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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.25
Limited: 2.89
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

goose |
Lv.45 MD
all of you, are you ready? Today’s COTD today is the
second best Legendary Bird in this set and can pack
quite a punch. 80 for (L)(L)(C) is nice, able to OHKO
most stage 1 pokemon and definitely will 2HKO any fully
evolved pokemon. Only drawback is the 40 damage to one
of your bench pokemon, but there are two ways to get rid
of that problem. The first is using Old Amber or Mudkip
(With the poke-body Submerge) to negate the damage
(There may be more pokemon that can do that then just
those two…) The second is put the 40 damage on a
Gyarados, nothing more awesome than not only doing 80
damage, but getting a benched Gyarados set up at the
same time! Now, the poke-power isn’t the best but isn’t
bad, the coin flip kills it, and along with the phrase
‘from your hand’ (No more Call energing it.) It just
stinks (Well, could be worse.) The HP is nice, and the
resistance is nice, the weakness is only a bit more used
than Articuno’s, and this thing also has the dreaded 2
retreat cost.
Pros –
Nice HP
Weakness and resistance
Cons –
only is the power flippy, but the phrase ‘from your
hand’ makes it even worse
dreadful 2 much retreat cost
Modified – not bad, not the best though… 3.5/5
– As long as you get this and Old Amber you win! 4.5/5
Come on
people! It’s a bird! Not a rock! Two retreat cost is
“Thought: Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not
only food: frequently there must be a beverage.”

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
Flippy pokepower that may be usefull if you can find
something special to do with the damagde.. it does fill
the bench though which i dangerous especially if facing
dusknoir. Its attack does do 80 which may be used for
constructed sometimes.
Limited is where this card shines 80 (90 with power) is
a very powerfull amount to do in limited as it will get
you a few faaaaaast ko's it will often end the game..
the 40 is bad if you retreated much during the games but
most often af few fresh pokes will be willing to take a
hit for you to bring the game home!
constructed 2.5
limited 4.75
Jigglypuff13 |
6/3 Zapdos Lv. 45 (MD)
The second of the legendary trio, Zapdos has the same
foundations as the other 2 Legendary Birds with the
100HP, x2 Weakness, -20 Fight Resistance, 2 Retreat
Cost, a coming into play Poké-Power and a single attack
that uses 3 energy. Unlike the other two, it’s Poké-Power,
Sheet Lightning, has an obvious set of decks to be used
it, damage spreading or sniping decks. Even though Sheet
Lightning still needs a flip to work, it is probably a
better and more useful Poké-Power that Freezing Screech.
This is because, while they are both nice effects, you
can use Zapdos in many more decks with great
effectiveness than Articuno, since spreading/sniping
decks will love the extra 10 spread without attacking
(one main one that comes to mind is Kabutops (MD) due to
it’s lack of sniping without help), where as while
Paralyzes is nice, no deck can use it in the same way as
the extra spread. Of course, while the extra 10 spread
is very nice, there is the risk of it failing due to the
flip. Without playing more Zapdos down on the same time
(which will use up valuable bench space), you are going
to want to use Super Scoop Up, which also has a chance
of failing, which creates even more risk to the extra
spread. However, with such a brilliant effect, the risk
is well worth the reward, just it might be a good idea
to have a back up as well.
At first glance, Zapdos has a nice attack, 80 for LLC.
Just about any stage would like that attack, so the fact
it’s on a basic is quite rare. However, the effect is a
massive drawback. Self damage is always bad, but is
especially nasty this format due to the abundance of
snipers and spreaders in the format. Gyarados (MT)
doesn’t mind being damaged since it then allows it to
Flail next turn for 70 or more if it gets sniped. Mudkip
(CG) or Old Amber (MD) could be used, I suppose, to stop
the damage while one of them is on the bench, or I
suppose you could damage Zapdos itself with the attack.
No matter what, you are going to hinder yourself in some
way by either having some weak basics on the bench to
take up valuable bench space, or making Gyarados
something that is likely to be sniped, or weakening
Zapdos so it’s easier to KO or weakening anything else
really. No matter what, it’s going to be a massive
And then there’s its counters. Cessation Crystal is an
obvious one to stop Sheet Lightning, but Pachirisu (GE)
or Windstorm could be used to get rid of Cessation
Crystal. Psychic Lock (Gardevoir (SW)) and those sort of
attacks can stop Sheet Lightning, and unless you KO
those Pokémon quickly, there is no way of countering
them. If you are going to play Zapdos onto the bench and
not get it back into your hand again, then it’s liable
to be sniped itself. Magmortar Lv.X (MT) would love to
get an easy KO against Zapdos using it’s attack. Other
snipers would be able to KO Zapdos in a few turns as
well. If you end up putting Zapdos up as an attacker,
then most decks can do the required 100 for the OHKO.
Gallade (SW) will happily flip 3 prizes to OHKO Zapdos.
Gardevoir can only 2HKO Zapdos, but does stop other
Sheet Lightning from being played. Magmortar (SW) decks
can load the 5 energies on to it to do the required 100
using Flame Blast. Skittles will happily load 5
different energies onto it for a OHKO. Other decks will
probably be able to do the 100 as well, though many T2
decks will have trouble without using Plus powers or
Strength Charms. The x2 Lightning weakness is pretty
good as well, with few good Lightning types in the
format. There may be the occasional one, but they are
few and far between.
Modified: Many sniping or spreading decks will be able
to find a good way to use Sheet Lightning, and there are
ways of using it for the attack, but it is very risky no
matter how you use it. Sheet Lightning is great, but I
think the certainty that comes from an attack is better.
The self damage is very risky, and is probably not worth
trying to find a way of using it. If you are feeling
lucky and a willing to take the risk, this is your card.
For everyone else, try something else. 2.5/5
Limited: 100HP should be enough to see it live for a
long time. However, spreading is very rare here, so
nothing can really take advantage of Sheet Lightning.
Raging Thunder can and will OHKO just about everything
you face here, but the 40 damage your Pokémon take every
time you attack with it will quickly see your Pokémon
being KO-ed by your own attacks, which is never good.
Could be useful here though. 3.5/5 |

of the Lake
Hoy vamos a hablar de Zaptwo.
It's no Team Rocket's Zapdos, in terms of affecting the metagame, but Zapdos is situational. That is a fancy word for "only works in a damage spread deck."
Zapdos swarm + Super Scoop Up! Woo! Go go rigged coin for 80 to your opponent's bench!
I'm not going to go in depth here, but obviously you are supposed to throw in things like Jolteon*, Empoleon, and the works. You know, spread damage.
So you finally powered up your shiny Zapdos. You're playing one of those ubiquitous Empoleon decks. You have to do 40 to someone on your bench, and then your opponent will snipe that card for the last prize. Pretend that Empoleon Lv.X doesn't exist, so that this shoddy scenario works.
What do you do? Drop down an Old Amber!
"As long as Old Amber is on your Bench,
prevent all damage done to Old Amber by attacks (both
yours and your opponent's)." |
Old Amber is a legal target for Raging Thunder, and takes no damage from it. Nifty, huh?
Bottom stats
Weakness to Lightning is only slightly worse than Weakness to Metal. What are you going to play against, Charizard d?
Resistance to Fighting is schweet, making Gallade flip over that extra prize! And um, stopping Claydol from doing 40. Or 30 with a DRE. Wynaut?
RC of 2 is pretty ugh, though. Come on, it's a friggin' Lightning Bird! It should have negative RC!
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 3/5. Average card. Can't abuse DRE or Scramble, playing some Lightning-only deck is suicide, and the power is tails-fails.
Limited: 2/5. Terrible in here, because that 40 to bench will hurt you a lot more in Limited. You can't attack with it, it has a retreat cost of two, and has damage spread on a flip, once per game. At least you can sell it to a little kid.
Unlimited: 1/5. Naaaah.
Zapdos is an intriguing card, so intriguing that 2002 side event winner against the janitor World Champion Big Chuck 01 has agreed to give an EXCLUSIVE quote on this card, like he did for Rocket's Zapdos some eight years ago. He might still be #14 global as well.
(6:48:12 PM) Big Chuck 01: "decent card. would never attack with it, but the power is solid. works well with other damage spread" |
Brad Valila
Canada |
Zapdos lv 45
Well another legend I don't like:( 100HP is great for a
non-evolving basic with the retreat a little too high
again. However, the weakness is neat; weaness too
lightning hides it from the majority of decks being
played right now and the resistance means Gallade will
need to flip an extra prize to take this out! The power
is nothing to marvel over, flip for 1 damage counter
when you play this. I'd like it better if you could use
this each turn. Raging Thunder is costly. EEC for 80 is
great, however, dealing 40 to one of your own pokemon is
Limited-Don't use this here, you'll lose.
Limited-1/5 |
Alazor |
Zapdos (Majestic Dawn)-- speaking of power outages....
Best to use this card with Old Amber and Super Scoop Up
in Modified and with Zapdos ex (FRLG) and Mr.Mime
(Jungle) in Unlimited. The basic idea is to have a
benched pokemon that won't take damage when it's benched
and or is able to stall a bit, before Zapdos powers up,
then you can play another pokemon until he is powered
up, maybe with Rotom (Majestic Dawn) and attack. Once he
is damaged, Scoop him up and attack again when he is
powered up again. 80 damage for 3 energy, now that's a
little better.
Modified 2.5/5
Unlimited 2/5 |
The Red Rose |
Zapdos level 45
Okay so I am back and starting off with Legendary birds
lol Zapdos doesnt really do anything for me the
pokepower is very iffy if you hit it its great but
something a little more stable would be nice.
the attack on the other hand I like 80 damage for 2
lightning and a colorless is really good and the added
40 to the bench is nice....sure the empoleon line does
the same thing but stilol bench attacking is bench
attacking right
Modified – The Power is iffy at best but the attack
makes up for it still it wont kill some of the big
hitters out there today 2.5/5
Limited – cant go wrong with anything that can kill
active4 and damage bench especially on a basic 3.5/5
Red Rose
Milk Man |
Zapdos Lv. 45
Day 2 Legendary Birds\
Hello once again, sorry to all I
missed yesterday, busy week. Today we're looking
at Zapdos, The electric Pokemon. Overall it has its ups
and downs, unfortunately more downs than ups. HP
is pretty nice for a basic, weakness isn't bad, and the
resistance is more than decent. The attack and power are
meh at best... You'll get more out of the power if you
play SU/SSU but once again I'm not a fan of coin flips,
and this way you'll be seeing more coin flips than I
care to ever see in a single game. As far as the attack
is concerned I wouldn't even bother, 80 for 3(L) isn't
too bad, I just really don't like doing 40 to one of
your own unless it utilizes flail etc.
Modified- 2/5
Limited- 2.9/5
DoMiNaTiOn |
A Resistance
The rest of the card
Zapdos really isn't worth wasting your
time on