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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 37
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.67
Limited: 3.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
6/13 Rotom Lv. 37 (MD)
I love this little card, and so a lot of people. Before
I get onto the reason why it's great, I'll talk about
the not so great stuff first. First is it's HP. 60 on a
non-evolving Basic isn't bad, but it isn't great either.
To be honest, it will never survive more than 1 attack,
and if it does, it's either early game or you got very
lucky. Still, it can be used as Scramble bait, which is
great. Next, Reflect Energy isn't great. It requires LC
for 30, which isn't great, and you can move an energy,
which isn't bad. However, it needs you to run a
Lightning or Multi energy to be able to use this attack.
Mind you, why you would use this attack instead of the
reason to play this card is beyond me. Dark Weakness
isn't bad, but there are Darkrai Lv.X (GE)/Weavile (SW)
decks floating about, so if you run into one, you are
going to have to say bye bye to Rotom quickly. The
Resistance isn't that great anymore, with Togekiss (GE)
and Garchomp (MT) the main Colourless types being
played, and thus Rotom could stall against them, but
chances are, it won't be more than 1 extra turn. The
Retreat Cost doesn't matter since it should be Scramble
bait anyway.
Now for the reason for playing Rotom; Dual Trans. It
doesn't look like much, being able to choose up to 2
Basic energy cards from you Discard Pile and attach them
to 1 of your Pokémon, but it is, and that's all for no
energies. The fact that it is no energies means you
don't need to waste an energy on powering Rotom up in
order to give it's unique brand of energy acceleration.
It still doesn't sound like much, but just think about
what could benefit from Dual Trans. The first thing that
should come into your head are Pokémon that like
discarding energies for their attacks, such as Infernape
(MD), Magmortar Lv.X (MT), Electivire (DP), Moltres (MD)
and many others. Obviously, it does take that valuable
turn to actually power them up, but it's often better to
do that than to end up attacking once every 3 turns or
something. However, they aren't only ones who like Dual
Trans. Pokémon that like lots of different energies on
them also like to use Dual Trans to get the required
energy on them. The main examples are Garchomp (MT) and
Ho-Oh (SW). Rotom allows you to get the high amount of
different basic energy cards (for Ho-Oh) or the required
basic energy card (for Garchomp). As you can see, it can
end up as a nice bit of energy acceleration, and can
basically lead to an increase in the damage you could
cause as well with the right Basic Eergy cards in the
Discard pile. However, generally, if you want to use
Dual Stream, it will probably only for 1, maybe 2 turns,
at which point you will have to waste an energy
attachement to retreat Rotom (unless it gets KO-ed,
which it should). However, a nice little combo you may
want to consider is Unown Q (MD). Why? Because when
attached as a Pokémon Tool card using it's Poké-Power,
you can attach it to Rotom to reduce it's Retreat Cost
by C. Now that is great.
Obviously, if you are using Rotom, most of the time, you
will want to attack with it once or twice, then have it
KO-ed so you can power-up 2 main attackers, one with
Scramble, the other with the Basic Energies from Dual
Trans (unless you are using Garchomp or Ho-Oh). However,
snipers are a bit of a problem. Dugtrio (CG) or
Bastiodon (MT) could be used to protect your bench, but
then you have to be careful of Lati-Lock shutting that
off. Sniping decks to watch out for include Empoleon
(MD) and Magmortar (SW) or the Lv.X version of either of
them (DP and MT respectively). They may be other rouge
sniper decks to watch out for as well, so it's best to
be prepared for sniping decks not KO-ing Rotom directly
straight away. If you are worried about Rotom not being
KO-ed, every big deck out there can easily OHKO Rotom.
GG don't need anything for a OHKO with either Gallade or
Gardevoir (both SW) so long as they don't have DRE.
Magmortar (SW) needs 3 Fires for a OHKO, but be careful
of them sniping. Skittles need 3 different Basic
energies attached to Ho_oh (SW) for a OHKO, and with a
Plus Power/Strength Charm, Togekiss can get a OHKO with
a but of luck as well. Garchomp (MT) needs a Dark energy
to make sure of a KO unless it uses a Strength
Charm/Plus Power to get round the annoying resistance.
In fact, if it uses DRE for some strange reason, it
still gets a OHKO. Eeveelutions can use almost any
Eeveelution and their second attack for a OHKO (only
Umbreon and Jolteon (both MD) need help). Empoleon (MD)
needs just 1 Pokémon on the bench for a OHKO, but they
could snipe instead. Fossils gets a OHKO with Chop Up
and Kabutops (MD) as well. Every T2 deck can easily get
the required 60 damage as well, without any effort. All
of this is good news due to the possible Scramble abuse,
just don't put it active if your opponent has one prize
card left, and don't let it be your only Pokémon in
Modified: This is a great card. It isn't a main
attacker, obviously, but it is a great, mid game support
attacker, ready to help power up any main attacker
straight away without the need for any energies. That is
great, and then it also allows you to gain Scramble
abuse once it gets KO-ed, which will hopefully be quite
quickly. The Retreat Cost is annoying if it doesn't get
KO-ed in one turn, but there are ways around it, you
just may need to get imaginative. I wish it had a better
second attack instead of that useless Reflect Energy,
and it does need a lot of support to get the right
energies in the discard pile to make Dual Trans a useful
attack, but it is still a great card. However, it does
work better in some decks than others, but I think most
decks could use it do great effect. 4/5
Limited: It can happily power anything up that needs
specific energies, so long as you have them in the
discard pile anyway, and Reflect Energy could give the
much needed 30 damage to sufficiently weaken to KO a
Pokémon, so can be useful. 60 HP won't see it live long,
and in a format without Scramble, that isn't too good,
but it is still worth it. 3.5/5 |
Alazor |
Rotom (Majestic Dawn)
You could use this guy with Moltres (Majestic Dawn), TV
Reporter, and Felicity's Drawing (Great Encounters), the
one retreat cost is OK, but it could also be combined
with Blissey (Mysterious Treasures). Its low-hp is the
only downside.
Reflect energy alright, but you have to move the energy
to a benched pokemon.
Modified: 3/5
Limited: 4/5--- Energy acceleration should help out a
lot. |
New Jersey State Champion
2nd - North East Regional 07-08
And much more…
Rotom is pretty decent, and could
possibly work in competitive play.
The ability to bring energy into play from the
discard pile very quickly is a very powerful option.
The difference between Rotom and
Manaphy (Which we reviewed yesterday.) is that Rotom can
bring energy into play without need to have energy
attached to himself.
This means that he can get going as early as turn
one. This speed will be one of the many factors that
makes Rotom a competitive card.
You should combo this card with
supporters such as TV Reporter and Felicity’s Drawing
which will allow you to get energy cards into the
discard pile.
You could also use Pokemon such as Lunatone,
Sableye and Delcatty to get energies discarded.
I expect this card to see play at
various points throughout the next season.
After Double Rainbow and Scramble Energy are
rotated out, energy acceleration will be critical.
Modified: 4/5
Unlimited: 1/5
Limited: 3.5/5 (It’s harder to get
energy into the discard pile here.)