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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 34
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.37
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Arbok14 |
Good Wednesday to all! Today we have
Manectric Lv. 34
Majestic Dawn
Analysis: I can see why this guy is
only uncommon. 80 HP on a stage 1? Come on! Its retreat
cost makes up for that somewhat, but no decks will have
problems dealing 80 damage to an active in one turn.
Some decks don't even have problems doing that much
damage to a benched Pokemon! It is fast, but will have
problems with coin flips, which is not good. Fighting
weakness hurts a lot. Thunder Wave is a great attack for
1 energy. Volt Crush would be much better without the
coin flip. Houndoom is a MUCH better choice to do what
Manectric attempts to do, which is quick damage.
Modified: Houndoom is a much better
choice. However, this has the upper hand against
Empoleon. (1.5/5)
Limited: Pretty good here. HP isn't
great, but it needs little energy to do a lot of damage.
Free retreat is great here! (3.5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
7/16 Manectric Lv. 34 (MD)
80 HP on a non-evolving Stage 1 is not good, and neither
is the +20 Fighting Weakness, which is just meaning only
a Gallade (SW) with a DRE won't get an automatic OHKO,
and even then, they can Flip Prizes or use a Strength
Charm/Plus Power to get the OHKO in that situation. -20
Metal Resistance is basically useless at the moment, but
might end up being useful next format or something.
Chances are it will still be useless, but that isn't the
point. A free Retreat Cost is nice, but consider
Manectric can't take a hit, you probably won't be using
it. Now, the attacks. Now, the last couple of days, what
was wrong with the main attacks of the cards? That's
right, they were too flippy. Now look at Manectric's
attacks. Yes, that's right, both attacks require coin
flips to work at maximum efficiency. Thunder Wave does a
nice 30 for L, and can Paralyze, but the flip lets it
down, and it only does 30, so will never be a main
attack. Volt Crush does 40 for LC, and has a nice flip
effect, but needs to be heads for the best effect of +30
damage, but will also discard an energy attached to
Manectric, which is annoying. Volt Crush would end up as
Manectric's main attack, but really you will never want
to attack with it due to the flippy nature and the
possible discarding effect.
So, it's got rubbish attacks, rubbish HP, rubbish
Weakness, rubbish Resistance, and is all round bad. Now,
you may be wondering what combos it can have. The only
one I can currently think of is the use of a double
headed coin or the use of weighted dice. Now, both of
those are illegal, so don't use them.
Compared to other main attackers, Manectric is
completely redundant. It will never take a hit from any
other attacker, no matter which one. Even worse,
Manectric will never OHKO anything, even with a heads
for Volt Crush. In fact, the only way it would ever be
able to KO anything unless you get extremely lucky with
loads of heads for Thunder Wave, before following it up
with a headed Volt Crush. If your deck can't OHKO
Manectric, it's obviously either a Stall deck or a
rubbish one.
Modified: It will never OHKO anything, will never take a
single hit, has attacks that are way too flippy to be of
any practical use. Do not use it, ever. 1/5
Limited: Discarding energy is bad here, but cheap
attacks and the chance of Paralyzing is alright, as is
Volt Crush's chance of 70 damage. Here, it should be
able to survive at least 1 hit, and will have a good
chance of KO-ing something here, you just have to hope
the flippy nature of the card goes your way. 3/5 |
Alazor |
Manectric (Majestic Dawn)
Cheap attacks, free retreat, resistance to metal,
fighting weakness, 80 hp. Looks like a stage 1 Base
Electabuzz. Flip to paralyze and 30 for a lightning. Not
bad at all. 2 energy for 40 is OK, but with a coin flip
it could get 70-- it averages to 55 damage. If you're
good at flipping heads, this might be playable and with
DRE and Scramble going gone....
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 3.5/5 |