Arbok14 |
(03/19/08) - Arbok Lv. 31
Name: Arbok Lv. 31
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Uncommon
Analysis: Ah, yesss, yesss. Arbok. Unfortunately, this
guy is kind of bad. :( It has low HP, a bad weakness,
and a high retreat cost. Deadly Poison is useful,
especially with Venusaur and/or Weezing. It gives
automatic poison or 40 extra damage, only for 1 energy.
Pretty good against Gallade and Gardevoir. With Lake
Boundary, 100 damage against either, plus the damage
from poison (plus Weezing?) Wrap is OK, if all other
options have been spent.
Modified: Not good, not bad. Can hurt your opponent.
Limited: Great in Limited. Its first attack either
automatically poisons plus 10 damage or hits for 50. For
one Energy!! Wrap is nice and colorless. (4.5/5)

goose |
Arbok Lv.31 GE
Well, today’s COTD today is supposed to work well
with Weezing and does to an extent. For 1 (P) it
does 10 and poison or if they are already poisoned
it does 50 damage for 1 (P)! Add that with Weezing’s
ability to add damage to poisoned pokemon and the
only things you have to fear are Xatu, Unown G, and
Holon GL/WP. With 80 HP it isn’t sticking around for
too long and with the +20 psychic weakness an
unDRE’d Psychic Lock will bring it down to it’s
knees. Don’t use wrap, just don’t unless you boost
for it.
Pros –
Nice first attack
Boostable second attack
Cons –
Low HP
Bad weakness
2 much retreat
Modified – Could work in a non-tournament level
deck. 3/5
Limited – have a (P) and an Ekans? If so use this!
Too bad, good attacks… Bad everything else…
“The word 'meaningful' when used today is nearly
always meaningless.”