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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 24
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 1.05
Limited: 1.35
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD
Jigglypuff13 |
6/19 Minun Lv. 24 (MD)
Do you remember Plusle (MD) a few weeks ago? Do you
remember how bad that card was? Well, this is worse. I
didn't think it was possible. The main reason is this
card kind of wants to be a main attacker, and not a
starter like Plusle wanted to be. And looking at Minun's
attacks, it just can never be. Pound is you standard C
for 10 attack, which is always a bad start on a main
attacker. To be honest, I would've preferred the Call
For Family attack from Plusle on here. + Spark is
rubbish as well. LC for 20 is just bad, and needing
Plusle on your bench to do 20 bench damage to one of
your opponent's Pokémon is just taking up too much
valuable bench space.
To make it even worse, it just isn't survivable. 60 HP,
+10 Fighting Weakness and that pointless -20 Metal
Resistance just make the card worse. Every main attacker
can OHKO Minun without a DRE attached, and due to the
small effort that attackers can OHKO it, you may as well
just run a teched in Magikarp (MT) instead of Minun. GG
will just use Gallade (SW) for a OHKO, with or without
the help from Weakness, or Gardevoir (SW) will come up
and without a DRE, get a free KO and stopping your Poké-Powers.
Magmortar (SW) decks will just load 3 energies on it for
a OHKO, but it may just take it's time and use it's
second attack to spread damage while taking minimal
damage from Minun's + Spark. Ho-Oh (SW) in Skittles just
needs 3 different basic energies attached to it for a
OHKO, or they can use Togekiss and, with a bit of luck,
get a OHKO using it's attack, though Minun can cause a
bit of damage to Togekiss. Garchomp (MT) doesn't even
need a Fighting energy attached for a OHKO. In fact,
even though you shouldn't use DRE in Garchomp decks, can
OHKO Minun with a DRE attached. Empoleon needs just one
benched Pokémon to get a OHKO against Minun, but may
take the time to Dual Splash your bench instead, but
will take 50 damage from each + Spark, so will
eventually need to KO Minun, unless it wants to be
massively imbarassed. Eeveelutions can use any apart
from Jolteon (MD) (Unless you want to discard the
energies or use a Strength Charm/Plus Power) and Umbreon
(MD) (Unless you use a Dark Special energy or a Strength
Charm/Plus Power) to get a OHKO. Fossils will just use
Kabutops (MD) and Chop Up Minun for a OHKO without
needing the help from weakness. In fact, you will be
hard pressed to make a deck that can't OHKO Minun, apart
from any other Plusle/Minun decks that you may deck, at
which point, why are you even playing them?
Modified: Pound it rubbish, + Spark is a waste of
energies and bench space, it can't survive anything
other than an opposing Minun's + Spark, and is basically
a rubbish card. If you want to use Minun in any deck,
use the SW Minun instead. If you get this in a booster
pack, I really am sorry, and I know how it feels. This
Minun is possible the most useless card in the set, but
is definately the most useless rare. If I could give
this a negative rating, I would, but I can't. 1/5
Limited: It gets slightly better here. + Spark does give
some nice bench damage, and 20 for 2 isn't bad. It still
can't survive more than a couple of attack though, but
for maximum efficiency, you need to get Plusle as well.
To be honest, if you get both, that's really unlucky,
and will prove useless after the limited tournament
though. 1.5/5 |
Alazor |
Minun (Majestic Dawn)
Okay letʼs see here, looks more like a collectorʼs item
than anything else. ;p Pound, well Base Set Rattata
could do better. This card is smiling right at you, but
thereʼs really nothing to smile about. It doesnʼt have
the damage, it doesnʼt have the hp and fighting weakness
hurts. Sorry for those who like Minuns, but the better
one is Secret Wonders. Best thing to combo with is
Plusle (Secret Wonders).
Modified 1.1/5 (Itʼs smiling.)
Limited 1.2/5 Needs evolutions.
Zangoose |
Lv.24 MD
Alright, here, today, we have one of the most useless
cards ever printed… Period. The HP is the same as an
evolving basic, yet Minun doesn’t evolve. The attack
absolutely reeks, 10 for (C)? Maybe 10 for nothing but
(C)!?! And the second attack is almost worse (I say
almost because I’m not sure it can be worse than 10
damage…) (+) Spark does 20 and 20 to a benched pokemon
if you have Plusle on the bench… Wow, not a whole lot to
say. Not only does this card suck, it wants you to play
another card that sucks in order to make this suckish
card a little better… Do I need to go on?
Pros –
passes through the Pojo website*
Cons –
Weak HP
Horrible first attack
second attack
even get a free retreat!!!
Modified – This card in Modified? LOL. Haha. Oh, that’s
a good one. 1.25/5 (+25 for bench damage!)
– A (C) attack is the only thing that is even close to
good here. 1.5/5
does pokemon insist on making such horrible cards and
make them rare?
isn't passing me by; it’s trying to run me over.”