Arbok14 |
(03/27/08) - Hariyama Lv. 38
Name: Hariyama Lv. 38
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Uncommon
Analysis: Hariyama unfortunately is not very good. Yeah,
100 HP is great on a Stage 1, but a retreat cost of 3
and weakness to Psychic is not. Palm Strike is
luck-based and can only do 60 damage anyway. Spirited
Throw works well against Stage 2's, but 80 damage is
less than Hariyama's HP is anyway, so it will not OHKO
Modified: No thanks, Lucario is a better Stage 1
Fighter. (1.5/5)
Limited: Slightly better here, because it gets stronger
against bigger Pokemon, but its retreat cost is
horrible... (2.5/5)

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
A lot
of hp and a lot of retreat, In modified this is not
going to cut it as it is just weaker than other choices.
In limited however this is interesting. Its fast hits
hard and reaches the magical 80 that can defeat so many
pokes in this format. To get full use of its attack
combine it with cards like buffer pieice.
Modified 2
Limited 4
Professor cup 3