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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.45
Limited: 4.25
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Hippowdon Lv.44 MD
morning. Today’s COTD today is the hungry, hungry hippo
himself, Hippowdon. This card looks nice at first
glance; a free attack that does 20 and attached energy
from your discard, 100 HP on a stage 1, and a second
attack that can get massive with more energy on it. But
this all comes at a large price, first is the massive 3
retreat cost, nothing can save you if you don’t have
warp point or switch. Second is the coin flips for the
second attack, coin flips are evil! You will get 1 heads
the only time you need 2! And lastly is the horrible
evolution line, there is no good Hippowdon to date
(Well, this one isn’t bad.)
Pros –
energy attaching attack that does damage
attack that can do massive damage with a bit of luck
100 HP
stage 1 is nice
Cons –
retreat cost
to a rising type (Water)
– Someone lucky need to play this deck and win, then he
may show its true potential. 3.5/5
– free attack! Take it! 4.5/5
This guy
isn’t bad; he just isn’t all that great either…
“I’m not
clumsy…the floor just hates me…”
Alazor |
Hippowdon (Majestic Dawn)
Vacuum Sand's 1st attack is really nice- 20
damage, energy acceleration all for no energy? This
could be useful with TV Reporter or Felicityʼs Drawing.
Sand Impact is good and it can abuse Scramble and Double
Rainbow Energy, it can also do unlimited damage, but
itʼs a little flippy. Still- doing up to 110 damage for
3 fighting energy is nothing to look down upon. Now for
the bad part, Hippowdon has weakness to water, which
means yikes! Water Empoleon and Omastar taking it down
and a 3 retreat cost to make it hard for the retreat.
You could probably combo this with a few pluspowers and
strength charms just for some extra security with Sand
Impact and add some Warp Points when you need to
retreat. You could try using this guy with Lucario (Daimond
and Pearl), Blissey (Mysterious Treasures), Rampardos
(Mysterious Treasures), and even Gallade (Secret
Modified 3.4/5 Just donʼt know about that water
Limited 4/5 Looks like a nice tank to take down that can
do damage pretty quickly.
Jigglypuff13 |
6/18 Hippowdon Lv. 44 (MD)
A few people liked the look of this card when it first
came out, and I think it's obvious to see why. With
decks that load up on energy seeming very popular and
powerful this format (Blissey (MT), Magmortar (SW) being
the 2 main ones), then Hippowdon, with it's energy
loading first attack and a second attack that likes it,
might be quite good. Vacuum Sand definately does look
quite good, doing 20 for nothing and getting a Fighting
energy from the discard pile and attaching to Hippowdon
does sound very tempting. However, you do need to make
sure you can get the Fighting energies into the discard
pile first of all, and the fact that it is an attack
just makes Hippowdon that little bit slower. It's self
energy acceleration Vacuum Sand is nice, but just means
you will have one less turn using Sand Impact.
Sand Impact is this cards main attack. 50 for FCC, and
then you get to flip a coin for each F energy attached
to Hippowdon and do 20 more for each heads. Basically,
Sand Impact will, on average, doing 10 extra for each F
energy attached, meaning with 3 Fighting energies
attach, will do on average 80 damage. That looks better
than Magmortar (SW) at these low energy costs, but go
beyond 5 energies, and Magmortar becomes the more
threatening on. With 6 energies, Magmortar is certain to
do 120 damage, and while there are few 120 HP main
attacks at the moment, that's still a good amount to
hit. Hippowdon, on the other hand, is doing on average
110, but with enough luck, can do 120. 110 is still a
lot, KOing some of the weaker main attackers, but
getting there slow. One of the things that made
Magmortar and Blissey popular was energy acceleration.
Blissey actually had it in it's main attack, while
Magmortar has a popular type for energy acceleration,
with 2 different Firestarter Pokémon. Hippowdon only has
it's first attack as a unique bit of energy
acceleration, which is just a waste of an attack since
you won't be able use it's energy hogging main attack
until the turn after. Sure, it can use Togekiss (GE) or
Leafeon Lv.X (MD), but so can the other two. Togekiss
seems interesting, with MagKiss decks doing quite well
recently, but HippoKiss decks would need even more luck
to KO some of the main Pokémon. Leafeon Lv.X seems
interesting as well, but it's a Lv.X, and that's always
quite hard to get out, especially for a energy
accelerator. Bascially, Hippowdon is a weaker, slower,
more luck needing version of Magmortar and Blissey.
And the HP doesn't help it survive like Magmortar and
Blissey have high HP to allow them to survive all bar
the most powerful attacks. 100 damage can be achieved by
most of the best decks. GG will just get Gallade to flip
2 prizes for a OHKO, or use Gardevoir to 2HKO Hippowdon,
and can stop any Poké-Powers Hippowdon will want to use,
like Togekiss's Serene Grace or Claydol's (GE) Cosmic
Power. Magmortar needs 5 energies attached to OHKO an
active Hippowdon, and 4 if it wants to use the Lv.X
version to OHKO a benched Hippowdon. Skittles needs to
load 5 different basic energies to Ho-Oh (SW) for a
OHKO, or can use Togekiss to stall Hippowdon with it's
Fighting Resistance. Garchomp (MT) will need a Water
energy attached for a OHKO. Eeveelutions needs a Plus
Power/Strength Charm attached to Glaceon Lv.X (MD) for a
OHKO, though all of them can get a 2HKO. Empoleon (MD)
needs just 2 benched Pokémon for it's main attack to get
a OHKO. T2 decks will struggle to get a OHKO without the
help of multiple Strength Charms/Plus Powers.
Modified: Vacuum Sand is a waste of an attack, Sand
Impact requires a lot of luck to well, and with an
average damage attack, ends up being weaker and less
efficient than other energy hogs like Magmortar at high
damage ranges, and can't survive a single half decent
attack like other energy hogs, so if you do get one
loaded with energies, it's likely to get KO-ed quickly,
making all of the time and resources in powering that
single Hippowdon up a waste. If you want to use
Hippowdon, just use another better energy hog, like
Magmortar. However, it does have one good thing on it's
side, surprise. If you play it, who will expect it? Mind
you, it still probably won't work since it's easily
countered with it's low HP. 1.5/5
Limited: 100 HP makes it a bit of a tank here, giving it
enough time to load up on Fighting energies. However,
without a consistent way to discard Fighting energies,
Vacuum Sand becomes quite situational. Sand Impact is
still very luck based, but can quite easily become a
consistent heavy hitter, OHKOing most of what you come
across here. However, one big attacker on your
opponent's side of the field, and it's a good idea to
say "bye bye" to Hippowdon. 3/5 |