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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Togekiss Lv. 51
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.50
Modified: 3.90
Limited: 3.65
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
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Unlimited - If I wanna play multiple energy in 1 turn I'll
use Blastoise. 1/5
Modified - Could see some play. Drop a Togepi/Rare Candy/Togetic
and surprise your opponent with an energized Pokemon out of
nowhere. This will help thin your deck of energies so you
have a greater chance of drawing more important cards, like
Pokemon and Trainers. Its attack is pretty sucky but it
should be used mostly for bench sitting and its power. 3/5
Limited - Tough getting a stage 2 into play. But if you do,
boom. All your pokemon will be energy'd up and be raring to
go. 3/5 |

goose |
Togekiss Lv. 51 120
Hey there. Today’s COTD is another new GE card that
is sure to make tons of decks. Nice HP, especially
for a card that has a horrible attack. The attack
stinks 3 (C) to do 40 and heal or 70. It’s not worth
it! But this card isn’t played for its attack. Its
poke-power “Serene Grace” is like a Holon Farmer on
steroids. When you evolve into this little… Um bird
like thing. You look at the top 10 cards from your
deck and take all the Basic energies from
there, Ok, next you attach all of those energies to
your pokemon any way you like it, WOW! By simply
evolving into Togekiss you can power up all of your
pokemon at once! Add that with pokemon like Magneton
that can do more damage for every energy on your
side of the field and you can simply go to town!
Only problem, if you don’t get very many energies
you just wasted it.
Pros –
Mass energy acceleration
Nice HP
Good Resistance
Cons –
The attack sucks
Needs to be set up
Unlimited – Want energy acceleration? Use base set
Blastoise. 1/5
Modified – Could work great if set up correctly. 4/5
Limited – Nice, as long as you can get it out.
Woot! Only 3 more days ‘till GE prerelease and only
about a month until SSBB!
“Every oak tree started out as a couple of nuts who
decided to stand their ground.”
Arbok14 |
Hey all, here is our next preview of Great Encounters,
Name: Togekiss Lv. 51
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare Holo
Analysis: OK, so Togekiss is a stage 2 and is the new
evolution for Togetic. It has 120 HP, which will help it
last a while. The weakness to lightning is not the end
of the world and the resistance to fighting is great!
Add on the retreat cost of one, and Togekiss is off to a
great start. The attack, Air Scroll, is decent; for 3
energy, it does 40 damage and a coin flip decides
whether it does more damage or heals itself. Its
Poke-POWER 'Serene Grace" is the real reason it would be
used, though. It is a great energy accelerator, allowing
you to take all basic energy from the top 10 cards of
your deck and attach them to your pokemon in any way you
like. This can combo well with, well... anything, lol.
Unlimited: It's not bad here, but it could be difficult
to use with all the Power-stopping stuff here. (3/5)
Modified: Great! Use it with a strong stage 1, like
Magmortar, Tangrowth, etc. (4.5/5)
Limited: It's difficult to get out a stage 2 in limited,
but if you get it, you should have it in your deck
because it will destroy dreams in this format. (4/5)