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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 46
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.00
Limited: 3.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lv.46 MD
morning to all you people who have just woke up, and
good afternoon to everyone else! Today’s COTD today is
the first card of this weeks ‘Legendary Bird Week’ and
the worst of the three legendary birds. Although
Freezing Screech is nice, it just doesn’t pack the same
punch as either Zapdos or Moltres. And the attack isn’t
bad, but 60 for (W)(W)(C) is not a good deal even on a
basic and comes 10 damage away from 2HKOing those 130HP
beasts out there. The retreat cost is horrible too;
having to pay 2 much to retreat simply drives this card
further into the ground. The weakness and resistance are
nice, fighting resistance is great and metal pokemon are
M.I.A (Missing in Action) at the moment so it looks like
weakness and resistance are the best things on Articuno.
Pros –
weakness and resistance
Nice HP
Cons –
2 much
retreat cost
– If you want to use basic pokemon use Moltres, or wait
for Mewtwo/Azelf, Mespirit, and Uxie in the next set.
– Nice HP, if you can charge it up it’ll do great!
hope you had a nice weekend (I did, I got 3rd
at BR!) And I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
I think a lot of players underestimate this 1.. its
flippy sure it fills the bench yes.. but in late game
when pokes are fully evolved and the warp points are
blown of a good flip is a free attack ... and that can
very well win you the game.. especially if you play
something that snipes the bench.
Its attack is next to useless in modified though in
limited it may be ok.
Modified 2.5
limited 3.5 |
Jigglypuff13 |
6/2 Articuno Lv. 46 (MD)
This week is the week of the Legendary Birds, and we
start with probably the most curious one, Articuno. Like
all of the Birds, it has a x2 Weakness, a Resistance to
Fighting (which is nice), 2 Retreat Cost, 100HP, a
coming into play Poké-Power and a 3 energy attack.
Obviously, to separate the cards, we only have the
details, but it’s a solid base for all of them. Articuno
gives us a Poké-Power that looks quite good. Freezing
Screech seems to have a nice Poké-Power. 50% chance of
Paralyzes is a nice effect. Many Pokémon have that
chance in their attack, and it’s undoubtedly a useful
Special Condition, so it’s probably better in a Poké-Power.
Of course, it’s annoyingly easy to get out of (Switch,
warp Point, etc.), but still, it can be useful. However,
it can only be used once (unless you have multiple
Articunos, but playing more than 2 at any one time is
risking bench space), so Super Scoop Up would be needed
if you wanted to rely on the Power. Also, of course,
it’s a flip, which is very risky if you need to get the
Paralyzes. If you are feeling lucky, then this can be
good. If your aren’t, then try something else.
Blizzard used to be a good attack. Back when Fossil was
a new set, Rain Dance were all the rage, and many used
Articuno from Fossil. Back then, it cost 4 energies, did
50 and had the same chance of doing bench damage to
yours or your opponents. However, you may think it’s
better now due to it’s nice increased damage for less
energy cost, but you’d be wrong. 60 is barely enough to
2HKO the weakest of main attackers (the 110 or even less
ones), though Skittles would be worried. Also, there are
a lot of snipers in this format, and all of them would
love for you to Blizzard and damage your own bench, so
it is a massive risk to take. However, your snipers (if
you are playing Articuno with snipers) will want you to
get heads (natch). There is a card that wouldn’t mind
being damaged, which is Gyarados (MT). To be honest, if
you are going to use Articuno for it’s attack, use it
with a sniper or two and/or Gyarados, otherwise you are
asking for trouble. The only other combo for Articuno at
all is with something that does more damage with Special
Conditions. Ariados (UF) would’ve loved this, but you
are now going to have to settle for Swalot (CG).
Articuno does have counters. Cessation Crystal and
Psychic Lock (from Gardevoir (SW)) or like attacks will
stop that nice looking Poké-Power in a flash. Cessation
Crystal can be taken care off from Pachirisu (GE) or
Windstorm, but Psychic Lock and those type attacks are
ones to be more afraid of due to not being able to stop
them. Big decks don’t have too much trouble against
Articuno. GG decks can 2HKO it using Gardevoir (at which
point, they can also stop any freezing Screeches you
want to use as well), or go with the Gallade OHKO by
flipping 3 prizes. Magmortar, while being slightly
worried by weakness and the attack, will love to see
Articuno flip tails for it’s attack so Magmortar can
snipe some more, or just pile 5 energies to OHKO
Articuno using Magmortars first attack, or 4 and use the
Lv.X. Skittles needs 5 different energies for the OHKO,
but won’t like being hit by a single Blizzard due to
it’s OHKOing power. Most turn 2 decks struggle to do the
required 100 consistently, but most can with Plus
Power/Strength Charm help. The weakness for Articuno,
the x2 Metal one, isn’t bad. There are few competitive
Metal types, with Scizor (MD) probably being the most
used one of them. Scizor isn‘t a threat because Articuno
can‘t use the best Special energies (DRE and Scramble),
and thus would need a Scramble or DRE + Strength
Charm/Plus Power in most decks to so the 50. Metals that
are used can do the required 50, but because they are
few and far between, they aren’t worth worrying about.
Modified: If you can cause Paralyzes without needing an
attack, then it’s worth looking at. However, it’s a one
shot Power that requires luck to work, and it’s attack
it very risky due to the amount of snipers going around.
It has got resistance to an attacker from the most
played deck plus a good weakness, but there is still no
good and consistent way of using that Poké-Power and
that attack in any deck. Try it. It may work, but if it
does, then you’ve got lucky. 2/5
Limited: Any chance of any Special Condition is very
nice here, so it’s Poké-Power is worth using. The attack
isn’t too bad. 60 damage, even if it does need 3
energies, isn’t bad here, though it does need two
Waters. The chance of spreading damage with the attack
is nice, and the drawback isn’t bad since there are few
snipers in this format. 100HP should see it live for
quite a long time as well. 3.5/5 |

of the Lake
Today's COTD will be a quickie. No quote today. Please, don't all start crying at once.
Um.. it's blue?
Dugtrio, so you don't destroy your own bench if you're particularly good at flipping tails.
Blizzard is 1WW for 60, with damage spread to either bench, depending on the flip. This attack would be fantastic if it was still 2001. Unfortunately (and I really mean this), it is no longer 2001.
Bottom stats
Weakness to Metal won't hurtcha in this format. -20 Fighting Resistance is useful.
The retreat cost is terrible, though.
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 2/5. The Power is slightly useful. If you flip heads, that is.
Limited: 3/5. BBBPs still actually matter in a format like Limited. And you will destroy that guy who drafted the 3-3-3 Infernape line.
Unlimited: 1/5. Go go Rain Dance! |
Brad Valila
Canada |
Articuno lv 46
This is my favourite of the birds. It has a fair
weakness, steel, which isn't an overly played type right
now. 100hp is fine for a non-evolving basic. 2 retreat
cost is probably too much though. Water type bodes well
right now with all the Infernapes and Magmortars running
about. The body is always neat; a flip for paralysis
when you play thi, but only when its played. Its not
fantastic. The attack is costly as well; WWC for 60 is
only moderately good, and a flip for bench damage. This
suffers for having a tails result too, 10 to your
bench:( If you get heads lots though...
Limited-It's probably too slow here:( But 60 is enough
to plow through most.
Limited - 5/5-X where x is the number on your bench
Alazor |
Articuno (Majestic Dawn)
Freezing Search is nice power, but is easy to get around
with Warp Point and Switch. If you want to play him, you
will need a small bench, so that if you flip tails, you
will get minimal damage. It's attack Blizzard isn't too
amazing, because 60 damage for 3 energy isn't as good as
it used to be. If you get heads all the time, this card
would be OK, but if you get tails-- it's no good.
Modified 2/5 -- better Legendary birds out there.
Limited 2.5/5 He can deal some damage and take some
damage, but he's very energy costly. |