Arbok14 |
Hey, hope everyone
had a great Easter and long weekend. This week we will
be reviewing more new uncommons. Today is Granbull:
Name: Granbull Lv. 34
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Uncommon
Analysis: Granbull isn't much to look at. 90 HP is low
for a stage 1 these days and the weakness to fighting is
horrible. Don't even start with the retreat cost. Blech.
Attack-wise, Daunt is nothing special with a limited
Defender. Rage will not do too much damage, as Granbull
can only have 8 damage counters. And for 4 energy? AHHH!!!
Modified: Yikes, don't try it. Cresselia can be a
partner, but why would you want to bring damage over to
your Pokemon?? (1/5)
Limited: Daunt is great for a limited battle. Rage would
be great as the game lengthens. (3.5/5)

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
good enough. Next..
like in the fairytale by HC. Andersen this card may look
good at some points, but it just isn’t good enough. The
first attack cost at least 1 energy to much and it
effects only the defending pokemon meaning that retreat
evo and so on would end the effect. Its rage effect is
also to expensive , but at least boost can be used to
power it. It seems to have potential to deal a lot of
damaged but in reality no…
Modified 1.5
Limited 2.5
Professor cup 3 |