goose |
Scizor Lv.42 MD
Welcome, today’s COTD today is Scizor,
a card that didn’t see much play this year and will see
even less play next year. The HP is decent and the
resistance is nice, while the weakness isn’t so good.
Special Blow is a move that promises so much but fails
to deliver when you need it. Doing 80 damage for 1 (M)
is amazing, but, with scramble and DRE going out next
season, there really is no use for it… The second attack
has a high damage potential, but is again stopped dead,
this time by a coin flip. Hey! You can also get a T2
donk if your opponent plays Call energy, how about that?
Pros –
80 for 1 (M)
Nice HP
Nice resistance
T2 donkability
Cons –
Bad weakness
Too dependant
Modified – Could work… For the
remainder of the season… Or if they reprint DRE or
Scramble 4/5…
Limited - Won’t find many special
energy here, but 30 for (M) is still good.
Guess what!?! This card rocks in
unmodified! With so much Double Colorless Energy running
around this thing can do 80 damage a lot (Watch out for
“I’m telling you, things are getting out of hand. Or
maybe I’m discovering that things were never in my
hands.” |
Alazor |
Scizor (Majestic Dawn)
Alright, this is the stage 1 we're talking about. It can
potentially do 80 damage for 1 energy? It's 1st attack
can and will do 80 where everyone likes Special Energy.
It's second attack averages to do 70 damage for 3
energy. Better than that Toxicroak at least. HP is
average and fire weakness hurts, but you can still run
those Special Energies to keep Scizor from getting
OHKOed. Psychic resistance helps this guy run a little
better as well.
Modified 3.5/5 With so many people playing Call Energy,
wouldn't it be nice to snag the 1st prize?
Unlimited: 3/5 Unlimited plays a lot of special energy
and could work well with Scizor ex-- if you don't want
to let your opponent to grab an easy 2 prizes, you could
grab the other Scizor using Wally's Training.
Limited: 5/5 There are 5 special energies in this set
and people are bound to run some of them. With everyone
running call so they can get basics and thin the deck
out, Scizor should do very well. |
Milk Man |
Happy Thursday all, today the
magnifying glass is over Scizor... which is just where
the problems begin... 90 hp is respectable, one retreat
cost isn't bad, -20 resistance to psychic could help,
but holy fire weakness! +30 to fire is really not fun
considering only having 90 hp and the popularity of
Infernape/Magmortar/Blazinken/Typhlosion... the attacks
aren't bad... with the new rotation there really won't
be much use for sniping special energy users and coin
flips are a no-no from the second attack...
Modified- 2.4/5
Limited shows some potential for this
guy, with 3 special energy in this set and only needing
one energy for a solid 30 you're likely to have him last
a bit longer than most others in this format.
Limited- 3.8/5