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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Claydol Lv. 45
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.33
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
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eBay Store |
Modified - One of the most amazing cards from Great
Encounters. The HP isn't amazing, the attack isn't amazing,
the Retreat Cost isn't amazing, the artwork isn't amazing,
so what is amazing? The Poke-Power, Cosmic Power. Professor
Birch is a decent Supporter, but this is a power you can use
every turn, AND you can put 2 useless cards on the bottom of
your deck unlike birch. As long as you don't hold a bunch of
cards in your hand, you can be going through your deck very
fast and take control of the game. 5/5
Limited - Cosmic Power is awesome here with the limited
amount of draw. 5/5 |

goose |
Claydol Lv.45 GE
Good afternoon everyone. Today’s COTD is Claydol from
the new GE set. Claydol is sure to see plenty of play,
not only because it has a great anti-metagame EX. But
also because a 2-2 line of him can be thrown into any
deck that doesn’t have a pokemon to help them draw (And
doesn’t use Cessation Crystal.) The HP needs to be 10
higher, as is 80 is within OHKO shot for the new
Blaziken. The power is great, simply put two cards back
into your deck then draw until you have six. It is
easily one of the best pokemon to use with the fishing
engine (High trainer count low Supporter count.) The
attack isn’t good, but can be used in extreme situations
(Only needs one DRE of multi + whatever.)
Pros –
Awesome power
Great draw power
Usable attack on a bench sitter
Cons –
Needs 10 more HP
2 retreat means you want him to stay on your bench
Modified – Brown is the new Pink. =P 4/5
Limited – TAKE IT! Draw power rocks here! 5/5
Err… Must… think… of new exits…
“Some people may think they think what they are thinking
but I know better…” |

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Claydoll lv 45.
pokes power is hyped and for good reason if you play
with card like plus powers that you can just play down
as you grab them this can potentially draw a lot of
cards. The attack is good too. With the aid of before
mentioned PP and strength charm this is going to get you
a lot of T2KO’s (if you for some reason chose this as
your attacker). Just for stating the obvious leave cards
like steven in the binder when playing this. It may be a
nice for 1 shoot but it makes your claydoll power
useless afterwards. By the way Claydoll ALSO good in
Modified 4
Limited 4