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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Blaziken Lv. 56
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.07
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Modified - Fire Dance does decent damage while you charge up
1 of your Benched Pokemon with fire energy. Flame Kick
combos with DRE. Discard it to do 70 damage to any Pokemon.
But if you just charge it up with regular fire energy, you
can OHKO Claydols sitting on the bench. One thing I don't
like about this guy is he doesn't do massive damage. So if
your opponent has a Gallade or something active that's
capable of doing OHKO after OHKO, Blaziken might not be able
to keep up. 3/5
Limited - Stage 2s are hard to get out. If you do though,
you'll have a fun time destroying the opponent's Bench. 3/5 |
Arbok14 |
Name: Blaziken Lv. 56
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: This Blaziken is definitely impressive. It has
huge HP at 130, a nice retreat cost of 1, and a decent
weakness to the seemingly forgotten Water-type. Fire
Dance is a nice, cheap attack but is redundant if you
are using Blaziken PK (which you should) with this.
Flame Kick is awesome, because even if you are using
(and/or discarding) a Double Rainbow Energy, 70 damage
is still enough to knockout a benched Delcatty, Magneton,
Absol, Pachirisu, etc etc. Being able to hit any of your
opponent's Pokemon for 80 damage is great! I think that
Blaziken may beat out Typhlosion in some Magmortar
decks, so watch out and remember: Nobody is safe when
Blaziken is around!
Modified: Definitely a great card by itself. But when
matched with its Power Keepers counterpart, he becomes
lethal! Basically, I have nothing bad to say about this
Blaziken! (5/5)
Limited: Great here, becasue it can hit anywhere and
still recycle energies. Put that with 130 HP and a tiny
retreat cost of 1, Blaziken makes the pain of getting a
Stage 2 out worth it. (4/5)

goose |
Blaziken Lv. 56 GE
Hello people. Today’s COTD is a possible new competitor
for ‘the mad monkey man’ Infernape. 130 HP is nice, 30
more than the monkey, but that 1 retreat is more than
‘the nimble banana eater’ Infernape’s awesome 0 retreat
cost. The first attack on Blaziken could see more play
than ‘the flaming poo bomber’ Infernape because of the
energy acceleration and the lack of coin flips. The
second attack is the one that needs to be compared the
most though, Blaziken does 80 to anything for 2 (Fire) 1
(C) with 2 (Fire) discard, and ‘the now almost useless’
Infernape does 90 for 2 (Fire) with a two (Fire)
discard. Not only that, but Blaziken also has a better
evolutionary line than ‘the deck hogging’ Infernape
(Considering there is only one line of ‘that wretched
monkey’ Infernape.) Blaziken could be better than the
‘monkey king’ Infernape for a “Fire starter” deck, but
I’m not sure…
Pros – (Compared to ‘the king of fried bananas’
30 more HP
Better first attack
Better evolution line
80 to anything
Cons – (Same as above)
1 more retreat cost
1 more energy needed to attack
Modified – Geez, 80 to anything could do great. 4.25/5
Limited – 1 (C) to search discard for a (Fire)! Nice.
Dang, I’ve got to stop sleeping in so late…
“Honesty pays, but it doesn't seem to pay enough.” |