goose |
Toxicroak Lv.32 MD
today’s COTD today is a decent attempt at what Toxicroak
should do. With that out of the way, this card sucks…
The first attack is decent and is close to what the
second attack should be like, 20 damage plus a single
coin flip for poison and paralyze, all for only one (P)…
The second attack sucks, nobody is going to want to play
3 energy for 60… It just isn’t worth it. The HP is
decent, 90 is enough to save it from Psylock and attacks
that do 80 damage (Which there are quite a few of.)
Overall, it needs to do more damage than 60 to be good…
Pros –
first attack
Cons –
second attack
– If only the second attack was better… 2/5 (+1 for the
awesome first attack.)
– Shove that (P) energy in there and you‘ve got a
winner! 4/5
Why does
the pokemon card maker ruin good ideas with bad cards?
“The truth is more important than the facts.”
Milk Man |
Welcome back, today we'll be looking at Toxicroak, in
my opinion a prime choice for any poison/status deck.
For a mere single psychic energy Toxicroak will do 20
damage, poison and potentially paralyze.
Inevitably you'll have dealt 30 damage, pending any
status healing cards/effects, combo that with the
potential innability to attack or switch(remove the
status') can be nerve racking and devastating! This
could also be comboed further by adding a Weezing or two
to your bench to double or triple the poison damge... so
with potentially four Weezing on your bench, the twenty
damage from the attack and the base poison damage you're
looking at dishing 70 damage for only one energy! I know
it doens't seem likely to have all of these pieces in
place, but oh man when the stars align it will be awe
inspiring! Overall the hit points aren't bad, 90 on a
stage one isn't anything to brag about, but there are
worse... As far as the bottom stats go, the weakness has
potential to be a pain, especially with the ever popular
Gardellade, but the single retreat cost isn't bad...
Modified- 3.9/5
In limited this guy can be a beast! if you can pull
of the stage one, which shouldn't be too awful hard to
pull off, with a single energy you're looking at two
status effects and damage... quick! use it!
Limited- 4.5/5