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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 62
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 1.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lv.62 MD
everyone, today’s COTD is pretty lame, and isn’t really
any better than the DP Palkia. Lets looks at the
differences, +10 HP isn’t that much, maybe now all of
those Nidoqueen and Beedrill (When they have 3 Beedrill
on the field,) players can’t one hit kill you now
though? An item? And a fairly useless one at that, it
gives Palkia an even greater advantage over what it
already has an advantage over… Zone Shift Vs. Spacial
Rend, Spacial Rend wins here, at lest you could search
for speed stadium to help a little bit it you started
with it… Pearl Blast Vs. Transback, Transback wins this
one, not only does Transback cost 1 energy less, but
also it has a chance of completely removing the
opponent’s pokemon (May not be a knock out but…) Other
stats, DP Palkia wins here too, 1 (C) less is just
barely better than one (C) more.
Pros –
Nice HP
Cons –
cost stinks
Is worse
than DP Palkia
– Unless you use the Lv.X, Palkia sucks, both of them.
– Not worth it, keep it, and put it into your collection
box and pray you never get another one again! (Well,
unless you also want a RH one…) 1/5
this card is so bad that it makes Purugly look good!
always in the last place you look... of course it is,
why the hell would you keep looking after I found it?”
Jigglypuff13 |
6/16 Palkia Lv. 62 (MD)
Do you remember the review of Dialga (MD) last week?
Well, Palkia today is quite similar to that Dialga. The
first reason is because of that attached item, in this
case being Lustrous Orb. This is better than Adamant Orb
on Dialga last week because more than 1 popular Pokémon
in weak to Water. Lustrous Orb makes Palkia's attacks to
20 extra damage to the defending Pokémon if it is weak
to Water and applied before weakness and resistance. The
before part is very important against the 2 main Fire
based decks at the moment, Magmortar (SW) variants and
Skittles with Ho-Oh (SW). The reason is Ho-Oh (SW) and
Magmortar Lv.X (MT) both have a x2 Water weakness,
meaning it essentially becomes +40 against them. Lake
Boundary is also nice, since it turns all of those Fire
Pokémon in the format into x2 weak Water Pokémon,
allowing Lustrous Orb to use that "Before Weakness and
Resistance" text to maximum effect. However, due to the
Water revolution in MD thanks to Empoleon (MD) and
Glaceon Lv.X (MD), Fire types are probably going to end
seeing less play, meaning Lustrous Orb is probably going
to end becoming less and less useful. Still, it could be
However, as nice as Lustrous Orb sounds, it does require
Palkia to have at least 1 good attack to take advantage
of Lustrous Orb and preferably Lake Boundary if you are
playing it. However, it's attacks are both lack-luster.
Zone Shift, for W, is just pointless really, making your
opponent switch their active with one of their benched
Pokémon. If you got to choose in a Gust Of Wind type
effect, then it would be a good disruptive attack for W,
but you can't, so chances are, it won't. Also, it does
no damage, so Lustrous Orb is doing nothing at the
moment. Pearl Blast isn't much of an improvement. WWCC
for 60 is never good, and the effect doesn't make the
attack any better. Returning an energy attached to
Palkia to return one attached to the Defending Pokémon
isn't a mega effect. It can be useful with a format full
of Scrambles and DREs, but they can just attach them
again next turn. It makes them waste an energy
attachment during their turn to do so, but the same also
applies to you after returning the energy to your hand.
However, I suppose it can be useful, since it can allow
you do save an energy if you know Palkia is going to be
KO-ed during your opponents turn, but still, for 4
energies, it's just not worth it. With Lustrous Orb, it
can OHKO any x2 weak Fire Pokémon, and, in fact, many
other Water weak Pokémon. Still, 4 energies makes it way
too slow to actually make it worth while, unless you can
find some sort of energy acceleration for it.
Between this and the DP/GE version, I'm not sure which
one I would choose. This MD version can OHKO just about
every Water Pokémon thanks to Lustrous Orb, but it
requires 4 energies to do so, and it's first attack is
just rubbish. However, the DP/MD version has an alright
first attack in the form of Spacial Rend, basically
making it a sort of counter stadium and allows you to
get a Counter Stadium. Transback is just too random to
be of any use, but at least only costs 3 energies
instead of 4, but does only 40 damage for when the
effect doesn't work. It's a tough call, but since it's
only ever going to be Leveled up into the Lv.X version
(or if it isn't, don't play either), it needs that extra
survivability, so the MD version is probably best for
that extra 10 HP.
However, that extra 10 HP does little since it most
Pokémon can do that 100 quite easily, but it does help
if they can only do 80. GG decks will just use Gallade
(SW) and flip 2 prizes for a OHKO, but with a DRE
attached, it has to flip 3 without the help of a
Strength Charm/Plus Power, where as it will always need
a maximum of 2 for the DP/GE version. Gardevoir (SW)
will always 2HKO Palkia, no matter which version you are
using. Magmotar (SW) needs 5 Fires attached to it to KO
an active Palkia, again, no matter which one you are
using again, though with 4 energies, it can use a
Strength Charm/Plus Power to help OHKO the DP/GE one, or
use the Lv.X version to snipe a benched Palkia, again,
no matter which one. Skittles needs 5 different basic
energy cards attached to Ho-Oh (SW) to KO either one,
and again, with 4 different basic energy cards and a
Strength Charm/Plus Power attached to KO a DP/GE
version. Both Magmortar and Ho-Oh need to be slightly
cautious of Lustrous Orb though, if Palkia can ever get
enough energies attached to it. Garchomp (MT) needs a
Lightning basic energy attached to it for a OHKO on
either Palkia. Eeveelutions can only get a OHKO using
Leafeon Lv.X (MD), and would need a total of 7 energies
attached to their Pokémon, or use Jolteon (MD) and
discard the energies to do the OHKO. Empoleon (MD) needs
a full bench to OHKO the MD version, but needs only 4
benched Pokémon to KO the DP/GE version. Fossils will
only ever 2HKO Palkia, no matter which one it is. Very
few Turn 2 decks can get to 100 damage, but most can get
to 80, meaning they will 2HKO the MD Palkia, but with a
Strength Charm/Plus Power, can OHKO The DP/GE version of
Palkia. As you can see, the extra 10 HP does help
against some decks, but not many.
Modified: If you can get enough energies attached to
Palkia and you are against a Fire deck, then Lustrous
Orb can become quite deadly. However, you need 4
energies attached to be able to deal damage, and that
makes the card too slow. Zone Shift wants to be
disruptive, but it probably won't be. The only good
thing about the card is the card is the 10 extra HP
compared to the DP/GE version, but that can also act as
a counter Stadium. The MD version is probably the better
of the 2 different version, but that's only because it
can be more survivable against some decks. If those
decks aren't played in your metagame, and you want to
play the Lv.X version, go with the DP/GE version. 1.5/5
Limited: Zone Shift is potentially disruptive here, but
chances are it won't be very helpful. Due to the large
variety of types in one deck, chances are you will find
many people playing even a small amount of Fire, making
Lustrous Orb quite useful, but only if you have the time
and resources to put that large energy cost on it. 100
HP should see it live for a while, so you should have
the time, but it's still not great. 60 damage might be
enough to KO a lot of what you find here, but some
evolutions might be a bit of trouble. |

of the Lake
I'm back, woo!
However, the card is bad. No, I don't care if your friend won a regionals with Venusaur/Dialga with Palkia TeCH. This card is bad
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 1/5. No.
Limited: 2/5. 2/5 is 2/5 more points than this card deserves, but you can always sell it to the little kids.
Unlimited: 1/5. No.
Well, that was fast. Fast COTDs hopefully won't be naught ubiquitous, though. Have fun. |
Alazor |
Hello Everyone,
And Happy Father's Day to all those Fathers out there,
today we have:
Palkia (Majestic Dawn)
Lustrous Orb and its hp are the only things going for
it. But the attack that does damage costs 4 energy!
With Palkia lv. X that may not be as much of a problem,
but without Palkia lv.x there is not much of a point in
playing this card. If you play this with Palkia lv. X
and Empoleon, Hydro effect for 80 for 3 energy is pretty
good and add another energy and you can do 100 damage.
If you don't run the lv. X you can probably forget about
this one.
Modified: 3/5 with Palkia lv. X, otherwise 1.
Limited: 2/5 I mean it has the hp, but if it can't power
up fast enough it won't be too useful. |