Arbok14 |
Hey everyone, welcome to a new week. Today we have
Primeape from Great Encounters.
Name: Primeape Lv. 41
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare
Analysis: This guy isn't bad, especially considering
many starters now have fighting weakness (Pachirisu,
Absol, Stantler, etc.) If you can get a damage counter
on him yourself (Cresselia Lv. X, Gardevoir PK, etc.),
Primeape can definitely hit hard with its Poke-Body
'Anger Point'. 'Whump' does 50 for 3 energy but can do
90 with Anger Point and always gives the chance of
protecting itself. Unfortunately 'Whump' doesn't protect
Primeape directly, it just prevents the Defending
Pokemon from attacking, so retreating, switching, warp
pointing will end the effect. It does confuse itself,
but Xatu can help that and make Primeape better. 1
Retreat Cost is good, but the weakness to Psychic is
not. Will it see play?
Modified: Not bad. With a little help (Xatu and
Cresselia Lv. X), Primeape could see play. But that
would leave your entire team with Psychic weakness.
Limited: Can protect itself but always confuses itself.
Good for one attack, but that's really it. Small retreat
cost helps though. (2/5)

goose |
Primeape Lv.41 GE
Welcome! Today’s COTD today is one that could see
play only in the right deck. There is only one deck
Idea I’ve ever seen this card in, it was a Cresselia
– Xatu - Primeape deck. The whole idea was to use
Cresselia Lv.X to put one damage counter on Primeape
(Making him do 90 instead of 50.) and then use Xatu
next turn to confuse the opponent and heal you. Add
the 50% chance of attacking your opponent has with
confusion with the 50% chance of making your
opponent unable to attack with Primeape and that
leaves your opponent only 25% chance of attacking!
Pros –
Good attack when used right.
90 non-flip needing damage is good.
Makes the opponent have only a 25%chance of
Cons –
Lowish HP
Warp point/switch/retreating
Modified – When put together right it may work.
Limited – yes! 90 for 1 (Fighting) 2 (C) isn’t hard
to get. And with all of the low attack pokemon here
Primeape is sure to have damage on it. 4.25/5
Watch out! He’s Gunna get out its angry eyes!
“People will put up with anything provided it
doesn't block traffic.”