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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Tangrowth Lv. 38
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 2.75
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
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Unlimited - Chuck this in the rubbish bin. 1/5
Modified - Power Whip is way too expensive for the cost.
Stick and Absorb is also expensive. The only good thing
about this tanglement of vines is the high HP for a stage 1.
Limited - Healing and doing damage at the same time is
great, plus bench hitting is cool. 3/5 |

goose |
Tangrowth Lv. 38 GE
Happy Tuesday all of you people. Today’s COTD is another new
card from GE, Tangrowth. This card is just begging to be
paired up with the hyped about Sceptile from GE, making
every basic (G) energy count as two. 110 HP is nice for a
stage 1, not OHKO able by all of those pokemon that do 100
or 90. The second attack on Tangrowth needs to be 1 (c) less
at least, but when paired with Sceptile, it only costs 2
(G). Power whip is why this card will see play if it does
see play. 10 damage to any pokemon for every energy on
Tangrowth isn’t much, but with Sceptile, it does 20 damage
for every (G) energy attached to it! With a never dieing
ability to keep gaining energy, and a try at some healing
support, this card may see some play yet.
Pros –
Power whip rocks W/ Sceptile
110 HP is nice
Self healing
Cons –
Magmortar loves the weakness
Relies on Sceptile
Unlimited – Why? Just use Sneasle. 1/5
Modified – Simi-fast sniping and good HP 3.75/5 only with
Sceptile, 2.25 elsewhere
Limited – Self healing + large HP + Sniping. If you have
some grass energy in your deck use him! 4/5
Geez, and I thought I had some seriously messed up hair!
“There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already
full.” |
Arbok14 |
Today we continue our Great Encounters preview with a
new evolution for Tangela, Tangrowth!
Name: Tangrowth Lv. 38
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: I definitely like this guy. It is the stage 1
evolution for the previously unevolvable Tangela. With
110 HP, it will definitely last for a while, especially
since it has the ability to heal itself. It's weakness
to fire may be harmful, especially with the popularity
of Magmortar skyrocketing. But the resistance to water
is definitely nice. It's first attack snipe your
opponent, so if you loaded him up, you can definitely
unleash on any threats on the opposing bench. But what I
like is Tangrowth's second move, Stick and Absorb. It
does 60 damage, heals 30 automatically, and prevents
your opponent from retreating! And for what it looks
like, a retreat cost of 2 is not bad at all. I was
expecting 3 or 4 at least. Play it with a Secret Wonders
Sunflora, and you will be healing 40 every turn, beating
out Venusaur, which needs a flip.
Unlimited: Not really good, especially since there is a
good probability you will get OHKO'ed anyway. (1/5)
Modified: I like it. It definitely has potential to last
and to beat down your opponent, whether it is his/her
active or bench. Team it up right, and you could be in
business. Like I said, a Sunflora could be good, along
with something else. (4/5)
Limited: Massive HP for a stage 1 and it can heal itself
and it can snipe and it has resistance and it has a
manageable retreat cost and it... Just take it if you
get the Tangela! (5/5)

MegaDom |
110 HP
Steep Energy costs
2 Retreat
4 for 60

Raichu88 |
This Pokemon reminds me of the McDonalds figure they
used to had back in the days.
Unlimited: Could work with Meganium from Neo Genesis
but there are so many better
Decks to choose from in Unlimted.
Rating : 2/5
Modified: Weakness to Fire isn't that good nowadays.
Magmortar is played a lot in this current Format.
Could be used with Sceptile POP 4 and Leafeon Lv X
(If it's in the set, probably not).Celebi MT could
to Power itt up but otherwise I don't see the use of
this card.
Rating : 2/5
Limited: Good attacks, decent HP and 2 retreat is
Rating : 3/5