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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Diamond & Pearl
Secret Wonders
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Unlimited: 1.25
Modified: 1.80
Limited: 1.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 3 ... average. 5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Unlimited - Junk. 1/5
Modified - No reason to use Smoochum here since Jynx is
bad. The attack is weak and flippy. 1/5
Limited - Barely any special energy cards are used here
so the attack will probably do nothing at all! 1/5

goose |
Smoochum Lv. 6 SW
Hello, I hope all of you are having a good day so
far. Today’s COTD is one that doesn’t
(And probably won’t) see much play. This will be
kinda short, low HP is not good in this high HP
format. The poke-power is one that is standard on
all newer baby pokemon, the ability to evolve from a
power is a pro and a con because it lets you evolve
on the first turn, but it also can’t evolve if it’s
power is turned off (From something like Cessation
Crystal.) The attack isn’t that good because 1. It
needs a coin flip to work, and 2. The most common
special energy is double rainbow energy and boost
energy, and boost is discarded before this can hit
it. Overall, only use it to evolve into Jynx so you
fire and psychic pokemon have 1 less retreat cost
(More for the fire as psychic already has Pheobe’s
Pros –
Evolves into Jynx
Possible energy removal
Baby evolution
Cons –
energy removal
Coin flips are evil
Low HP
Baby evolution
Unlimited – Use a baby with the other baby power
(You know, the flippy one) 1/5
Modified – Only use to evolve. 2.5/5
Limited – Hard to evolve + almost no special energy
= don’t use this 2/5
Can’t wait until I can start building decks with
cards from GE!
“I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out
of the hands of fools. Let's start with

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Smoochum lv 6
is ok discarding special energies is nice but as all
other flip cards good players just don’t use them.
modified 2.5
classic 2.5
limited 1 |
Arbok14 |
Hello to everyone,
today is Wednesday and here I am, back for another
review. Today we have Smoochum, a baby Pokemon which
evolves into Jynx.
Name: Smoochum LV. 6
Set: Secret Wonders
Rarity: Uncommon
Overview: Smoochum is a baby Pokemon which can evolve
into the basic Pokemon Jynx. It is psychic-type and has
50 HP, +10 Weakness to psychic, no resistance, and a
Retreat Cost of 1. It has the Poke-Power 'Baby
Evolution,' which allows you to evolve it into Jynx and
remove all damage counters originally on Smoochum when
you do. Its attack, 'Psykiss,' costs no energy and has
you flip a coin and shuffle 1 special energy card
attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokemon back into his
or her deck with a heads flip.
Analysis: I think that Smoochum would be much better if
Jynx was a better card to evolve into. Smoochum could be
an alright starter because of its energy-less attack,
but that attack does require a coin flip and 50 HP is
not good. I don't think that Smoochum will see any play
mainly because its attack is flippy and because Jynx is
not good at all. This is especially true since its
attack is dependent on it having damage counters and
Jynx's 70 HP gives you little room for that. Most decks
can do 70+ damage by turn 3. The weakness is also bad,
especially with the incredible popularity of Gardevoir.
Unlimited: Don't even think about this. Unless you like
Smoochum-sacrificing rituals. Then otherwise go ahead.
Modified: I don't think it will see play here either. If
only Jynx had a cool evolution like Magmar and
Electabuzz do now... (1/5)
Limited: No useful here either, especially since it will
be rare that your opponent will use special metal or
darkness energies, let alone pull them. (1/5)
Ouch, I was harsh today... Death to Smoochy, lol! |

MegaDom |
Hey peepsels. It’s Purple, It’s Cute, It wants to kiss
you real bad, it’s
Smoochum Lv.6 50 hp (psychic)
Basic Pokemon
Poke-Power: Baby Evolution
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may put
Jynx from your hand onto Smoochum (this counts as
evolving Smoochum) and remove all damage counters from
(#) PsyKiss
Flip a coin. If heads, choose a Special Energy card
attached to 1 of your opponent's Pokémon and have your
opponent shuffle that card into his or her deck.
Weakness Resistance Retreat
(P)+ 10 X (C)
Baby Effect
Bye-Bye Energy
Unlimited: 2/5 Big fat Purple NO
Modified :2.5/5 Too Flippy
Limited : 2.75/5 Iffy