2005 World
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Modified - This guy should be a bench sitter that's only
used for his Poke-Power, because Firefly Scent is a horrible
attack. It could make a nice addition if you're playing a
grass deck, but I doubt you are, because grass types get the
shaft in the TCG! They're just underpowered. If you're
playing a 1/1 Illumise/Volbeat line in your deck to get back
Supporters, get Illumise into play first, since his power
can search out Volbeat. 2/5
Limited - Quickly get out your army of Grass Basics, which
could be good because of the lack of search and draw power
here. 3/5 |

Michael from Denmark
2 worlds and 4
national finals.
2008 Switzerland Champ |
Its attack will usually be quite useless as you really
do not want to commit 2 energies into this. So the
reason to use this is its pokepower and its combo with
volbeat. Its pokepower is ok but its requires a flip and
does something we have plenty of other cards being very
efficient at (mentor pachi Roseanne…) All of these will
usually be superior choices putting this on the wrong
side of useful.
Modified 2
Limited 3 |

Raichu88 |
Modified: Works with Volbeat and Porygon 2 to create a
cycle and getting back Supporters. Otherwise I don't see
this being played.
Rating : 2/5
Limited: Good if you have the Volbeat because Supporters
are great in Limited and getting them back is even
Rating : 3/5 |
Arbok14 |
Name: Illumise Lv. 29
Set: Great Encounters
Rarity: Common
Analysis: Illumise is part 1 of the Illumise-Volbeat
combo. Both are basics, so it should not be hard to get
them out. It has 70 HP (good for a basic) and a retreat
cost of 1. Unfortunately it has a weakness to fire, but
it will most likely not matter, as it is only needed on
the bench and should never see fighting. 'Scent Conduct'
is handy to get the Volbeat into play, which is
Illumise's only
real purpose (other than standing there and influencing
Volbeat's Power), as Volbeat has the Power that will be
more useful.
Modified: Use with Volbeat, or in a grass deck to help
get basics (flippy as it is). (3/5)
Limited: If you get a lot of grass, Illumise is great.
Get what you need. As both are commons, you will
probably get Volbeat as well to help you recycle your
Felicity's Drawing. (4/5) |