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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Infernape Lv. 40
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.50
Modified: 4.20
Limited: 3.20
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Unlimited - Well it can OHKO Vileplume ex, that's if you
even get it into play. 1/5
Modified - Not as good as it used to be. Gallade, Magmortar
and Absol decks beat it pretty bad. But doing 80 damage for
2 energy is great. 3/5
Limited - Hard to get a stage 2 out in this format, but if
you do you can do big damage quickly. 3/5 |

goose |
Infernape Lv. 40 DP
GOOD MORNING VIETN… Um… EARTH!!! If you got that
joke then good job. Today’s COTD is the start of
the… TOP 10 POKEMON CARDS OF 2007!!! And today’s
card coming in 10th place is the one and
only “King of flaming fungus” Infernape! I’d tried
to get an interview with the guy but alas, he didn’t
say much… Anyway, 100 HP is nice, little sub-par
compared to today’s larger 130 HP beasts but not as
bad as 90 (Obviously.) The first attack is almost
useless other than being cheap, 50% chance just to
do 30 is good for 1 (C) energy. Next, is the “Mad
incinerator’s” most lethal and deadly attack while
un-leveled up, Flare blitz. No offence but the
attack's name sounds kind of like a football plan…
You know, *Football dude walks into the huddle*
Alright, now we're going to do Flare Blitz! Lol,
anyway, 90 for 2 (fire) rocks! The discard is little
to worry about since the “Awesome Inferno” has no
retreat cost! Yea, none... Not even Ninetales the
foxy fox has 0 retreat cost… So why give 0 retreat
cost to a dang monkey? He’s not even very fast in
the Video Games…
Pros –
Free retreat cost (Stupid monkey…)
90 damage for 2 (fire)
Cheap attacks
Cons –
Coin flips are evil
100 HP isn’t great for a stage 2…
Unlimited - Stage 2’s here? Nope. 1/5
Modified – With speed and power who need defense?
Limited – even if you can only use the first attack
it is still good. 4.5/5
Next time! Day of the living dea… Pokemon,
“In the beginning there was nothing. God said, 'Let
there be light!' And there was light. There was
still nothing, but you could see it a whole lot

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Infarnape DP
This card have both good and bad points.
Its very fast and hard hitting but being a stage 2 with
only 100HP leaves it fragile.
Damaging 90 makes Plus powers and
strength charm a necessity. To many pokes have 100 or
110 to be ignored
Infarnape may not be the best deck but
its still a strong choice
Modified 4
Classic 2
Limited 2

Alex Bramham
Nationals Finalist 2007 |
There's a lot of ways to do 90 damage now and many have
prevolutions and attack costs much preferable to
Infernape. The problem with doing 90 is that it isn't a
particularly helpful amount, even less so if double
rainbow is used to get around the discard and reduce
damage to 80. A combination of Monerno's fire dance and
Infernape's flare blitz falls short of KOing any of the
many popular 130HP pokemon. Infernape isn't prospering
in tournaments right now for a reason. Magmortar is a
lower stage with better general stats so use that.
Modified: 2.4/5 |
Arbok14 |
Name: Infernape
Set: Diamond and Pearl (Base Set)
Rarity: Rare Holo
Overview: Infernape is a stage 2 Pokemon, which evolves
from its stage 1 Monferno, which evolves from its basic,
Chimchar. Infernape has 100 HP, +30 Weakness to water,
no Resistance, and a Retreat cost of 0. Its first
attack, 'Meteor Punch,' has an energy cost of (C) and
has you flip a coin until you get tails, doing 30 damage
times the number of heads. Its second attack, 'Flare
Blitz,' costs (RR), does 90 damage, and has you discard
all (R) enerrgy attached to Infernape.
Analysis: 100 HP is not very good for a stage 2
nowadays, but its quickness helps that not be as much of
a factor. Both attacks are good, but Flare Blitz makes
it shine. If you can get Infernape turn 2, you will be
in good shape. Even with only a Double Rainbow Energy,
he can do 80 damage. And its Level X made it even more
lethal, tag-teaming with the Delcatty's to become a
150-damage-a-turn engine. Believe me, I experienced it
and it was painful... Unfortunately for Inferape,
however, Empoleon became popular as a result of its huge
popularity, in an effort to counter Infernape's
domination. So with that, along with the cards from
newer sets, Infernape vanished almost as fast as it
rised to glory.
Unlimited: Not against Rain Dance, you won't... (1/5)
Modified: Good then, and in my opinion, still good now.
Watch out for Hurricane... (4/5)
Limited: Stage 2, plus a discarding move = ... (2/5) |

Raichu88 |
Unlimited: Weak
to the most popular Deck in that Format namely
Suicune Ex/Blastoise.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Used to
be good when Dp and Mysterious Treasures where just
But nowadays with
Gallade and Magmortar it's not as good anymore.
Rating : 2/5
Limited: Nice 2
for 90 and free Retreat!
Rating : 4/5