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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magmortar lv. 52
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
#5 of 2007
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.40
Modified: 4.40
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Unlimited - Trash. Raindance and Base Gastly blow this away.
Modified - Cornerstone of one of the most popular decks in
modified, Magmortar/Typhlosion/Delcatty. It's almost like
the Blaziken deck from 2004. The Poke-Body is awesome, it's
like you're using a potion every turn, and each time you do,
Flame Blast does 20 more damage. Fireball Bazooka can slowly
whittle down your opponent's Benched Pokemon, and then you
can finish them off with a Flame Bluster from Magmortar LV
X. DRE and Scramble Energy are helpful, because Flame Blast
only mentions Fire Energy, not Fire Energy CARDS. 110 HP is
great for a stage 1, only 20 less than Blissey. The Magmar
from MT is great to evolve from because it hits hard and
fast, 20 damage for 1 energy. Weakness to an almost obsolete
type is also good. Magmortar's cool. 5/5
Limited - The healing poke-body works wonders here. 4/5 |

goose |
Magmortar Lv. 52 SW
Peace! Today’s COTD is number 5 in the COTD top 10,
it is… Magmortar, the most hyped about fire pokemon
at the moment. 110 HP lets him survive most OHKO
attempts. The poke-body is nice, -20 damage whenever
you put a fire energy on it, this ‘body combos well
with it’s first attack. The first attack is Flame
Blast, a very hot move that could leave your pokemon
smoked depending on the amount of energy attached to
Magmortar. The second attack is also great, 40 plus
20 to two bench pokemon, that’s 80 damage for (fire)
and 2 (C)! The weakness and retreat cost sucks but
it is livable.
Pros –
Big HP
Awesome first attack
Great second attack
Good ‘body
Lv. X ‘able!
Cons –
Bad weakness
Horrid retreat cost
Unlimited – No! Don’t use it here. 1/5
Modified – 5 pros and only 2 cons… DANG! 4.75/5
Limited – Great! But needing only fire energy sucks.
Next COTD top 10 is one that we all have come to
hate or use,
“Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have
to do it himself.”

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Magmortar SW
This card is amazing. Its so versatile
and can be used in loads of decks. Flame blast is
begging for scramble and fireball bazooka got endless
possibilities 110 Hp is nice and it pokebody gives it’s
a lot of survival chances. If you haven’t played this
TRY IT!. 3 retreat is no problem as you’ll rarely
retreat this anyway. Its LV X is amazing as well and
beats the crap out of all kinds of decks. Playd rigth
theres no deck that magmortar doesnt beat. Feraligatr?
hit cronaw for 100 on the bench. Gardelade damagde its
bench suddenly Take down isnt very usefull i could go
on.. Ended in finals in EVERY tournament i played this
Trust me it Sooooo good
Modified 5 and that’s with an arrow up J
Classic 2
Limited 4

Raichu88 |
Unlimited: Too much Blastoise/Suicune Ex in this Format.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: Good card in combination with Delcatty and
Thyplosion. It's Lv X is nice too it can do 100 damage
on any Pokemon. Scramble and Double Rainbow's work great
on it too.
Rating: 3/5
Limited: Stage 1, good attack, good Body, bench damage
is important here too.
Rating : 3.5/5 |

MegaDom |
110 Hp
GREAT attacks
No Resistance
Unlimited: 3/5
Modified: 4/5
Limited:4/5 |
Arbok14 |
Good monday! Today we
have one of my favorite new cards, which is one I even
got to use back in the Secret Wonders prerelease I went
to last year. It is the new evolution for Magmar,
Name: Magmortar Lv 52
Set: Secret Wonders
Rarity: Rare
Overview: I think I'm just going to stop doing the
overviews because they are, well... redundant and a
waste of space. Lol, on we go:
Analysis: As I said, this is definitely one of my
favorite new cards, because it is so versatile. It heals
itself (PokeBODY - Flame Body), it hits for potentially
massive damage (Flame Blast), and it can hit the bench
(Fireball Bazooka - love that name ^_^). And 110 HP will
keep it around a while. The +30 weakness to water should
not be a big problem, but its retreat cost of 3 is huge.
So pack him with some switches and warp points. Flame
Blast is a great attack, especially since it can do
unlimited amounts of damage. Scramble energies can also
be a great combo with Magmortar and provide a quick 60
damage. Fireball Bazooka hits 2 benched guys for 20,
which will discourage your opponent from retreating
heavily damaged Pokemon. Plus he has a Lv X, which makes
him EVEN BETTER. Whoa.
Magmortar finds a great partner in Typhlosion, which can
recycle energy back onto it. And Delcatty's can help you
draw, while at the same time discarding energy. This
Magmortar/Typhlosion/Delcatty deck is one of the best
and most popular decks out now and is one which I used
in one of my City Championships I attended. I did go
2-3, but if I played it better, I probably could have
made the top cut of 4 (misplays were key). Well, my dumb
mistakes aside, I did learn a lot that day: This deck
sets up slowly, but is great late game. Definitely worth
Unlimited: I kind of like him here... Unlimited damage
is good. (3/5)
Modified: Absolutely great here, because he has so many
combos, such as Typhlosion, Scramble Energies, etc. USE!
Limited: Healing + Heavy Damage + Bench Hitting =
*drools* (5/5) |

Alex Bramham
Nationals Finalist 2007 |
Lucario is a
favourite card of mine for its ability to counter
fighting weak pokemon particularly starters very well.
Riolu can give you a great headstart or a wasted turn
but it's certainly worth the gamble. Lucario's lightness
due to low retreat and balanced attack costs keep it
going steady and swarms easily. I've found Absol ex to
be a great accompinate to Lucario, as combined with Aura
sphere you get decent damage wherever it needs to be.
Lucario level X is quite possibly the most useful level
up card around, it doesn't get much better than a turn
of immunity that comboes directly with its attack! I
like this card so much I used it to get 2nd place
Masters at my last CC with this list:
Pokémon: 13
2 Absol SW 21
4 Riolu DP 61
3 Lucario DP 6
1 Lucario LvX NDP 12
2 Sableye CG 10
1 Minun SW 24
1 Absol ex PK 92
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30
4 Pokedex DP 111
2 Castaway CG 72
2 Buffer Piece DF 72
1 Strength Charm DF 81
1 Timespace Distortion MT 124
1 Scott PK 81
3 Roseanne's Research SW 125
2 Team Galactic's Wager MT 115
1 Team Galactic's Mars SW 126
2 Super Scoop Up DP 115
1 Warp Point CG 84
4 Celio's Network CG 73
2 Lake Boundary MT 112
2 Professor Birch PK 80
1 Professor Rowan SW 123
1 Master Ball PK 78
Energy: 16
4 Multi Energy PK 89
3 Darkness Energy MT 119
9 Fighting Energy PK 108
I suggest to try out Lucario, you won't be disappointed
and if Darkrai makes it big, Lucario may just make a
Modified: 4.7/5 |