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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Dialga Lv. 63
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.50
Limited: 2.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
6/11 Dialga Lv. 63 (MD)
For a Dialga or indeed many Pokémon, this one has an
almost unique ability in it's attached item. Others have
attached items such certain berries that remove damage
or special conditions, or an item hat allows them to
evolve straight away or something, but Dialga has one
that allows it to deal more damage to already Metal weak
Pokémon. It adds 20 more damage to it's attacks, and if
you were to level this Dialga up to the truly woeful
Dialga Lv.X, then the Lv.X version would also benefit
from the damage boost to Metal weak Pokémon. However, as
nice as it may sound, there are very few Metal weak
Pokémon around and even fewer that are played. In fact,
the only ones that are at the moment are Glaceon (holo
MD) and Glaceon Lv.X (MD). Adamant Orb might sound like
a tempting prospect against Eeveelution decks, but
chances are, they will easily counter Dialga, be this or
the DP/GE one or the Lv.X version. Other than that,
Adamant Orb is frankly useless.
The attacks don't help this Pokémon either, with Time
Shift looking nice in having a Cosmic Power (Claydol GE)
type effect, but the fact that it needs a Metal Energy
kills most of it's effectiveness. If it needed a
Colourless energy, it would be a lot better, and chances
are it would see some play it some random decks, maybe
even as a random rouge starter (it would never be common
place in any deck is it needed even a single Colourless
Energy for Time Shift), but at the moment, it will only
even seen play in Metal and Dialga Lv.X decks, but then
why not just use Claydol from turn 2 onwards instead?
Diamond Blast is way too expensive as an attack as well.
MMCC for 60 maybe 80 damage is just not good enough, 4
energies to do an average damage of 70 is just poor.
Diamond Blast can never be an attack you will actually
want to use. It's better than Dialga Lv.X's Metal Flash,
but only due to being able to use it 2 turns in a row.
Mind you, if you are going to play Dialga, then it's
going to have to be for it's Lv.X, and you are never
going to want to attack with it.
There is a choice of which Dialga to play, be it the MD
one or the GE/DP one. This MD one does have 10 HP more,
but I would go for the GE/DP one (though it's a choice I
really don't like to make due to how aweful both cards
are). The reason is because for that first attack, the
DP/GE Dialga is certain to draw a card and do a little
damage for M, while MD can't do damage and may not draw
for M. DP/GE also has a rather interesting second attack
in being able to devolve your opponents active, which is
always a nice option against all of the Lv.X's floating
It gets worse for this Dialga as well, with every big
deck being able to at least 2HKO it. GG will happily use
Gallade (SW) and Psychic for an easy prize. Gardevoir
(SW) has a little more trouble due to that Psychic
Resistance, so will only be able to 3HKO it. Magmortar
(SW) will just need to load 4 energies onto it to either
use the SW versions first attack to OHKO an active
Dialga or use the Lv.X and snipe a benched Dialga. Ho-Oh
(SW) in Skittles just needs 4 different basic energies
attached to get a OHKO, and that's quite easy to do
here. Eeveelutions may want to conserve Glaceons, but
can either use Jolteon (MD) to stall Dialga while
getting a 2HKO, or use Flareon (MD) and a Strength
Charm/Plus Power and OHKO Dialga. Garchomp (MT) needs a
fire energy attached to get a OHKO, and that's quite
easy for it to do. Empoleon (MD) needs a full bench for
a OHKO, and there have been harder things to pull off.
Infernape (either) just need 2 Fire energies (the MD
cannot use DRE for a OHKO, so would need them to be
basic energies) for a OHKO. Fossils have a slight
problem in not being able to OHKO Dialga, but the spread
they can cause should weaken Dialga sufficiently for a
quick KO. T2 decks will struggle to do 100 without the
help of Plus Powers or Strength Charms, but they will
certainly get a 2HKO. Lets be honest, that 10 extra HP
compared to the MD/DP one doesn't exactly make it any
more survivable. Metal energies can be used to increase
Dialga's survivability, but many of the decks I
mentioned can easily do the extra 10 or 20 damage to
bypass Metal, plus would need to be one of the 4 Special
Energies you've put in your deck, and what are the
chances of drawing one of them?
Modified: Adamant Orb is basically useless in this
format, Time Shift looks nice, but you need Metals or
Multis to be able to use it, and why would you when you
could just use Claydol (GE) instead? Diamond Blast is
way too expensive to make it worth while, and the 10 HP
more than the DP/MD one doesn't really make it any more
survivable. You are going to play it for the Lv.X
obviously, so you don't really want to be attacking
Dialga anyway, but if you had to, the MD/DP one is
better by a mile. 1/5
Limited: If you can get at least 2 Metals in your
boosters or have someone organising this limited event
who will give basic Metals for people to use, then this
could be quite useful, with Time Shift giving you a bit
of much needed draw power and Diamond Blast probably
OHKOing most Pokémon you see here. Adamant Orb is still
useless, and as a whole, Dialga is very slow in needing
4 energies attached to it, and if you only have special
Metals in your deck, you have to draw into them quick
enough. Could be useful, but probably not. 2.5/5 |
New Jersey State Champion
2nd - North East Regional 07-08
And much more…
Not too much to say here, use it to
level up into the Dialga lv.X.
Dialga isn’t that great.
The second attack is bad, and shouldn’t really be
used. Its
cost is way too high for the effect, and you can’t use
Double Rainbow or Scramble Energy to power it up.
The first attack can be useful early
on, but needs a colored energy, so it’s a little tougher
to use. For
the first attack to be effective you have to have a
metal energy and fewer than 6 cards in your hand.
Even then, the only time that drawing a couple of
cards is worth an attack is very early on.
So it will rarely be any help.
The other legal Dialga is probably a
better choice.
Its first attack is just as good or better, and
its second attack is much more affordable.
Modified: 2/5
Unlimited: 1/5
Limited: 3/5

goose |
Dialga Lv.63 MD
Today is
Wednesday! Or it’s Wensday to all of you people who
can’t spell… Anyway, today’s COTD today is Dialga from
MD and today’s COTD review will be simple. If you use a
deck which wants Dialga Lv.X (For some insane reason,)
then use this Dialga because of its draw power. If you
use a deck that needs one of the other Dialga, obviously
you’ll want to use whichever one of them you need!
Dialga isn’t good enough for non-crazy decks so don’t
really even think about it!
Pros –
Nice draw power
Lv. X
Cons –
Lack of good damaging attacks
The Lv. X slightly (Or maybe
more than slightly) sucks.
– Are you really going to use Dialga in a deck?!?
*Whack!* 2.25/5
Limited – Only better here
because there are now basic metal energy and because
draw power here rocks. 3.75/5
Wohoo! Another almost
completely useless card for people to add to their
collection boxes!
“Join The Army, Visit exotic
places, Meet cool people... then kill them.”
Dialga (Majestic Dawn)
So at 1st look, 100 hp is pretty good for a basic--
looks like a starter. Dialga's 1st attack isn't too bad,
but it's 2nd attack is too costly, so the Adamant Orb
probably won't be helpful for most of the game. Weakness
to fire could be bad if you're facing Infernape or
Magmortar, but you have resistance to psychic which is
pretty good. Its 3 retreat hurts though-- a lot.
Modified 2.1/5
I'd rather use a starter with a free retreat like Chatot
(Majestic Dawn).
Limited: 3/5 So there is Super Scoop Up in this set, but
no Switch, no Warp Point. Metal Energy can buy him a few
more turns.
E-bay Price: ~$4-8 |