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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.00
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
7/1 Dawn Stadium (MD)
So, you like to make stall decks then. Stall decks are
alright really, but some of them lack the consistent and
continuous healing that are needed to survive. However,
as you may or may not have realised, most stall decks
are Grass or Water based, and thus, Dawn Stadium becomes
quite good for most stall decks. Dawn Stadium gives
consistent and continuous healing every turn you attach
an energy to one of your Grass or Water Pokémon. It also
gets rid of Special Conditions, which is nice. However,
you have to keep attaching energies to your tank to keep
it being healed, and after you've got enough energies on
your tank to allow it to attack, you are probably not
going to want to attach any more to it. There's always
Energy Switch or Energy Trans type Poké-Powers, but
still, your deck will need to be very specialised to
make the deck work with Dawn Stadium. Also, of course,
it can be used by your opponent, which can be annoying.
Still, it can be a good healer for if you need to use
Modified: If you can stall with a Water or Grass Pokémon
in your deck, then Dawn Stadium can come in handy at
times. However, it does work better if the card in
question does more damage with more energy, or if you
have something like an Energy Trans card you can use.
The fact that your opponent can use the effect is
annoying, as is the fact that Windstorm or Counter
Stadiums are easy and well played ways of getting rid of
Dawn Stadium, which if you rely of Dawn Stadiums healing
is very annoying. However, it can be extremely useful,
and thus any Water or Grass stall deck should consider
this straight away. Other typed stall decks need not
consider it. 3.5/5
Limited: Chances are, you'll be able to use a Grass or
Water type here, but chances are, they won't have the HP
to really be a tank fitting of Dawn Stadium. The removal
of damage and Special Conditions is still very nice
though. 3/5
Sorry about the short review today, there just isn't
much to say about Dawn Stadium. |

of the Lake
A stadium today. Rox.
Dawn Stadium
Following along the Leafeon/Glaceon emphasis on Majestic Dawn, here is a card that would be G/U in Magic. Do you play it this season, or the next?
Whenever you attach an Energy, ANY Energy, to a Grass or Water type, you take off 10 damage, and get rid of all Special Conditions. The keyword here is "whenever you attach an energy." Keyphrase. Whatever.
The idea is, attach the energies, take off the damage, win/win/win (third win for me, I always win). You can see how you can start to abuse this card with cards like Leafeon Lv.X in modified, and Blastoise, and Blastoise ex in Unlimited. A nifty combo, one that acts as a reverse Pokémon Center, but also as a double-edged scimitar in mirror. Like most stadiums. At least it's not Chaos Gym.
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 2/5. Useful with Leafeon Lv.X. Wait until next season for its power to be truly unleashed.
Limited: 5/5. The only stadium in the set, this thing will stay in play once you put it in play. And healing 10 by attaching energy is simply amazing in Limited, not to mention getting rid of Special Conditions, which can be a pain.
Unlimited: 3/5. Funnily enough, this card has a fantastic combo with Blastoise, and actually works better in Unlimited than in HP-On. The effect of the stadium activates with each energy you Rain Dance. Free Potions for everyone!
Aurora Eeveelutions amica. Valete. |
Alazor |
Dawn Stadium
With decks like Empoleon that might still be played and
the new Kingdra being awaited in the next set and with
Leafeon lv. X being played, I'd expect this stadium to
see some play.
This might even work in a Raindance deck.
Modified: 3.5/5
Limited: 3.5/5 There's quite a few water pokemon and
grass pokemon, so it should be fairly easy to build a
deck that benefits a lot from this card.
Unlimited: 2/5 There's also Ecogym (Neo Genesis), Power
Tree (Legend Maker), and Glacia's Stadium (Power
Keepers) that might work just as well. |
Milk Man |
Dawn Stadium
Welcome to day 2 of Trainer week! Today we're looking at
the next installment of element stadiums, Dawn Stadium.
Overall it's not a bad card, it never hurts to heal, but
it would be amazing if it would heal more than one
counter per energy, maybe 2 damage counters or one
between turns... If it's played right, maybe with
Gyarados or another (w) or (g) that status' itself then
it'll pay off, otherwise it just doesn't seem worth it.
A good counter to status decks, but once again, only for
(w) or (g).
In the limited format it could go either way, it takes
up a spot, but it heals, and in a format where you take
healing where you can get it, it may pay off... with (w)
or (g)...

goose |
Dawn Stadium MD
Good day to all of you pokemon card fans. Today we
continue our week of MD trainers, stadiums, and
supporters. This card today is decent, look at it more
like a card to prevent bad stadiums (Like Crystal Beach,
Holon Circle, Moonlight Stadium, Lake Boundary, Ect.)
from staying on the field too long, but as a trainer
itself… It isn’t too bad, the effect is decent for (W)
and (G) decks, effectively removing 1 damage from a (G)
or (W) pokemon each time you attach energy to it. There
are some neat tricks with this; Leafeon Lv.X comes to
mind, and other pokemon like Blastoise… But we run into
a problem, it only works once if you attach a whole
bunch of cards from your hand at the same time...
Meaning that even though you attached 5 energy to one
pokemon with Blastoise, you only get to remove one
damage counter…
Pros –
It gets rid of bad Stadiums.
Removes 1 damage from your (G) or (W) pokemon.
Removes all special conditions too (Trust me, this can
be a life saver!)
Cons –
It only works for (G) and (W) pokemon.
Only heals 1 damage even with mass energy attaching
Modified – If you’re running a (G) or (W) deck, think
about it. If you’re running Leafeon Lv.X, USE IT! 3.75/5
Limited – How often are you going to attach energy to a
(G) or (W) pokemon? Exactly. 3.5/5
How would a whole stadium be stuck at dawn? Do they not
follow the same rules of the earth’s gravitational
rotation as us?
“Never harm an enemy, but don’t help him up
either…” |