Arbok14 |
(03/26/08) - Grovyle Lv. 26
Name: Grovyle Lv. 26
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Uncommon
Analysis: OK, well, Grovyle is the center evolution of
the Sceptile line. It has 80 HP, which is good for an
evolvable Stage 1, and a retreat cost of a tolerable 1.
Weakness to fire hurts in today's games, but resistance
to water helps. Greenness is great because it is free
and can help in the instance of an energy drought.
'Poison Breath' is costs two grass energy for automatic
poison plus damage. If you have Sceptile already out,
you only need 1. Really, it is only necessary for
getting Sceptile out. Greenness can help in certain
situations, but it would be better if it attached to
Pokemon, rather than go into your hand.
Modified: Use for getting Sceptile when Rare Candy's are
well, rare. (2.5/5)
Limited: Get some new energy you need and then
automatically poison. Also has resistance to one of the
more common types in the set. (3.5/5)

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
poison breath got potential and its greeness is at least
free. In modified theres not much to say if you want to
play sceptile this is the card it evos from. In the
other formats there is a few problems. It does not hit
very hard and it’s a bit to color expensive. Greeness
can help here. Venomoth is the better choice.
Modified 2.5
Limited 2.5
Professor cup 2