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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 21
Burger King Promo
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.87
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Arbok14 |
Grotle Lv. 21
Burger King Promo
HP: (90) - 90 HP for a Stage 1 that
still needs to evolve is great. It will be able to last
a little longer until you can get Torterra out.
(Fire+20/Water-20) - The weakness used to be a problem,
but Empoleon has helped that a bit. That's where the
resistance to water becomes great. Too bad Torterra
doesn't share the resistance.
Retreat Cost: (3) - A retreat cost of
three is terrible on anything. Especially on a Pokemon
that still needs to evolve.
Attack #1: (G - Synthesis) - I really
like this attack, because it can definitely help speed
up an hugely energy-hungry Torterra deck.
Attack #2: (GCC - Cut) - A basic
attack that only does a mediocre amount of damage. Only
use this when Torterra is unavailable.
Final Card Anaysis - Grotle should
really used solely for Torterra, and I believe this is
the better of the two available right now. Alone, this
card isn't terrible, because of its resistance.
Modified: Good resistance. The
weakness is no longer a big problem thanks to Empoleon.
Play with Torterra! (3/5)
Limited: Synthesis can break a game
wide open and allow you to blow past an opponent. Cut
also does a good amount of damage for Limited. (4/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
7/21 Grotle Lv.21 (BK promo)
Hello, and welcome to the first day of Burger King Promo
week. If you've seen the promos already, then you know
what to expect.
Anyway, Grotle, and yes, like all of the other BK
promos, it is a reprint, in this case (and the case of
all bar one of the other cards) from DP. The card, for a
Stage 1 that evolves, isn't too bad really. 90 HP on a
Stage 1 that can evolve again is really good, as is -20
Water Resistance. 3 Retreat Cost and +20 Fire Weakness
are annoying, though the Weakness will probably never
get used due to the overabundance of good Waters, and
thus a lack of Fire decks being played (though there may
be the odd Magmortar (SW) or Infernape (MD) or Skittles
deck that you end up playing against). The attacks are
alright. Synthesis is a nice bit of Energy acceleration
attack, getting the energy from the deck and being able
to attach it to one of your Pokémon, plus serves as a
nice little bit of deck thinning. For G, that's not a
bad attack. For GCC, Cut can do 50. That's alright, but
not spectacular. To be honest, if you have enough time
to use Cut, you really haven't got Torterra out quick
There is another Grotle in Modified to think about,
which is from MD. The card was actually reviewed a
couple of weeks ago, in case you want to remind yourself
of what it does or what people thought of it. Now, the
HP and bottom stats for both cards are the same, so only
the attack will split the two cards. For the first
attacks, Planting vs. Synthesis, they are similar
attacks. Planting, however, needs a C energy, does
damage, but will only attach the energy from your hand.
Because, early game, you cannot guaranty you will have
an energy in your hand, I think Synthesis may be the
better first attack, but only just. for the second
attacks, Body Slam vs. Cut, it's a straight fight
between if you want to do more damage or have a chance
to stall with Paralysis. Personally, I prefer Body Slam
by a long way, but really, if you end up using their
second attacks, you need to change your deck so you can
get Torterra out quicker. Because of Body Slam and
Planting's similar effect to Synthesis, I would probably
play MD instead of DP, but since there is very little to
choose between the 2, everyone will have a slightly
different opinion and reason for their Grotle.
Like I said before, 90 HP for this card is pretty good,
but if you leave it out long enough, any main attacker
will OHKO it very quickly, so try to evolve it ASAP.
Modified: It is really just very slightly worse than the
MD Grotle, but is still not bad really. Synthesis is a
nice attack to help power up the otherwise slow Torterra
relatively quickly. Cut is average, but you should never
have to use it anyway. Of course, in a non-Torterra
deck, Grotle will do nothing, so don't try to add it to
any other deck. 2.5/5
Limited: Er, this particular one is a promo, so if you
pay limited with the promos, what are you thinking? ?/5
However, in DP limited (remember, it is a reprint, so
you could find yourself with the same card, just without
the nice stamp), it isn't bad, with a nice energy
acceleration attack and an attack that should 2HKO most
of you find here, and becomes a bit of a tank with 90
HP. If I had to give it a mark, with would probably be
3/5, but I'd still wish the MD one in DP instead. |
Alazor |
Grotle (Burger King)
So, I guess everyone's excited about the new Burger King
or at least try to be. *Yay*
Grotle is the none other card that can be used in the
Torterrible, which T4ed in US Masters in Nationals-- if
you haven't heard yet. But this guy has nice 90 hp,
energy acceleration on the first attack, but a high
retreat cost. You need cards like Super Scoop Up to make
it up.
If you aren't running this guy with Sceptile (Great
Encounters), you might want to eat this card with your
Modified 3/5 Run 2 of each Grotle for variety.
Limited: 3.5/5 High hp, energy acceleration, alright!
And a 1 energy attack. |