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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lucario - Level
Diamond & Pearl
#6 of 2007
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 2.20
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 4.20
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lucario Lv. 30 DP
Hello all you beings from the 3rd
dimension. Today’s COTD is one of my personal
favorites, and 6th in the pokemon COTD
top 10, Lucario! This is one of the fastest hitting
pokemon in the game right now, turn one rare candy
can be use if Lucario is played with a stage 2 (Like
Machamp in Mario) may even guarantee a turn one 30
or more instead of having to flip. Not only does he
do 30 for (C), but is also ignores resistance, a big
factor when playing against decks like Salamence,
Murkrow, and other (F) resistant cards. For simply (F)(F),
this beast not only gets punches off on your
opponent’s active pokemon, but also on any of your
opponent’s bench pokemon too. 20 damage may not be
much, but 20 + 20 + 20 is a KO to a basic pokemon. 1
retreat = rocks, +20 (P) = Livable.
Pros –
Fast damage
Cons –
Lowish HP
Unlimited - There are faster cards (Like Sneasle)
Modified – Fast, mean, and goes right through you
like a spicy French taco. 4.25/5
Limited – Good HP, fast, easy to pay for attack, and
Riolu isn’t hard to get. 5/5
Next COTD top 10! It’s gunna be a Blast! See ya’ll
next week.
“One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory.”

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Lucario DP
It hits fast and hard that’s it but that
can be very strong. Lucario is terrible mid and lategame
so youll need to end the game quikly . Ces crystal is
off couse an obvious companion.
Lucario lv x helps it midgame but its
still weak so end the game quick
Modified 2.5
Classic 2
Limited 3

Raichu88 |
Unlimited: Good against Wigglytuff Ex and Clefable.
Those are common
played cards in Unlimited. And the Riolu can OHKO Baby
Pokemon witch you also see a lot.
Rating : 3/5
Modified: Not as strong as it was at the beginning of
the Format. Players used to combine this with Machamp or
Blissey. You still see a few Blissey/Lucario Decks
around but they get kicked by all the Gallade/Gardevoir
Rating : 2.5/5
Limited: Fast, disruptive, cheap attack cost, good basic
form, Take It!
Rating : 4/5 |
Arbok14 |
Alright, it is
finally Friday!! Glad to see the weekend coming, so I
will hurry up and start this... And today we have #6,
which is Lucario.
Name: Lucario
Set: Diamond and Pearl
Rarity: Rare Holo
Overview: Lucario is a stage 1 fighting-type Pokemon,
which evolves from Riolu. Lucario has 90 HP, +20
Weakness to psychic, no Resistance, and a Retreat Cost
of 1. Its first attack is called 'Feint,' costs (C), and
has a base damage of 30 and is not affected by
Resistance. Its second attack, 'Aura Sphere,' costs
(FF), has a base damage of 40, and does 20 to one of
your opponent's benched Pokemon (your choice).
Analysis: Lucario is a very fast Pokemon, which fit (and
still does) in many decks. Only one energy of any kind
for an attack that automatically does 30. Or an attack
for to fighting energy for 40 and 20. This is great for
damage spreading decks and is great for decks which need
setup time. Lucario is great for the beginning of the
game and for cleanup KOs when your opponent's bench is
heavily damaged. Basically, it is a support Pokemon. It
fit great in the deck called Mario (with Machamp), but
it has sort of died as a result of the rise of Gardelade
and Banette.
Unlimited: Not enough damage... (1/5)
Modified: It was good, and it can still fit in some
decks. (4/5)
Limited: Great here. Cheap attacks + Damage-spreading
attacks = Awesome (4.5/5) |

Alex Bramham
Nationals Finalist 2007 |
Lucario is a
favourite card of mine for its ability to counter
fighting weak pokemon particularly starters very well.
Riolu can give you a great headstart or a wasted turn
but it's certainly worth the gamble. Lucario's lightness
due to low retreat and balanced attack costs keep it
going steady and swarms easily. I've found Absol ex to
be a great accompinate to Lucario, as combined with Aura
sphere you get decent damage wherever it needs to be.
Lucario level X is quite possibly the most useful level
up card around, it doesn't get much better than a turn
of immunity that comboes directly with its attack! I
like this card so much I used it to get 2nd place
Masters at my last CC with this list:
Pokémon: 13
2 Absol SW 21
4 Riolu DP 61
3 Lucario DP 6
1 Lucario LvX NDP 12
2 Sableye CG 10
1 Minun SW 24
1 Absol ex PK 92
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30
4 Pokedex DP 111
2 Castaway CG 72
2 Buffer Piece DF 72
1 Strength Charm DF 81
1 Timespace Distortion MT 124
1 Scott PK 81
3 Roseanne's Research SW 125
2 Team Galactic's Wager MT 115
1 Team Galactic's Mars SW 126
2 Super Scoop Up DP 115
1 Warp Point CG 84
4 Celio's Network CG 73
2 Lake Boundary MT 112
2 Professor Birch PK 80
1 Professor Rowan SW 123
1 Master Ball PK 78
Energy: 16
4 Multi Energy PK 89
3 Darkness Energy MT 119
9 Fighting Energy PK 108
I suggest to try out Lucario, you won't be disappointed
and if Darkrai makes it big, Lucario may just make a
Modified: 4.7/5 |