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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 45
Legends Awakened
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Arbok14 |
Heatran Lv. 45
Legends Awakened
Type: (Metal) - Not the most popular
type, but this could do OK with Magnezone.
HP: (100) - Great HP for a basic.
Weakness/Resistance: (Water-X2/none)
- Terrible, terrible, terrible, terri...
Retreat Cost: (3) - Terri...(you get
the idea)
Poke-POWER: (Smelt) - A built in
Stark Mountain, specifically for Heatran and Metal.
Attack #1: (CCC - Heavy Metal) -
Well, Heatran likes good music. A bit flippy, but this
has potential to hit very hard.
Final Card Analysis - I probably would
only play this in one or twos. Its weakness and retreat
cost just kill it.
Modified: Not horrible, but until
Water goes out, I would not play this a lot. (3/5)
Limited: Heavy Metal is a good attack
for limited, and Smelt can help power it up. Great HP.
Jigglypuff13 |
7/30 Heatran Lv.45 (LA)
Welcome to the final of the LA preview card of this
week, and it's a new Legendary, Heatran! And, of course,
because it's a Legendary, expectations on the card are
extremely low with almost every legendary card being
rubbish. Unfortunately, this card fits into the rubbish
category. Lets start with the basic stats of the card,
and it's 100 HP, which is very good on a Basic, even if
it is Legendary and a Metal Pokémon. And of course,
because it is a Metal Pokémon, it has great tanking
abilities due to being able to use Metal Special
Energies effect. However, because it's a big, fat, Metal
Legendary Pokémon, it has a massive 3 Retreat Cost,
which is rubbish on anything. It has no Resistance,
which is normal, really, but you'd expect some sort of
Resistance on a Metal Legendary though. Then, there's
it's weakness. Now, if you remember yesterday's review
of Probopass with the +20 Water Weakness, I said that
was bad. Therefore, it is logical to assume that a x2
Water is terrible, and it is due to the fact people are
assuming that Water will see a lot of play next format
with Kingdra (LA probably), Empoloen (MD) and Glaceon
Lv.x (MD). Basically, if you are playing this card in a
Water metagame, you are going to see it be OHKOed a lot.
OK, so the basic stats are alright all in all, but with
2 absolutely terrible stats. However, the attack and
Poké-Power have a little combo between them. Smelt
allows you to move a Metal Energy attached to any of
your Pokémon to Heatran. It doesn't sound inspiring, but
it does allow you to power up Heatran a bit if you've
attached Metals to some of your other Pokémon earlier on
in the game. However, it's a bit inflexible really,
since you have to move the energies to Heatran. However,
the attack, Heavy Metal, quite likes this, flipping a
coin for each Metal attached to Heatran, doing 40 base
damage, and 20 more for each heads. On average, with the
minimum amount of energies attached to Heatran (thus 3
Metals), you are doing an average 70 for 3, which isn't
too bad. However, the more energies you attach, the
worse it gets, with 4 energies being 80 for 4, then it
gets completely worse with 90 for 5, 100 for 6, 110 for
7. Those averages are getting slightly worse every time,
which is just bad really. Heavy Metal is a slightly
worse version of Hippowdon (MD)'s second attack, and
that wasn't any good in the first place.
As for combos, well, there aren't any, and it's a
rubbish card, so there is no reason to want to use it.
There is another Heatran (Fire type this time) in the
set, but since it hasn't been released or revealed in
English yet, I won't say about if it's better or worse.
The same goes for it's Lv.X version. Survivability,
well, it depends upon what decks are big. With the Water
type going to be popular, it probably won't be too
survivable. With a couple of special Metals attached, it
might be able to survive a hit or 2 from the likes of
AMU (the pixies) and Skittles, but really, Water types
(like the ones mentioned previously, but also Tentacruel
(LA) and maybe others) with be pleased to see it for a
free prize card.
Modified: For the DP-on format, it's going to be
useless. It is a rubbish main attacker, won't survive
most of the formats attacks, and is just plain bad.
Seriously, do not use this card. If the Japanese
translations are right, the Fire type one is so much
better, even if you only want to Level it up (if we get
the Lv.X version in LA). 1/5
For the HP-on modified format, it still rubbish. In
fact, there is even less reason to use it, and there
wasn't exactly a list of reasons to use it for next
format anyway, so basically, leave it in the shoe box,
even if it is a Rare. 1/5
Limited: 100 HP should see it survive most attacks here,
and so long as you get enough Metal energies here (and
preferably getting some basic Metals form the Tournament
organiser), it should do fair amount of damage to the
opponents Pokémon. Still, you need the Metal energies
from the TO to really make it work well. 2.5/5 |