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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day


Fossil Excavator

Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn

Date Reviewed: 07.03.08

Ratings & Reviews Summary

Modified: 1.75
Limited: 2.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst. 
3 ... average.  
5 is the highest rating.

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Fossil Excavator MD


Alright, there is a simple rule to using this card. If your deck uses a fossil pokemon (Other than Aerodactyl…) then you use this card. If it doesn’t, you obviously don’t use this card. Do I need to say much more than that? OK, another quick thing. You get to search either your deck or your discard, but remember, once you start searching in either your deck or discard, you can’t switch back. So look in your discard pile before using this card.


Pros –

Celios + more for fossils


Cons –

Only works with fossils


Modified – 1/5 without fossils, 5/5 with fossils. Simple no?


Limited – 1/5 + 1 for every fossil pokemon you pull.


Sorry for the short review, but it really is just that simple.


“Traffic signals in New York are more of a rough guideline.”
Jigglypuff13 7/3 Fossil Excavator (MD)
So, you can get a Fossil or a Fossil evolution from your Deck or Discard Pile. 95% of you (rough estimation there) reading this will not care about that because you don't have or have no intention of making any sort of fossil deck (yet) or using any Fossil cards, and thus you won't really want to use this card. For the 4.9% of you (rough estimation again) that have made or are making a Fossil deck, this card is a 4-of staple straight away (unless you are really tight in space and can only fit 3 in), and is so amazingly useful, you won't care at all what this or any of the other reviews say today as you will keep running it in your Fossil decks. Now, there are 0.1% of people (again, just a rough estimation) who are using just a 1-0-1 up to about a 2-2-2 line of a Fossil in your deck (probably Omastar (MD) to be honest, generally in your sniping deck), and you are probably wondering if you should use Fossil Excavator in your deck to get your Fossil out when you need it. Using it does depend upon how big of a line you are using of the Fossil in your deck, if you are using Claydol (GE) or not (so, basically, you are), and how vital the Fossil is to your decks strategy. If the Fossil is vital to your decks strategy, and you are using Claydol and you have a large line of the Fossil in your deck, then it is probably worth putting a Fossil Excavator or 2 in your deck, just to make sure you can actually get your Fossil out. If it isn't vital to your decks strategy and thus have a small line, then I'd say you could probably play 1 Fossil Excavator max, just for if you ever really need to get the Fossil. However, you could probably just wait and draw into your Fossil line, since it isn't vital to your deck, and thus not use Fossil Excavator at all.
Modified: It's a fantastic card, in Fossil decks. If you aren't using any Fossils, there is no point to use this card, and even if you are using even a Fossil or 2, it may still not be worth using Fossil Exavator. Fossil Excavator is great, but too specific to actually be used in every deck, but that's pretty obvious. 1.5/5
Limited: Chances are, you will get a Fossil or two here, but not a very good line. It's nice for the reassurance and certainty of knowing you are getting a Fossil, but may end up finding itself as dead weight instead. 2/5
Alazor Fossil Excavator

Okay, so this guy can't get Old Amber out-- but he can get out the Stage 2 as far as I know (they haven't reprinted Mysterious Fossil so I'm not sure).

Modified: 3/5 For a fossil deck, it may not need it.

Limited: 4/5 Might work well to get a fossil to stall for a turn while you set up.
Milk Man

Fossil Excavator


Trainer week round out with a reprint for the Mystic Dawn set, Fossil excavator. This card is essentially a Premier Ball mixed with Prof Elm's Training Method centered on fossil pokemom, a priceless addition to any fossil deck, which seem to be surfacing with the readdition of Kabutops and Omastar. Outside of a fossil deck this card is useless, at best.


Modified-1/5 -In a fossil deck 4.9/5


Limited can function on its own without this, besides how many decks can make it to a stage 2 in this format...


Limited-1/5 -In a fossil deck 5/5

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