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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Darkrai Lv. X
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.70
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Darkrai LV.X
Modified - This card could see some play in Darkrai/Weavile/Blissey
decks. I don't think the deck will do that well in tourneys
seeing that the whole deck is weak to fighting (Gallade).
The Poke-Body is cool, turning all your basic darkness
energy into specials. Endless Darkness is interesting, but
the attack's effect is unclear IMO. Does your opponent keep
flipping 2 coins until they wake up for as long as they stay
asleep? Or does it only last until the end of their turn?
Only a 25% chance of your opponent waking up is great, but
unfortunately people tend to play Warp Points and Gardevoir
LV X, so you could have a hard time keeping them Asleep. 3/5
Limited - It seems almost impossible to get both Darkrai and
its LV X form in this format, but if you do, more power to
you. 2/5 |
Arbok14 |
Name: Darkrai Lv. X
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Ultra Rare Holo
Analysis: OK, even though this thing gets OHKO'ed by
Gallade without flipping any prizes, I still think he is
really cool. Yes, the 2x weakness to fighting sucks, but
Darkrai Lv. X is still really good. 100 HP is not good
either, but a low retreat cost of 1 and a resistance to
psychic helps a little. 'Dark Shadow' is great in any
Darkness deck, applying the special Darkness Energy
effect to any basic Darkness Energy to any of your
Darkness Pokemon. Its attack, 'Endless Darkness,' is
just great, and it combos well with Darkrai Lv.40's
second attack 'Sleep Hole'. I wrote an article regarding
'Endless Darkness', so check it out to find out odds and
other stuff regarding the attack. Basically, the odds
are definitely in your favor, so Endless Darkness is
surely a great attack.
Modified: I like the attack, the Body is awesome, so
expect to see some of these lurking out there in
tourneys. Unfortunately, it has a terrible weakness...
Limited: Well, I'm kind of eating my words, after I
bought 6 boosters last weekend and managed both
Cresselia and Cresselia Lv. X. I know that was extremely
lucky, but if you manage a Darkrai and its Lv. X, you
should play it! Basically, you'll win if you get the Lv.
X out. Unless you're playing a fighting deck, otherwise
you're screwed.(4/5)

goose |
Darkrai Lv.X GE
Welcome. Today’s COTD is one that allows dark
pokemon to abuse basic dark energies just like real
ones. The added 10 damage for every basic dark can
allow any dark pokemon to do massive damage, add
that with Weavile SW and any (C) attacking pokemon
are prime suspects for being pumped up to a
ridiculous level. This goes well with any dark
pokemon, or colorless energy needing pokemon w/
Weavile (Other than Murkrow I guess,) that could use
a bit more damage output. Not only can this dude be
used amazingly for his body (Slight pun.) But
Darkrai also has one mean attack and it is mean! For
2 (D) 1 (C) you do 40, not good. But you also put
the opponent to sleep, normally not so great. But,
whenever Darkrai puts an opponent to sleep they flip
two coins, that means your opponent has only a 25%
chance of waking up! Not only that but, if they flip
both tails, they are KOed on the spot! No chance of
survival, none, nilch, zero. That means 25% of the
time this move turns into a OHKO!
Pros –
Basic energies become special
The attack on Darkrai Lv.X is amazing!
Lv.X’s rock
Cons –
Not only is x2 Weakness is bad…
But x2 weakness to (Fighting) is worse!
Modified – Only for dark use. 4.25/5
Limited – basic energies = special rocks here for
(D) pokemon. 3.75/5
Only 11 more day’s until states and 20 more days
until SSBB!
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