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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.40
Limited: 3.80
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
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Modified - Up to 60 damage for only 2 colorless energy is
decent, but I wish Wigglytuff had a more powerful attack,
because its Poke-Power is where it's at. Sure you might put
yourself to sleep, but there are ways to get around that,
such as Xatu, Holon Energy GL, or just using a Pokemon that
has a Body that prevents special conditions on it. If your
opponent has no way to get rid of sleep easily (like a ton
of Warp points or their own Xatu), they'll only have a 50%
chance of attacking each turn, which is a huge disadvantage
for them. Combo Wigglytuff with something like Swalot that
does additional damage for each special condition.
Unfortunately the most popular deck, Gardevoir/Gallade, has
a couple ways of getting around Wigglytuff. One is
continually using Psychic Lock so Wiggly can't use its
power. The other is keeping a Gardevoir X on the bench to
teleport active whenever their Active remains asleep. Wiggly
could be decent tech against the other popular deck,
Magmortar, because they don't play any power-stopping cards,
and at most they play 2 Warp Points. 3/5
Limited - If you're trying to stall while you get Energy
built up on your Pokemon, then putting the Defending pokemon
to sleep each turn could be good. But there arent a lot of
ways to get rid of your own sleep, other than evolving.
40-60 damage for 2 energy is very good. 4/5 |
Arbok14 |
(03/18/08) - Wigglytuff Lv. 46
Name: Wigglytuff Lv. 46
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Rare
Analysis: Honestly, I kind of like this card. It combos
well with Darkrai and Sidney's Stadium. A stage 1 is
easier to setup than a Stage 2 (Venusaur), plus it has
colorless energy requirements. Add in Weavile, and
Wigglytuff could do 80 damage for two basic darkness
energy. Igglybuff is a good enough starter: pack your
deck with Pokedex Handy, PokeNav, Great Ball, Master
Ball, etc and Igglybuff starts by drawing three cardsa a
turn. This should be enough motive to play Igglybuff
with Wigglytuff. Wigglytuff's power makes each active
Pokemon fall asleep. With Sidney's Stadium, it will
prevent Darkrai from becoming Asleep and allow it to hit
for 80 damage (more with Darkrai Lv X's Body and Special
Darkness). Its attack is OK, but use it only if
necessary. Fighting weakness hurts.
Modified: Has potential as a Darkrai partner, but the
weakness hurts (both Darkrai and Wiggly are vulnerable
to OHKO's by Gallade. Venusaur may be better, but that
also depends on a coin flip, an advantage Wigglytuff has
over it. (3.5/5)
Limited: Its Power will really only be necessary to
stall, because it would prevent you from attacking.
Combos well with Magcargo. It also has a cheap colorless
attack. (4/5)

goose |
Wigglytuff Lv.46 GE
Hey, today’s COTD is the evolution to my favorite
SSBB character! And just like her pre-evolution
Wigglytuff here packs a punch for little energy! For
2 (C) you do 40 damage, but if she’s evolved from
Igglybuff she gets a 20 damage buff. 60 for 2 (C) is
good, but then you also have her poke-power, you
just simply put both active pokemon to sleep! This
works great if… 1. You where going to use switch on
your old active pokemon anyway. 2. Had a pokemon
with Holon energy GL and a (G), was dark and
Sydney’s stadium was out, or if it couldn’t be
effected by sleep. Or 3. You can’t attack anyway and
want to possibly stop your opponent from attacking (Blastoise
and Swampert EX anyone?) If you can, use this thing,
50% chance of your opponent not attacking every turn
(Unless they have some way to stop it/switch.) is
Pros –
Good attack
Great power
Colorless is very versatile
Cons –
Low HP
Bad weakness
Modified – It just needs to find a good home… 4/5
Limited – Colorless and 40 damage for 2 (C)? Count
me in! 4.5/5
I hope Jigglypuff will kick your butt on SSBB soon!
“A fine quotation is a diamond on the finger of a
man of wit, and a pebble in the hand of a fool.”

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals. |
Ive seen a fun combo with this and darkrai (sleephole
one) but all in all this card isn’t going to cut it its
pokepower is rarely really usefull as the opponent often
will head or get rid of it in some other way . At the
same time you’ll need to find some way to get rid of
sleep yourself (possible but seems like hard work for
minor effect). The attack is mediocre at best an iggly
is really bad (exept from the first turn how often do
you want to set up without supporters?) a weak card
Modified 2
Limited 3 |

Raichu88 |
Modified: The Power is kinda nice. You see it get used
together with Darkrai Lv X and Sydney's Stadium.
It's Attack, HP and 1 Retreat make it nothing more than
average. It's weakness is horrible though. You probably
just use this Pokemon for it's Poke-Power.
Rating : 1.5/5
Limited: This is the format it's made for. Stage 1,
decent HP, good attacks (especially with Igglybuff under
The power can be used together with quite a few Pokemon
in the set.
Rating : 3/5 |