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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.50
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Stark Mountain
Legends Awakened
Analysis: This card could work
exceptionally well in a deck with Typhlosion/Blaziken.
Power up the bench and then feed that to the active
Pokemon. Unfortunately, fire decks are at a disadvantage
these days because of the popularity of Empoleon. I
really cannot think of any good fighting decks right now
either. I do like this card, though, and I do have a
deck in mind that could utilize it. Oh, and you can move
any rainbow energy you have. Nice.
Modified: If you run a deck with
fighting or fire type energy, this card should
definitely be in it. Remember, the Pokemon don't have to
be fighting or fire types. This also affects rainbows!!
Limited: Protect your energies from
being discarded with a knocked out Pokemon, or charge
something up quick. I like this card for limited. (4/5)
Jigglypuff13 |
7/28 Stark Mountain (LA)
This week, we are reviewing the recently released
Legends Awakened preview cards, plus a couple of random
commons from MD, simply because we only 3 preview cards
released at the time of writing and we don't have
anything better to review. Today, we start of the most
recently released preview card (at the time of writing),
Stark Mountain. This is actually quite a nice stadium
card, with an Energy Switch effect, which a lot more
people a using recently. However, it's only an Energy
Switch for Fighting and Fire Energies and to reattach
the energies to Fighting or Fire Pokémon. OK, with these
restrictions, it isn't exactly going to work in every
deck, but I think most Fighting and Fire decks would
like the movement of energies.
Combos for this card is just about any F and/or R type
based decks. Typhlosion (MT) and it's Fire Starter Poké-Power
would like the idea of getting a Fire Energy to a
benched Pokémon using Fire Starter, and then moving it
active straight away for fuel for the numerous Fire
discarding attacks of numerous Fire Pokémon. As for
Fighting types that would like it, I think Flygon (SW)
would be the perfect choice (or a good choice at least).
If you attach a Fighting energy from your hand to Flygon,
Flygon will do 80 instead of 60. Normally, this would
lead to giving Flygon loads of energies it doesn't need.
However, with Stark Mountain, you can move it to another
Pokémon, so you get the damage boost and can still power
other Pokémon up. These two combos are probably not
going to be played (well, Typhlosion maybe, but I still
don't either of those two combos being used much), but
Stark Mountain is great, and is worth thinking about
using in any Fire or Fighting deck.
Modified: Obviously, this is a massive benefit to Fire
and Fighting decks, and all other decks will not be able
to use it. However, the effect it give Fire and Fighting
decks is brilliant, and thus if you are looking to play
a Fire or Fighting deck next format, this card should be
considered straight away. In Fire and Fighting decks,
this is brilliant, and thus based only on Fire and
Fighting decks, this card would receive 3.5/5. However,
in all other decks, this card would get 1/5 (maybe 1.25
due to being a counter stadium, but since it may end up
helping the opponent...). So, my actually ratings is
Limited: Now, we don't have a set list yet, so it's a
bit hard to think about how it will do here. However, we
do have Japanese spoilers, and thus can think of what
could be in the set looking at that. Looking at the
Japanese set, there aren't many Fire types, but there
are a fair few Fighting types. Because of this, if you
get Stark Mountain, you are probably going to have a
load of Fighting Pokémon to choose from. If so, Stark
Mountain is probably going to be quite useful. However,
this could also mean you end up helping your opponents
as well, which isn't so good. Because of this, it
deserves 3/5 |