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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Darkrai Lv. 40
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.00
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 2.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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goose |
Darkrai Lv. 40 GE
Hello and good morning. Today marks the beginning of
the week and also the start of GE preview reviews!
Today’s card is Darkrai, a card that will be use
more for its Lv. X. The normal Darkrai isn’t too
bad, 80 HP, 10 and your opponent must switch for
(C), and a possible (Though not likely) 80 for (D)(D)(C)
or at least 40 and sleep. Weakness to fighting is
not good, it can be OHKOed by Gallade W/O it needing
to flip over prizes. 1 Retreat cost is kind of
normal, not to much, and not 0…
Pros –
The Lv. X rocks! (I’ll talk about him when we review
him) (If we do…)
80 HP
Cons –
Suckish attacks
Bad weakness
Unlimited – Want dark? Go with Sneasle. 1/5
Modified – Points are boosted by nice Lv. X. 3.75/5
Limited – 10 and switch for (C) and 80 HP is all
you’ll get out of this guy. 3.25/5
I can’t wait until February 3rd! (GE
“If love is the answer can you rephrase the

Alex Bramham
Nationals Finalist 2007 |
Darkrai L40
I see much more potential in the L38 Darkrai. Darkness
roar is low level disruption. If it acted like gust of
wind, great but it doesn't. I think the Darkrai line has
potential but Darkrai L38 just catches my eye. The
ability to get any energy (think scramble hey) every
turn without needing to attach has great combo
Modified: 1/5 - use the other one
Unlimited: 1/5 - resistance to psychic don't help 'cause
gastly don't do no damage ;) |
Arbok14 |
Welcome to a new week, and today we start reviewing some
of the new cards from Great Encounters!! I hope you
enjoy the sneak peek, and today we introduce Darkrai!
Name: Darkrai Lv.40
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: This guy isn't bad. 80 HP is pretty good for a
basic, which is necessary here because Darkrai does not
evolve. It does have a Lv. X, but since I have not seen
it, I will not go deeper into the subject. But
basically, the HP can improve with the Lv. X, which is
good. The +20 fighting weakness is really bad, giving
Gallade an easy prize without even flipping one. The +20
psychic resistance helps it, but any resistance is good
in my opinion. Darkness Roar is OK, not devastating, but
it can buy you time if you are having trouble with your
opponent's active (go away, Absol!!). Sleep Hole is
definitely intriguing, because it can make it a decent
teammate for Venusaur. Just put your opponent to sleep
with Venusaur's power an then smack him for 80 (most
likely more if you have special darkness). In my
opinion, I don't think this will see a lot of play on
its own, but wait until we see the Lv. X, and then we
can judge it better.
Unlimited: Blech. It's not a hard hitter, and this is a
format for OHKOs.(1/5)
Modified: Not too good here either, but it could be
decent with Venusaurs. I give it a decent rating in
anticipation of an explosive Lv. X. (3/5)
Limited: Big, brawny basic Pokemon, which can provide an
uncontrolled (opponent picks) gust of wind and an attack
with the Sleep condition. Take it. (4/5) |

Raichu88 |
Unlimted: To weak and needs too many Energy.
Rating : 1/5
Modified: It's a really dope Pokemon too bad it
isn't that good. With Gallade being popular
it's just to weak to play it. Gallade can OHKO this
without flipping a prize card over.
Rating : 1/5
Limited: Sleep and disrupting the Bench works in
Limited and now you can use Basic Darkness so why
Rating : 2.5/5