version.
Name: Darkrai Lv. 38
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: This guy isn't bad, but it probably isn't the
better of the two. Both have bad weaknesses (+20
fighting), good resistances (-20 psychic), and the same
retreat cost of 1. Lv. 38 has 10 less HP at 70. The
first attack, 'Reach Over,' searches your deck for any
one energy and puts it into your hand. Its second attack
'Darkness Pursuit,' does 50 damage normally and 100 if
the defending Pokemon is Cresselia. Honestly, I would go
with a combination of the two regular forms so that they
can be used for different situations, because neither is
really that much better than the other. Obviously use
this with the Lv. X.
Modified: Not bad but not amazing. Use with Lv. X. If
Cresselia gets big, definitely use this guy. (3/5)
Limited: Search for energies for free? Sure. An attack
needing three specific energy? Noooo... (3/5)

goose |
Darkrai Lv.38 GE
Well met. Today’s COTD today is one of the two versions
of him in this set. Both of the Darkrai offer something
different, this one has 70 HP, 10 less than the other
one. But, this one has a decent attack for (*) this
makes him very versatile when it comes to being used as
a level X. But, this one lacks a good attack. 50 for (D)(D)(C)
isn’t good, and Cresselia isn’t really a pokemon your
opponent will have active often so 100 isn’t going to
happen much. But, if you are playing Darkrai just for
his Lv.X (Either his power or his attack.) This is the
Darkrai you want!
Pros –
Lv. X
Good set up move
Cons –
Weak to fighting
No good attacks ‘till Lv.X
Modified – You will see some Darkrai deck floating
around, trust me. 3.75/5
Limited – It’s only good to grab energy and as a wall.
Well, looks like another week down the drain! Come back
next week, |