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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Probopass Lv. 48
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.25
Limited: 3.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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Arbok14 |
Probopass Lv. 48
Legends Awakened
Rare Holo
Type: (Fighting) - Well this is a
fighting Pokemon which needs more metal energy than
fighting energy. Fighting is not a very popular type
right now, besides Gallade.
HP: (90) - Just OK, if not below
average, for a Stage 1. It's Body helps somewhat
Weakness/Resistance: (Water+20/none)
- Terrible, terrible weakness. Watch out for Empoleon.
Retreat Cost: (3) - Terrible,
terrible retreat cost.
Poke-BODY: (Steel Coating) - This is
a fantastic Poke-BODY. This is like a defender/buffer
piece every turn. Oh, and if you do use a buffer
piece... 40 damage blocked. I cannot see this being used
without metal energy, because this BODY is what makes
this card.
Attack #1: (FCC - Metal Bomber) -
Talk about bench damage! No flippage needed either.
Scramble energies can work for this attack, too!
Final Card Analysis - OK, terrible HP,
weakness, and retreat cost aside, I think we have
something here. Probopass's BODY and attack are both
amazing. I would use four Buffer Piece with this to
constantly frustrate my opponent. Weakness is definitely
an issue, but that is why you play other stuff that can
protect that weakness. Everything has a weakness, the
best decks are the ones that protect their's the best.
Modified: A pretty good card. Base
stats are not good, but with a bit of help, Probopass
could anchor a good deck. (4.5/5)
Limited: Still good here. Play with
metal energy. (4/5)
I really like this card.
Jigglypuff13 |
7/29 Probopass Lv. 46 (LA)
Welcome to the second day of Legends Awakened preview
week. There was a new preview card released yesterday
which, unfortunately, I don't think we will be reviewing
this week, so you are just going to have to wait, I'm
afraid. Still, after today's card, there is still one
more preview card to be reviewed for tomorrow (and if
you've been following the previews, you'll know what it
Anyway, another blabbering on about nothing in
particular, and on to today's card, Probopass, which is
the new evolution of the normally rubbish Nosepass.
Unfortunately, judging from this Probopass, the "bad
card" trait of Nosepass seems to have rubbed off on
Probopass. How, why, you may be asking. Well, it isn't
for it's HP first of all, which is a nice 90 HP for a
Stage 1, which is actually quite good, even if it is the
final stage, and should see it survive a hit or two. The
bottom stats are where the card starts to go wrong. +20
Water Weakness is going to be bad for next format, with
Empoloen (MD), Glaceon Lv.X (MD), along with the new
Kingdra that should come out in LA, all running rampant,
at least at the beginning of the format. No Resistance
is normal, but a 3 Retreat Cost isn't. 3 Retreat Cost on
anything is bad, so of course it's going to be bad on a
Pokémon that probably will not survive that much anyway.
Now, for it's Poké-Body, Steel Coating. Considering this
is a Fighting Pokémon, the fact that it can get damage
reduction, even if it is from a Poké-Body, is going to
be nice. However, you can only reduce 20 damage instead
of the 40 maximum for Metal Pokémon, but it's alright
since Probopass can use Basic Metals for the Bodies
effect. This also aids it's attack a bit, but also
hinders it a little. Metal Bomber starts of as a normal
FCC for 60. However, if you attach any Metal energies to
it, then for each of them you can choose one of your
opponents benched Pokémon for each of them and do a 20
snipe. This looks like, with enough time, you be able to
60 and 20 spread to your opponent's bench. However, why
would you want to? That would take 6 turns to power up
without an Energy accelerator, and even then you could
only use Leafeon Lv.X (MD) for that. Also, since the
attack only needs FCC, surely the best idea would be to
have 2 Metals attached to fulfill the energy
requirements and start sniping, and maybe attach another
Metal to it if you can. Even so, it may not be a good
since the Poké-Body only does the -10 for up to 2 Metal
energies, so really, you will only ever want 2 Metals
attached. The final thing wrong with Metal Bomber is the
fact that if you want the sniping ability, you actually
will need 2 different types of energies, and in a format
(remember, this will barely be with us for the HP-on
format, so I'm concentrating on the DP-on format for
this and the other LA cards) with no Rainbow type
energies apart from Multi, that isn't a good thing.
Combos, well, energy accelerators (basically Leafeon
Lv.X) and good a consistent way of getting the different
energy types out. However, since the only way is
Roseanne's Research (SW), you're not going to be able to
do that without a lot of luck. As for survivability,
well, since we aren't certain what the big decks are
going to be (though people do have a good idea), but I
can tell you 90 HP probably won't survive most hits.
Empoleon, Glaceon Lv.X and Kingdra can all OHKO
Probopass (though the latter needs a little help). The
new Pixies can do so as well, but are more likely to go
for a 2HKO. Skittles (which is likely to be played in
small numbers due to the Water types dominating the
format) will probably end up OHKOing it with a little
help from Plus Power or Buck's Training. Other decks
that we are not so sure on should be able to get a 2HKO.
However, all of these go on the basis of not have Steel
Coating in effect. With Steel Coating, everything should
be able to get a 2HKO, though the Pixies may end up
aiming for a 3HKO instead.
Modified (note, this is for DP-on modified): Even with
Steel Coating, expect it to at least 2HKOed by
everything. Metal Bomber goes about 3HKOing most of the
big main attackers, with a couple of select 2HKOs on the
likes of Gardevoir (SW) and Ho-Oh (SW). As for it's
spreading, chances are you are only going to be able to
get 2 Metals on there for a double 20 spread, but
really, it's not going to do much since it's too slow,
requires too many different types of energies, and is
going to be KOed before it ever gets an attack off. 1/5
However, in the HP-on format, it may end up being better
due to being able to abuse DRE and Scramble to the Steel
Coating effect and do more spreading with Metal Bomber.
DRE may not be a good choice really due to the reduction
in damage dealt, but an activated Scramble will allow it
to do 60 and a triple 20 snipe. In this format, where
it'll only be available for a mighty 11 days, it could
be quite good. Still has the same issues as in DP-on,
but does cover up for one of them at least, making it
good at revenge. 2/5
Limited: It's success here depends mainly upon if you
can get Basic Metals from the organiser or not. If you
can, it could be quite good, being a bit of a tank and
dealing a fair bit of damage with Metal Bomber. You
still need the luck of actually drawing the right energy
at the right time, plus you need to get Nosepass as
well, but if you do it could turn out to be quite