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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 56
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lv.56 MD
back to pokemon COTD, today’s COTD today is one of the
two new fossil stage 2 pokemon Kabutops. I tried to get
an interview with Kabutops but… Come on people! It’s
just a piece of paper! Geez… Anyway, the HP is decent
for a stage 2 now days, the weakness isn’t that bad
(Really, what good card other than Kricketune is grass?)
Primal Stare is nice; making your opponent unable to
play trainers as long as Kabutops is active is great.
But the attack is slightly lacking, not much out of the
ordinary (The 10 damage to all of your opponent’s
damaged bench pokemon is nice though.) But here is where
we run into a problem; Kabutops has to be active for its
poke-body to work. And with an attack like that and no
smaller attack, he doesn’t really like to attack much…
Pros –
Exclusive evolution line (Fossils have so much support.)
Cons –
2 much
retreat cost
Exclusive evolution line (Fossils have lots of
restrictions attached to them.)
– fair, but won’t take any cake anytime soon. 3.5/5
– Really, who plays trainers much here (Other than that
lucky kid who pulled out 20 some trainers…) 3/5
life sucks, =P
life gives you lemons make apple juice and let the world
wonder how.”
Jigglypuff13 |
6/10 Kabutops Lv. 56 (MD)
Kabutops has been receiving a lot of hype and once you
have a look at the card, there are two obvious reason as
to why. The first is that brilliant Poké-Body, Primal
Shell. Kabutops is, as you hopefully can already guess,
was destined to be a main attacker due to the Flygon Ex
(DF) like attack (which I'll talk about a bit more
later), but Primal Shell made it even more likely to
find the active position. Stopping trainers only when
active doesn't sound like a lot, but when you consider
that this slows down every Stage 2 deck out there, it
starts to become a lot more interesting. This is because
it shuts down Stage 2 decks staple, Rare Candy. Being
able to shut that one card down then means you can lay
massive smack down to underpowered Basics and Stage 1's.
Even if your opponent isn't playing a Sage 2 deck or
Rare Candy, then there are other popular cards that are
stopped by Primal Shell, including the ever popular
Night Maintenance and all of those all Trainer engines
people have thought of to combat GG decks with. If you
really want to stop our opponent from ever setting up,
then Ampharos (SW) is nice idea o combo with Kabutops.
While Kabutops stays active to stop normal Trainers,
Ampharos sits on the bench to put one damage counter on
each of your opponents Pokémon every time your opponent
plays a Supporter. This extra damage also goes great
with Kabutops's attack (again, more on that later). Of
course, Poké-Powers can also be used to set up, so if
you would prefer your opponent not to use any, then you
may also want to consider Areodactyl (MD) for Power
punishment. All three of these combined produces a
rather nasty lock down for your opponent. Primal Shell
also makes mirror matches an interesting prospect, with
the first Kabutops stopping the other player from ever
playing any more Fossils from their hand, which makes
for an interesting game ahead.
Now, the attack, and Chop Up is, as I've already said,
very reminiscent of Flygon Ex and Psychic Pulse. That's
because it is for 10 less damage and Fighting energies
needed instead of Psychic. This attack basically creates
the main attacker potential and playability of he card.
However, the draw back is your opponents benched Pokémon
need to be damaged first before Chop Up will damage them
further. There are several ways of doing that. The first
is to use Ampharos (SW) and/or Aerodactyl (MD) like I
said earlier, plus they combine to create that awesome
lock as well. The second is to try a spreader that
attacks to attack first before using Kabutops to spread
more with it's attack. Prinplup (DP) and Vibrava (SW)
are prime examples of Pokémon that can do this
successfully, plus both have rather interesting Stage
2's (admittedly, Empoleon is rather more interesting
than Flygon, no matter which two you are comparing). The
final way is to use a Poké-Power that can spread. If it
wasn't for MD, we wouldn't have any to use, but thanks
to MD, we do with Zapdos (MD). While Sheet Lightning is
a flip, it's still a worth while option due to being a
Basic and actually a Poké-Power. Once you've spread
enough damage with Kabutops and friends, you may want to
find a way of using that spread to create more mayhem.
Omastar (both MD and PK) come to mind immediately. Both
let you devolve a set of your opponents Pokémon, with MD
doing it in a Poké-Power, while PK does it in an attack.
However, MD does only devolve the bench, while PK
devolves all of your opponents Pokémon. It doesn't
matter too much about which one you use, just so long as
you time it right with the amount of spread Kabutops has
done to either KO important threats or just everything
your opponent has.
There are counters to Kabutops. The first set are
designed to stop Primal Lock, which are Cessation
Crystal and Lati-Lock. Both of these are rarely seen,
but due to the ease of teching Lati-Lock in decks and
the increase of evolved Poké-Bodies that are dangerous
(like Glaceon Lv.X (MD) and Areodactyl (MD), plus
others), people are going to consider using Lati-Lock in
there decks. With 120 HP and only a +30 Weakness to
Grass, Kabutops is likely to survive a long time unless
you come across a Leafeon Lv.X deck. Leafeon Lv.x is
likely to OHKO Kabutops, but others have a bit more work
to do. GG need to use Gallade (SW) and to flip 3 prizes
to OHKO Kabutops, and that's considering that Gallade
doesn't have DRE attached as well. Gardevoir (SW) 2HKOs
Kabutops, but has to not have DRE attached again.
Magmortar (SW) needs 6 energies attached to OHKO
Kabutops, but that could be very difficult to pull off
quick enough to make it worth while. Skittles needs 6
different basic energies attached to Ho-Oh (SW) to do
the OHKO. Garchomp (MT) decks need to attach a Grass
energy to Garchomp plus need a Plus Power or Strength
Charm to OHKO Kabutops, which might be quite difficult
to pull off. Most other decks have to settle for a 2HKO,
including other Eeveelutions decks, Empoleon (MD) decks
and T2 decks. Quicktune may have a favourable match-up
if they use Lake Boundary, but that's maybe the only T2
deck that can OHKO Kabutops, plus it's not really a very
good one.
Modified: Kabutops has probably one of the most
devastating Poké-Bodies in the game, happily shutting
down a lot of Stage 2 decks speed, plus just being
disruptive against most decks. Chop Up's 70 for 3 is
alright, and the effect is nice if you can cause the
spread first to cause the effect. It's a survivable card
as well, but Lati-Lock shuts the main attraction of the
card off. Also, it is a Fossil, and while there are some
nice Fossil specific cards like Fossil Excavator and
Holon Fossil, it's still quite hard to get out, needing
to draw into a Dome Fossil or one of those previously
mentioned cards to get it out. Still worth while to use
as an attacker and in Fossil decks. 4/5
Limited: If you can get a good line of Kabutops plus a
Fossil Excavator or two, then this could be quite
useful. There are few spreaders in this format, so the
attack is likely not to spread, but Primal Lock is nice.
People may use very few Trainers in their decks, but the
ones they do are often useful to them (even if it is
only like an Energy Search) for one reason or another,
so Primal Lock can be devastating. You do need to get it
out though, which might be quite tough. 3.5/5 |
Alazor |
Kabutops (Majestic Dawn)
So it can shut down trainers with Trainers with Primal
Shell, but it does not shut down the newer stadiums and
supporters. It can be shut down by Lati-lock and Muk
(fossil) and Cyclone Energy possibly. Chop Up would have
been better if its attack was fighting colorless
colorless instead of fighting fighting colorless, 70
damage for 3 energy is pretty standard- with a
possibility of doing damage to the bench. It seems like
could combo with Zapdos (Majestic Dawn), Aerodactyl
(fossil), Aerodactyl (Majestic Dawn), Ampharos (Secret
Wonders), Garchomp lv. X , Omastar (Majestic Dawn) and
most obviously anything disruptive like Team Galactic's
Wager (Mysterious Treasures) or anything that can spread
Maybe power him up quickly with Swampert ex?
Modified 3.5/5 I haven't seen a lot of these around, so
I can't tell, but it should work well with at least some
of those cards.
Unlimited: 2.7/5 Trainer denial is still good, just not
as good a Vileplume ex. It's attack is slower, but will
work probably easier with Aerodactyl (fossil). It's
attack cost is what hurts this the most, but it's hp is
good. It's retreat cost is not too bad.
Limited: 4/5 Play lots of fossils if you're playing this
guy, so you can stall a bit. Kabuto and Helix fossil
help a lot.
E-bay Price ~$3-6 |
New Jersey State Champion
2nd - North East Regional 07-08
And much more…
Kabutops was one of the highly
anticipated fossil pokemon from MD.
It's pretty good, but might not be strong enough
to make the cut in competitive play.
There is certainly a lot of potential here, but
there a lot of problems that need to be solved in order
for this to work.
Kabutops has very strong pokebody
which can really disrupt your opponent.
The ability to stop Rare Candy, Night
Maintenance, and the rest is a strong ability.
This strategy has worked in the past with decks
like MewTric, which emphasized using Manetric’s
non-supporter stopping attack.
Also, Houndoom from UF was fairly popular during
its time.
So there is a chance that this body could be
Kabutops also has a pretty good
attack. The
ability to deal good base damage and spread damage is
always strong.
This could combo with other damage spreaders to
be very effective in setting up future KOs.
The downsides to this card are also
important factors.
It is a stage 2, which is hard to get into play,
and it is also a fossil evolution, which makes for a
unique challenge.
There are fewer ways to get Kabutops into play
because, it’s harder to get fossils into play than
normal basics.
A standard “Call For Family” won’t work hear.
Also there’s the +30 weakness and 2 retreat cost
which is pretty standard, but could have been less.
Overall, not a bad card.
There’s lots of potential, but many problems too.
7.5/10 (3.75)
Good here, get it out T1 and stop
other people’s trainers.
8/10 (4.00)
Not as many trainer’s here, but
getting out a stage 2 will usually win you the game.
7/10 (3.50)