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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 30
Diamond & Pearl
Burger King Promo
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Lucario Lv. 30
Burger King Promo
HP: (90) - A little low for something
that does not evolve further. But this guy hits fast and
is not meant to last in a trench fight.
(Psychic+20/none) - Gardevoir is definitely still a
force, which can pose problems. Banette...
Retreat Cost: (1) - Not bad for a
Stage 1.
Attack #1: (C - Feint) - Great great
great move. Very cheap and reliable.
Attack #2: (FF - Aura Sphere) - One
of the best moves out there. Very cheap for what it can
Final Card Analysis - Lucario used to
be extremely popular. Why? It hits hard and fast. And it
is very easy to use and combos with a lot of stuff.
Gardevoir and Banette kind of spelled its end, though...
Modified: Used to be a great force,
but recent weakness issues has hurt it greatly. Still:
Limited: A very good limited pull.
Getting the uncommon Riolu is the only thing to worry
about. (5/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
7/25 Lucario Lv. 30 (BK Promo)
It's the last day of the BK Promos, and we have what in
our opinion is the best of the 12 promos, Lucario, a
reprint of the DP version. Lets start with the basic
parts of the card. 90 HP is alright for a Stage 1, but
since it doesn't evolve any more, it's only alight.
That's one bad thing about the card, and the second is
that +20 Psychic Weakness, which means the card dies
horribly to Plox decks and Banette decks. The Retreat
Cost of 1 is average again. The attacks are what make
the card a good card. For C, Faint does 30 and will
always be doing 30 (apart from in certain circumstances)
due to ignoring Resistance, which is helpful on a
Fighting Pokémon. Aura Sphere is Lucario's main attack,
doing 40 and 20 snipe for FF. Obviously, this means
you'd be a fool to use a DRE with this card, but it's
worth it, with that damage being able to start using
that attack quickly (turn 2 if you get lucky), and
allowing that damage to build up, which will then set
everything up for late game with another attacker
(probably a Stage 2 considering the archetype Mario and
those Lucario/Empoleon that were going around) to sweep
everything later game. The attacks make this card a
great card, and is worth considering even in this Plox
There are no other Lucario's in the format (though it
does seem as though we will get one soon), but there is
a Lv.X and it's basic, Riolu, isn't bad. I'll start with
Riolu, which isn't bad. For F, it does an average of 15
damage. If you get lucky, you could be putting a large
dent in your opponent's starter, especially if they
happen to use Pachirisu (GE) or Furret (SW), which then
sets it up for a Turn 2 KO, which is nice. Lucario Lv.X
(MT) is a great finisher and a bit of a staller. It can
stop Lucario being damaged during your opponent's next
turn, which is nice, and can do 80 for FFC, but has a
nasty side effect, which is easily negated from Stance.
Lucario has a nice line, but other than in a sniping
deck, it doesn't really have any combos, which is a
shame for such a great card. People could argue Mario is
a good Lucario combo, and it is, but it isn't really
that great anymore, all thanks to Plox. It's a great
shame for such a great card.
As for survivability, with 90 HP and that bad weakness,
every deck should be able to do that 90 damage for a
OHKO, and if not, then chances are, it will get a 2HKO.
Modified: Lucario is a great attacker, but is very
fragile. It covers the unique role of a Fighting sniper
(and there are very few Fighting snipers) and does the
job very well. It's fragility is the only imperfection
on an otherwise great card. If there is another slight
problem, it would it's low damage output, but it isn't
meant to be KOing the active that often. 3.5/5
Limited: It can snipe, which is great here. That +20
Psychic Weakness may end up being used more here due to
the greater variety of types you'd find. Still, 90 HP
here should allow it to live for a while. While it can
snipe, there are very few other snipers, so it won't but
taken advantage of. Still, it's great. 3/5 |
Alazor |
Lucario (BK)
As much as I like Lucario, I have had bad experiences
with this guy unless I ran a strong supporting pokemon.
He can snipe and with Riolu he can take a quick KO, but
he isn't a heavy hitter-- he's best if you can get him
out and out fast! Claydol (Great Encounters) should run
really well with him and Lucario lv. X buys a turn. Run
this guy with Rampardos (POP 6) or Machamp (Diamond and
Pearl) or Empoleon possibly. This guy might be useful
when the devolutionator TMs come out, because then you
can snipe, devolve them and take a couple KOs out of
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 1/5 You can't play this guy-- no Riolu.
So... probably won't review for.... I don't
know.....Hope you all liked my reviews. |