Arbok14 |
Hey everybody, sorry about my absence
the last few weeks, I have been really busy and haven't
had much time for anything. But I'm back at least for
today to review a, well, not great card... Lol, enjoy:
Unown P Lv. 17
Majestic Dawn
Analyis: This card just screams
combo. There are many cards that do better with extra
damage on them, like Primeape and Ursaring, to name a
few. I don't know, I really haven't played in a while,
but this card could definitely fit into a bunch of decks
as a tech. You could create your own damage to put on
your opponent's Pokemon with Cresselia (really only when
you don't have damage on your Pokemon). Hidden Power is
an OK attack for 1 energy. You discard a card from both
decks which could hurt just as much as help. Use as a
Modified: Not bad, not great. Use as
a tech. (2.5/5)
Limited: Not good. Avoid putting
damage on your own Pokemon in Limited. (1/5)

goose |
Unown P
Lv.17 MD
morning planet earth. Alright, today’s COTD today is one
that although it looks horrible, it has some good uses.
First, it only has 50 HP, meaning keep it on the bench
like it’s supposed to be. Second, suckish attack and
weakness to (P) just enforces the above statement… OK, I
know what you’re thinking, what on earth am I going to
do with a pokemon that can only do damage to my own
pokemon? Well, I can think of a few good things. One,
Gyarados, 40 damage for 1 (C) is great, and only getting
stronger is amazing! Two, Primeape, allowing for 90
damage for (F)(C)(C) is great, add in Xatu for the
confusion and you have a deck! (Not a great one but…)
Three, Mothim SW, oh yea! 70 damage for (G)(C) is
amazing! And top it off with the ability to do 40 more
damage and you have a contender!
Pros –
Can be
used in certain decks
amazing in said decks
Cons –
damage on your own pokemon
– Some decks need it some decks don’t. 4/5 for above
decks, 1/5 for any others…
– Put damage on your own pokemon? Na, take it because
it’s rare… 1/5
I have a
very nice idea for a deck using this thing…
“When arresting a mime, do you need to tell them they
have the right to be silent?” |
Milk Man |
Unown P
Hello all! Our COTD today is another entry into the
Unown alphabet, Unown P. I just want to start this
review off by saying that the only case many people,
including myself, would ever run an Unown card is if it
is intended to be played as a trainer of sorts (i.e.
Unown G) and even in that case it's risky because of the
possibility of having to use it on your opening hand.
Unown P has a virtually undesirable power, the only
potential combo I can think of is with Cresselia Lv. X,
and once again I remind you, what happens if you have to
start your game off with this guy? The attack leaves
lots to be desired... like worth...
Modified- 1.5/5
No chance of comboing with Cresselia Lv. X.... so no
real chance of being of any worth...
Limited- 1/5