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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 53
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 4.40
Limited: 3.50
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lv.53 MD
evening all of you people. Today’s COTD today is one of
the better cards from the new Mysterious Dawn set, and
one that you have most likely seen in action before.
Alright, the HP is nice for something you don’t want
active very often, the only attack on this thing isn’t
horrible, but isn’t great, and the weakness and retreat
cost are fair. Now, onto what makes this card so
awesome, the poke-power on this thing lets you devolve
all of your opponent’s benched pokemon when you use it.
Once you do that there are a few things you can do with
it. First, you can spread damage to everyone and all of
the low HP basics and stage 1’s on your opponent’s bench
suddenly have way too much damage on them… Second, you
can TGW! Playing a Team Galactics Wager right after
devolving all of your opponent’s benched pokemon is just
mean! Especially late game when they have used up all of
their rare candy and stuff. And last, but not least, you
can always use a good old second Omastar, and totally
devolve all of your opponent’s benched pokemon totally
(Totally evil!)
Pros –
Nice HP,
just out of range from a OHKO with Magmortar Lv.X
poke-power, why did I say it twice? It’s just that
evolution (Fossil excavator here I come!)
Cons –
evolution (No Celio’s or Roseanne’s for you!)
– If your deck plays 4 TGW, then play this guy too!
– With all of the basics everywhere, the only thing
Omastar can really do is attack… 3.75/5
Oh yea!
The first good card I’ve reviewed in a while!
“Everyone makes mistakes. The trick is to make mistakes
when nobody is looking.”
Jigglypuff13 |
6/20 Omastar Lv. 53 (MD)
It's the end of the week, and after some fairly rubbish
cards, we end with a fantastic one. This was a massively
hyped and eagerly awaited card from MD, and one look at
that Poké-Power should show you why. However, lets look
at the other stuff first. It has 110 HP, which, on a
Stage 2, is alright, but won't survive more than 1 or 2
hits. Mind you, Send Back doesn't really make you want
to use it as a main attacker, or even ever have it
active to use it's attack, with it doing 40 and a switch
for WC, which isn't great, and actually isn't even
alright. Thankfully, if you ever do get Omastar active,
it has only 1 Retreat Cost, so it'll never be active for
long enough to actually have to attack. It has no
Resistance, but it also has a good Weakness, with only
Leafeon Lv.X (MD) being popular enough to really give it
any problems if you do get Omastar active, chances are,
it won't get hit by weakness. Mind you, with only 110
HP, not main main attackers will care.
However, if you are playing this card for anything other
than the Poké-Power, you need to get you head checked.
Primal Swirl is just magnificent. You may only be able
to devolve your opponent's benched Pokémon, but you get
to devolve them without attacking, which is just
brilliant. If you really want to lock your opponent,
drop one of these for Primal Swirl, use a Team
Galactic's Wager (MT) to shuffle all of those evolutions
into their deck, use Claydol (GE) and Cosmic Power if
you lose, then either use a Psychic Lock (Gardevoir
(SW)) type attack or use Cessation Crystal (CG), just to
stop your opponent from doing anything next turn. Well
timed, this will demolish almost any deck you face.
Badly timed, it will be disruptive, but not enough to
really hurt your opponent much. However, even if you
can't use that combo, then there is another use. If you
can use a good enough spreader (Kabutops (MD) comes to
mind straight away), then you can use Primal Swirl and
KO all of your opponent's benched Pokémon, after
devolving them all. Well timed, you could get 5 prizes
in one. Badly timed, you will probably get 1 or 2, but
no matter what, it's nasty. If your deck can spread
damage in anyway, use this card, at least one of them,
simply because the Poké-Power is so brutal.
However, if you need devolution really badly, there are
two options. There's this (obviously), and there's
Omastar (PK). The MD one can only devolve your
opponent's bench, but is a Poké-Power. The PK one can
devolve all of your opponent's Pokémon, but only at the
cost of being an attack. If you need devolution, I'd go
with the MD version, but only because the awesome combo
it can do during the same turn. No matter what though,
you are getting a powerful effect.
So, you are going to time it well every time, so you
never play it earlier than you need to, so it won't get
sniped and will never need to be active, so it will
never have to attack. However, what if you do
accidentally play it a bit too early, or end up having
to send it active, what would happen then? Well, most
main attackers will OHKO and active Omastar, but a
benched one is pretty safe. A benched Omastar has to
deal with Magmortar Lv.X (MT) using it's Flame Blaster
to do 100 damage, then getting Magmortar (SW) to us it's
second attack to finish the job. It's 2 turns and a lot
of resources just to KO a benched Omastar, so probably
isn't worth it. Empoloen (MD) has the same sort of
problems, with Dual Splash needing 4 turns for a KO, or
1 followed by using the Lv.X version to snipe Omastar
for a KO. Again, too many Energies, turns and
resources to really make KOing Omastar worth it. It will
only ever be worth KOing a benched Omastar if you know
they run Super Scoop Up in their deck. Same goes with an
active one really, but it should only take 1 turn. GG
decks will get Gallade (SW) to flip 3 prizes, or use a
Strength Charm/Plus Power and flip just 2 prizes for a
OHKO. Gardevoir (SW) can't get a OHKO, but can lock
other Omastars from using Primal Swirl. Magmortar needs
6 energies to OHKO the active Omastar, and it's the same
story for Ho-Oh (SW) in Skittles, which is slightly
tough to do. Still, if you can, you might as well.
Garchomp (MT) needs a Grass energy attached to it for a
OHKO, but very few Garchomp decks will be running more
than 1 Grass energy in the deck. Empoleon needs a full
bench and a Strength Charm/Plus Power for a OHKO, but
may just take the time to Dual Splash your bench instead
of OHKOing Omastar. Eeveelutions just need Leafeon Lv.X
out and 5 energies on the field for a OHKO.
However, as great as Omastar is, it does have 1 major
downfall; it's a fossil evolution. There are specific
cards to get the fossils out, such as Holon Fossil (HP)
and Fossil Excavator (MT/MD). However, fossils can't be
searched out for in the normal way, such as using
Celio's Network (CG). Therefore, if you want to use
Omastar, you are going to have to draw into Helix
Fossil, unless you tech something in to actually search
out your Helix Fossil. That makes it a little
unreliable, but still, that's a small price to pay for
such a devastating effect.
Modified: Primal Swirl is just brilliant, and is worth
putting into any deck that can spread damage, but could
be used in most decks really. The rest of the card isn't
that great, with the attack really being rubbish, and it
is a fossil evolution, which means you are going to need
a lot of luck in getting Omastar out in the first place,
but it's a small price to pay for such an awesome
effect. 4.5/5
Limited: There isn't a lot of damage spread here, and
evolutions are sparse, so Primal Swirl loses a lot of
it's power. Send Back should 2HKO most of what you find
here, so could become a decent attacker. 110 HP allows
it to be a massive tank, but watch out for Grass types.
Still, it's a Stage 2, which is hard to get out here.
Being a Fossil isn't so bad due to Fossil Excavator
being in the set, so you should be able to search for
Helix Fossil at the very least. Good, if you can get it
out. 3/5 |
Alazor |
Omastar (Majestic Dawn)
Omastar is used mainly for primary swirl, but send back
isnʼt too bad of an attack either, with a 1 retreat cost
and weakness to grass it should do well in any stage 2
water deck. This might even do fine in Raindance as a
tech. Used with Empoleon (Majestic Dawn), Blastoise
(Base), Omastar (Power Keepers), in other stage 2 decks
as well like in Gardevior and Gallade decks or Lucario/
Rampardos decks with Super Scoop Ups.This guy obviously
isnʼt the main attacker, but if heʼs sent up he can
probably last a turn.
Modified 4.1/5
Limited 3.3/5 Little less useful when Rare Candy isnʼt
Unlimited 2/5