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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Shelgon Lv. 32
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Unlimited - All Salamences are bad here so no reason to use
Shelgon. 1/5
Modified - There are 3 Salamence in this format but none of
them are really great. The 30 damage protection could help
stall a bit while you get a Salamence set up. 2/5
Limited - All colorless energy in its attack costs and 30
damage reduction is great. Most Pokemon hit for wimpy
amounts of damage so a 30 damage reduction could reduce it
to 0. 3/5 |

goose |
Shelgon Lv. 32 SW
Good morning planet earth, I hope your day has been
great so far. Today’s COTD is Shelgon, the stage 1
to one of the biggest, baddest, most favoritism
attracting pokemon known to man so far.
Unfortunately, if you wanted to play dragons, you
should have played last year. The stage 2 of this
thing Requires 2 (c) for 50, or 2 (w) and 2 (fire)
for either 100 to active or 100 to a benched pokemon
(Depending on what you discard) is just too much in
this fast format we are in now. Shelgon cannot save
his stage 2, only doing 30 for 3 (c) unless you
waste a previous turn then it does 80… Not enough to
save himself yet alone Salamence.
Pros –
Stage 1
80 for 3 (c)
Cons –
Colorless weakness
2 much retreat cost (Old pun I know)
Too slow
You have to charge to do 80
Unlimited - stage 2’s here? Never 1/5
Modified – if Saly was better than you’d see more of
this guy 2.75/5
Limited – good damage for colorless energies? Count
me in! 4.25/5
Good luck with the rest of your day,
“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has
made a lot of people very angry and has been widely
regarded as a bad move.”

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Shelgon lv 32
I like this card its very good that preevos can protect
themselves.. 2 retreat is 1 to much however.
modified 2.5
classic 2.5
limited 3.5
As preevos hardly ever matter i havent wrote alot about
them. Need a deck report? just one a few city champs
with magmortar |
Arbok14 |
Whoo, it's almost the end of the week! Let me tell you,
this has been a stressful one for me here, and I hope
all of you had a better week than I. Anyways, let's get
on with this--Today we have another stage 1, Shelgon,
which evolves from Bagon and then into the mighty
Name: Shelgon LV. 32
Set: Secret Wonders
Rarity: Uncommon
Overview: Again, Shelgon is a stage 1 Pokemon which
evolves from Bagon and then evolves into Salamence. This
guy is colorless-type and has 80 HP, +20 weakness to
colorless, -20 resistance to fighting, and a retreat
cost of 2. Its first attack, 'Focus Energy,' costs (C)
and makes its other attack, 'Protect Charge,' have a
base damage of 80 on your next turn. Its second attack,
'Protect Charge,' costs (CCC), has a base damage of 30,
and reduces damage done to Shelgon by attacks on your
opponent's next turn by 30, after applying weakness and
Analysis: Colorless-type is OK, but its weakness to
colorless is bad, considering that Blissey is still so
popular. Resistance to fighting is good, because it will
force Gallade to flip over one more prize and Lucario
would also be at a disadvantage. I like the move combo,
but it would probably only be used once per game (if
that), because Salamence would be who you would want.
But if you are having trouble getting Sally out, Protect
Charge can help keep Shelgon healthy until you do. I'd
say use this guy to setup for whatever Salamence you
use, because the Protect Charge can help in the long
Unlimited: Salamence is too slow to use here, therefore
Shelgon should not be seen here. (1/5)
Modified: I like the new Salamence in Secret Wonders. I
think that it has a decent chance against anything
except Blissey. Use Shelgon to set it up to start
healthy. (3.5/5)
Limited: Very good here. Colorless attacks that can do
damage and protect you. Sweet. Its colorless weakness is
bad here though, because there are a lot of colorless
pokemon in this set. (4/5) |

MegaDom |
Today is Shelgon…
Shelgon 80 HP (Colorless)
Stage 1 (Evolves From Bagon)
(C) Focus Energy
During your next turn, Shelgon's Protect Charge
attack's base damage is 80.
(C)(C)(C) Protect Charge 30
During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to
Shelgon by attacks is reduced by 30 (after applying
Weakness and Resistance).
Weakness Resistance Retreat
(C)+20 (F)-20 (C)*2
Stage 1
Great attacks
80 possible for 3
2 Retreat
30 for 3
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 4/5