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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 44
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.75
Limited: 2.85
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lv.44 MD
people of planet Earth; and Canada! Today’s COTD today
is one that seems insignificant, the attack costs
nothing but only hit pokemon who you already hurt, the
poke-body only hits other pokemon with poke-powers, and
Coating isn’t the greatest attack in the world. BUT,
there is one good deck (I’ve tried it out, it’s fun
too,) using this thing that could be worth checking.
First, take your Bronzong and turn it to 250, then add
in some Gengar DP, just enough to where you can tell
it’s there, then take your Gardevoir SW and throw it in
there too. And last, but not least, add in moonlight
stadium to keep your Bronzong fat free and bam! You have
a deck! Just make sure to keep up the Shadow Dancing
until you win. Other than that, Bronzong is basically
Pros –
between turns damage
resistance (Thank you heatproof ability in the video
Cons –
90 HP
Needs to
be active
aren’t that great
hits poke-powers
- Why couldn’t they make it hit both powers and bodies?
– free attack, but not poke-powers here really. 2/5
Alloy? If the government got its hands on some do you
think they’d use it?
every cloud has a silver lining; and hundreds of people
have been struck by lightning looking for it."
Jigglypuff13 |
6/17 Bronzong Lv. 44 (MD)
Along with a fair few Pokémon in this set, it's has
received a lot of hype. There are a couple of reasons
why. The first is Cursed Alloy, which is basically
Cursed Stone (LM) in Poké-Body form. There are a lot of
Pokémon in this format with Poké-Powers, and thus Cursed
Alloy can end up putting a lot of damage counters on a
lot of Pokémon, including the every present Claydol
(GE), which is used in many decks, along with the likes
of Gardevoir (SW), Ho-Oh (SW), Togekiss (GE), Leafeon
Lv.X (MD) and more than I have space and time to list
them. Basically, you are going to have to be incredibly
unlucky to go against a deck that doesn't use any Poké-Powers,
and thus Cursed Alloy should be putting a damage counter
on a lot of your opponents Pokémon every turn. The only
bad thing about Cursed Alloy is Bronzong has to be
active to use it, which means Bronzong as to have a good
attack or 2 to make use of Cursed Alloy.
Thankfully, it does. Pain Amplifier is instant spread,
and for no energy requirement. You do have to try and
get a damage counter on each of your opponent's Pokémon
first before you will be able to get maximum effect from
Bronzong, but there are ways of doing so. The first is
using a spreader to attacker for an energy for a while,
then allow Bronzong to come up when the spreader gets
KO-ed to continue spreading. Good examples of these
sorts of spreaders are Prinplup (DP) and Vibrava (SW).
The second way of doing the damage spread is to use
either a Poké-Power to Body to spread the damage. Zapdos
(MD) can do so with a flip and a Power, while Ampharous
(SW) will put a damage counter on each of your opponents
Pokémon when they play a Supporter. Both of these, when
triggered and successful, will allow Bronzong to put one
damage counter on each of your opponents Pokémon every
turn for no energy cost thanks to Pain Amplifier.
Coating isn't great though. For PCC, it can do 60 and
protect Bronzong from 20 damage next turn, but that
isn't really going to help much, when most decks can and
will do the requires 110 to then KO Bronzong.
Actually, Bronzong has 4 big weaknesses. The first is
Lati-Lock, which due to MD, is growing in popularity and
can be fitted in a large number of big decks. The second
is it's low HP, with 90 just not cutting it around here.
The third is that large retreat cost, but there are a
couple of ways round that, thanks to the likes of
Gardevoir Lv.X (SW)'s Teleportation, or Moonlight
Stadium (GE). The Weakness is the final weakness, but
can be stopped by Blastoise d (CG), which then just
makes Bronzong even more Lati-Lock weak. The HP and
Weakness can easily be taken advantage of, with most big
decks being able to OHKO Bronzong. GG decks will happily
get Gallade (SW) to flip 2 prizes, or use a Strength
Charm/Plus Power and only flip 1 prize without a DRE
attached, or use Gardevoir (SW) and either 2HKO Bronzong,
or use a Strength Charm/Plus Power and no DRE for a
OHKO. Magmortar (SW) needs 6 Fires attached due to that
Fire resistance, as does Ho-Oh (SW) in Skittles decks,
but that can be reduced to 5 energies for either one
with a Plus Power/Strength Charm attached. Garchomp (MT)
needs a Psychic energy to OHKO Bronzong and Empoleon
(MD) needs 4 benched Pokémon, neither of which are
daunted by Cursed Alloy. Eeveelutions can use Espeon
(MD) and a Plus Power/Strength Charm/Lake Boundary for a
OHKO, but others can happily 2HKO Bronzong instead.
Fossils can only 2HKO Bronzong using Kabutops (MD), but
that should be quick enough. Turn 2 decks can only
really 2HKO Bronzong without the help of Plus
Powers/Strength Charms, but Banette (SW) is the
exception, being able to use it's second attack and a
Banette in the Discard Pile for a OHKO instead.
Modified: Cursed Alloy is great, and combined with Pain
Amplifier and other spreaders, the damage can quickly
mount up on your opponents Pokémon. However, it has to
be active, which makes it's low HP a problem, with few
decks not being able to get a OHKO once set up. Also,
Coating is just an awful attack, only being able to 2HKO
some weak attackers with it, and the defense it gives
basically doing nothing. If it had a good second attack,
preferably one that helps or takes advantage of the
spreading in some way, then it would be a brilliant
card. However, it doesn't, so is just good. Still, if
you are thinking of making a spread deck, definately
consider this. 3.5/5
Limited: There are a lot fewer Poké-Powers here, and
fewer spreaders to help Pain Amplifier, but it's still a
great spreader if you can get the support. Also, Coating
here can be great, being able to allow Bronzong to be a
bit of a tank with the -20 damage next turn, and the 60
damage dealt allowing it to 2HKO most of what you find
here. Still, it does need a bit of help to reach it's
full potential. 3/5 |
Alazor |
Bronzong (Majestic Dawn)
Bronzong looks like a nice card, nice 90 hp, fire
resistance, it's poke-body Cursed Alloy puts damage
counters on everything that has poke-powers, it's only
downside is it gets shut down from Cessation Crystal and
Latilock and Bronzong has to be active to use it. Pain
Amplifier just helps spread the damage a little more,
for more Energy! Coating makes up for it's small hp and
it's retreat cost can be alleviated with Stadiums like
Phoebe's and Moonlight Stadium. Psychic Weakness... erk.
You could use this guy with Ampharos (Secret Wonders),
Empoleon (Majestic Dawn), Zapdos (Majestic Dawn),
Bronzong (Mysterious Treasures), Cresselia lv. X, maybe
even Cessation Crystal!
Modified: 4/5 Hurts Claydol.
Limited: 3.5/5 About 1/6 of the pokemon here have
poke-powers, so it could find some use here. |
New Jersey State Champion
2nd - North East Regional 07-08
And much more…
Bronzong is an amazing card.
Right now, it has the ability to counter the most
popular deck in the format – Gardevior.
Its pokebody is strong against a variety of
decks, specifically for hitting Claydol.
Also, for no energy, it can do some serious
damage spreading.
Each of these attributes is strong on its own,
but together they really make Bronzong competitive.
The biggest downside to Bronzong is
that its retreat cost is high.
This means that it’s either stuck active, or
needs to be “Switch”ed or “Warp Point”ed.
This however is a minor drawback, considering
everything else it has going for it.
Overall, this card is great
in modified.
It has everything it needs to be competitive in
the current environment.
It doesn’t make it in unlimited though.
Also, there are fewer pokepowers and ways to
spread damage in limited.
It however is a decent card anyway, so it is not
bad too bad here.
Modified: 4.75/5
Unlimited: 1/5
Limited: 3/5