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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 20
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.83
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Arbok14 |
Hey, the end of the week is almost
here! Though since it is summer, I'm sure that doesn't
mean much to most of us. Oh well, today we have Monferno
for you!
Monferno Lv. 20
Majestic Dawn
Analysis: OK, Monferno has a few
problems. 70 HP is TERRIBLE on a Stage 1, even if it
still evolves. The weakness to water is a definite
problem these days. Its free retreat cost is very good.
Fire Fang is great for only 1 energy, but Mid-Air Strike
is not good at all. Really, you should only use this for
Infernape, but the DP Monferno is slightly better for
Modified: Good retreat cost and first
attack, but everything else sucks. (1/5)
Limited: Its retreat cost and first
attack make it a relative gem here, similar to Manectric
yesterday. (3.5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
7/17 Monferno Lv. 20 (MD)
Monferno's basic stats are, pretty average really. 70 HP
on an Evolving Stage 1 is alright, but if you have it
active more than 1 turn though, it probably won't
survive more than 1 hit, and will be KO-ed. Against
Water types, that +20 Water Weakness hurts as well,
meaning it definitely won't survive a hit against any
hard hitting Water types. No Resistance is, er, no
Resistance, and no Retreat Cost is just great. The
attacks, however, are great. R for 30 is pretty good on
it's own, but auto-Burn sets it apart for all of the
other 1-for-30 attacks. That's a great attack, and
you'll definitely want to use it at least once when you
have Monferno attacking. The rest of the time, though,
you will want to use Mid-air Strike. CC for an average
of 45 isn't bad really, and unlike the rest of those
annoying flippy attacks earlier in the week (apart from
Manectric yesterday), is that it will definately do at
least 30 damage, and the possibility of 60 for CC is
very good. Basically, for a Stage 1 that will Evolve,
it's very fragile, but incredibly powerful.
However, before you go and make your Infernape deck and
put in this MD version of Monferno in for the Stage 1,
there is another Monferno to think about, the DP
Monferno. They are the same Stage, have the same HP,
same Weakness, same Resistance and same Retreat Cost, so
the only way to separate the cards are through their
attacks, they both have single R attacks and CC attacks.
For the R attacks, the DP Monferno wins out for me
there. Infernape (both of them) like to discard lots of
energies, so if you can get the energies back and attach
them to Monferno before it becomes an Infernape, then to
me, that's better than Burn any day of the week. The
damage the R attacks to is the same, so I won't bother
saying about that any more. For the CC attacks, the MD
Monferno wins out here due to having a base damage and
the damage averaging out at 45, whereas the DP Monferno
has no base damage and an average damage of 30. They can
both reach 60 damage, but the DP version needs a lot
more luck to do so. All in all, it's a tough choice
between the two. However, flame dance on the DP one
makes me want to play DP Monferno instead of the MD one.
Other people may prefer the Burn and the higher average
damage from the MD one, but the DP one sets up Infernape
that little bit more, which wins it over for me.
Now, back to the MD Monferno and it's survivability, and
it doesn't have any. Every deck should be able to OHKO
it, so evolve ASAP, otherwise you will regret it.
Modified: It won't survive one half decent attack, but
it's powerful. 30 and Burn for R is great, and 30 - 60
for CC is great as well. It's the worse of the two
Monferno's in my opinion, but only just. It doesn't set
up Infernape very well, but it will weaken your
opponent's active very nicely. 2.5/5
Limited: Here, Monferno turns from strong for a Stage 1,
into an absolute power house, and is energy efficient.
30 and Burn for just R is great, and will definitely
hurt anything it attacks with just Fire Fang. 30 to 60
for CC is great as well, and should serve as a nice
finishing attack, but flips could be it's down fall.
3.75/5 |
Alazor |
Monferno (Majestic Dawn)
Free retreat, for a fire you can do 30 + burn-- so
that's about 40 damage for 1 energy-- very nice. It's
second attack isn't as good, it averages 45 damage for 2
energy, but this guy really needs Infernape (Majestic
Dawn) to really be useful.
Modified: 4/5
Limited: 3.25/5 |