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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Gardevoir Lv. 55
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
#7 of 2007
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.20
Modified: 4.00
Limited: 2.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
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Unlimited - Not many supporters are played here. 1/5
Modified - Almost like Pidgeot. Helps you draw a bunch of
cards each turn. It's especially good if your opponent used
a Mars or wager, since you can use it back at them. Psychic
Lock can cripple Poke-Power dependent decks. 4/5
Limited - Not many supporters are used, and this is a stage
2. 2/5 |

goose |
Gardevoir Lv. 55 SW
Good Thursday to all of you who may be reading this.
Today’s COTD is number 7 on the list of the top 10 cards
of 2007. This card is the driving force of Gardylade the
new deck that has been kicking butt everywhere. This
pokemon isn’t an attacking pokemon too much (Although
110 HP might make her one.) But she does an awesome job
of helping you set up. In this format filled with
supporters, this card rocks! Not only can you now use
your normal 1 per turn supporter, but you can use one
from your opponent’s discard too! All you have to watch
out for is those dang Cessation Crystal’s and poke-power
blocking powers. Psychic lock isn’t too bad, 60 for 1
(p) and 2 (c) is sub-par, but with the added fact that
it shuts down your opponents powers it isn’t too bad.
+30 weakness to Psychic and a semi-large 2 retreat cost
make it not better nor worse. Add all of that with the
fact that she can level up and has another stage 2 in
her evolutionary line and you have yourself a major butt
kicking force!
Pros –
110 HP
Awesome poke-power
Lock your opponent’s powers for a turn
Cons –
Weak to itself (Bad for mirror matches)
2 much retreat cost (A slightly overused pun)
Unlimited – No supporters = no good! 1/5
Modified – lots of supporters = it’s Grrreat! 4/5
Limited – less supporters = not as good. 2.5/5
Next time on COTD top 10! An awesome pokemon that may
make fan girls Feint,
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit
family in another city.” |

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Gardevoir lv 55
This is by many claimed to be the new
pidgeot and it fills this role well as its pokepower is
amazing as setup midgame and lategame.
Its attack is very usefull although a bit
on the exepensive side. Stopping all pokepowers for a
round is very often the difference between winning and
losing 2 retreat is to much but its evo stops this
A very strong choice
Modified 4
Classic 2.5
Limited 2

Raichu88 |
Unlimited: Not many Supporters played, so not much of a
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Good card used in combination with Gallade and
Gardevoir LvX. The Power can use a Supporter from your
opponent's Discardpile.This means you can use 2
Supporters on 1 Turn. This helps you Setup really quick.
It's attack is also good to lock Powers.
Rating : 4/5
Limited: If you can get it out play it cause there
aren't many Supporters in Limited.
Rating : 3/5 |
Arbok14 |
Well, it's Thursday, and now we're down to lucky number
seven on our Top 10 of 2007. #7 is Gardevoir from Secret
Name: Gardevoir
Set: Secret Wonders
Rarity: Rare Holo
Overview: Gardevoir is a stage 2 pokemon, with basic
Ralts and stage 1 Kirlia in its evolutionary line. It is
psychic-type and has 110 HP, +30 Weakness to psychic, no
Resistance, and a Retreat Cost of 2. Gardevoir has a
Poke-Power called 'Telepass,' which, once during your
turn, allows you to search your opponent's discard pile
for a supporter card and use its effect as the effect of
this power. You can only use 1 Telepass Poke-Power per
turn and it can't be used if Gardevoir is affected by a
Special Condition. Its attack, 'Psychic Lock,' costs (PCC),
has a base damage of 60, and during your opponent's next
turn, he/she can't use any Poke-Powers on his/her
Analysis: Well, Gardevoir is one half of the hugely
popular phenomenon known as Gardelade. It teams up with
fellow Kirlia evolution, Gallade, to make up a very
powerful and potent team. I like Gardy's Telepass power
a lot because it helps you move your deck along faster
by using your opponent's supporters. The attack is
pretty good, too, especially when you are playing
Power-necessary decks such as Hurricane (Feraligatr/Delcatty/Magneton),
Typhlosion/Magmortar, etc. And its Lv X makes it even
better, with its Bring Down attack and Teleportation
power. Bring Down automatically KO's the pokemon with
the least remaining HP in play and Teleportation
switches Gardevoir either with a pokemon on your bench
(if Gardy is active), or with your active (if Gardy is
on the bench). Gardelade is a complicated deck, but very
uncoplicated when it comes to getting your Pokemon out.
This is why many people play it, but only those who know
the deck well and what to do in certain situations will
be the ones to succeed with it.
Unlimited: No thank you, Telepass is useless here as no
supporters are really played and Psychic Lock only does
60. Although it can shut down Rain Dance... (1/5)
Modified: As I said, 1/2 of the most popular deck out
now. Use wisely though... (4/5)
Limited: Not bad here, but getting it out and getting
lucky to get the preevolutions will be tough... (3/5) |