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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 20
Burger King Promo
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.40
Limited: 4.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Prinplup Lv. 20
Burger King Promo
HP: (80) - Not bad for something that
still needs to evolve.
(Lightning+20/none) - Nothing really to complain about
here. Lightning is no real issue right now.
Retreat Cost: (1) - Pretty good
retreat cost for a stage 1.
Attack #1: (W - Aqua Shower) - This
is an attack that can combo with many cards. This leads
to consideration of putting this without Empoleon in
some decks. 10 damage to all of your opponent's Pokemon
is great!
Attack #2: (WW - Brine) - Definitely
combos well with Aqua Shower. You should really use this
when you have no other options, though.
Final Card Analysis - I like this
card. In my opinion, though, I don't think this is as
good as the Majestic Dawn version of Prinplup. BUT, this
one can certainly be used on its own to combo with
something else besides Empoleon.
Modified: If you are using Empoleon,
the other Prinplup may be better, but this one can combo
well with a lot of cards. (3.5/5)
Limited: BENCH DAMAGE!! Nicccce...
Jigglypuff13 |
7/24 Prinplup Lv. 20 (BK Promo)
We are nearing the end of the BK Promo card this week,
and are thus moving on to the 2 best cards of the set.
Now, if you've had a look at the picture up the top of
the page, you'll notice that #2 is Prinplup, and it
truly is a great card. First of all, the HP isn't that
great really. 80 on a stage 1 that evolves is average,
really. The bottom stats are all average as well, with
just a +20 Weakness to Lightning (a type that isn't
often played at the moment), no Resistance and 1 Retreat
Cost. All of that is very average. However, the attacks
are make this card so great. For W, Aqua Shower ends up
being it's primary attack, doing 10 to everyone on your
opponent's side of the field, which helps so many of
today's great spreaders, most notable Empoleon (MD),
Omastar (MD) and Bronzong (MD). Those three cards can
either add to the spreading or use the spreading to
annoy your opponent. No matter what though, it's worth
keep Prinplup in play for a while just to use Aqua
Shower until it gets KOed. Brine, for WW, isn't exactly
a bad attack either. It does 40 to anything so long as
it already has a Damage Counter on it. Because it needs
the set up, it's more of a finisher attack on 50HP
Pokémon, especially those that are going to evolve to
Pokémon that aid set-up (Baltoy (GE) springs immediately
to mind).
This DP/BK Prinplup does have competition from MD
though. They have the same bottom stats and HP, so the
attacks are going to be the determining factor. First of
all, MD Prinplup's attacks need 1 more energy when
compared to DP's attacks, which is automatically put it
in DP's advantage. Also, the DP one has the better
spreading when compared to the MD's one, which can do 50
to the active and 10 to 2 of their bench. However, the
MD one has the slightly better targeted sniping, needing
less set up, but it does also only do 30 damage instead
of Brine's 40. Because of the better spreading, the best
Prinplup has to be the DP/BK one, there is just no
As for survivability, Prinplup will survive the early
turns (which is what it should be doing), but later on,
it will be OHKOed by everyone really. However, it is
good for activating Scramble energy, since it should get
a few good spreads in before it gets KOed.
Modified: It's the number 1 spreader with Aqua Shower
and being able to evolve to Empoleon. While it will
mainly be used in Empoleon decks, it could help any
spreader really, with Omastar (MD) and also Kabubtops
(MD) being able to take advantage of it. If it has 1
weakness, then it's the fact it will loss power as the
game goes on, due to only getting one spread in before
getting OHKOed, instead of the few it will get in early
game, but still, it's fantastic. 3.25/5
Limited: It helps here due to the fact it's one of the
few cards that can spread and snipe effectively.
However, nothing can really take advantage of it's
spreading abilities, and while some of the other cards
you can get will aid it, you won't get enough of them to
really make it's brilliant spreading abilities a focus.
Still great here. 3/5 |
Alazor |
Prinplup (BK)
Good damage spread, which can be used in Empoleon.
Sniping 40 for 2 energy is amazing!
Brine sets up the KOs for later.And it has a nice 80 hp,
which is actually a little low, but retreat cost and
attacks make up for it.
Modified: 3.5/5 Nice with Empoleon.
Limited: 5/5 Best card you can play in the BK draft
along with Manaphy. |