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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Magcargo LV.35
Diamond & Pearl
Great Encounters
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.33
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Modified - An obvious combo would be Magcargo with
Wigglytuff, since Magcargo can't be Asleep. Lava Plume is a
blah attack, doing only 60 damage for 3 energy with a
possible burn. The retreat cost is high. In conclusion this
is a bad card in Modified. 1/5
Limited - 60 damage and burn for 3 energy isn't great, just
decent. The massive retreat cost means once Magcargo goes
active, he's stuck there. 2/5 |
Arbok14 |
(03/28/08) - Magcargo Lv. 35
Name: Magcargo Lv. 35
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Uncommon
Analysis: Magcargo is pretty good. The Body is great,
because it prevents Magcargo from becoming or ever being
Asleep or Paralyzed. This works great when teamed with
Wigglytuff from Great Encounters. Lava Plume allows
automatic burn, which will give you two automatic
conditions on the Defending Pokemon every turn!
Discarding the top card from your deck is of little
concern considering the automatic burn. The retreat cost
is costly, but just pack Switches and Warp Points. It
has only 90 HP and the weakness to water can hurt, but
it is only 20 luckily.
Modified: This card has combo written all over it. Use
with Wigglytuff. (4/5)
Limited: Resistant to two special conditions while able
to inflict another automatically? And if you also got
the Wigglytuff... Whoa. Just don't discard anything good
with Lava Plume! (4/5)

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
the other days card this just is too weak to play a role
in constructed so let look at other formats.
limited this is very strong 90 HP and a powerfull attack
makes this a powerhouse. But with at cost of FFC and no
cheaper attacks it takes a lot of time to get up. Fast
and or staling choices like skarmory are usefull
partners. Its retreat is high so do not expect to
retreat it. Its water weakness is bad as it really is
hurt by other limited powerhouse floatsel. At least it
wont be OHKO’ed. In No rare format it can OHKO venomoth
without thinking about sleep. It will still take the
poison thoug…
Modified 1.5
Limited 4
Professor cup 3 |