Exploud Lv.58 GE
Konichiwa. Today’s COTD is Exploud from GE, it has
potential but is blocked out for the bad +30
fighting weakness that leaves it vulnerable. For 2
(C) you get to flip two coins, if the first is heads
then you do 50 damage to the defending pokemon. If
the first is heads it does 20 to your opponent’s
benched pokemon. If the second is heads, the
defending pokemon is confused. And if the second is
tails the opponent can’t play any trainers,
supporters, or stadium cards during their turn. If
you add up the math you have a 25% chance of getting
any two effects at once. Add the no trainers,
supporters, and stadiums effect with Cessation
Crystal and you lock your opponents hand for a whole
turn! The second attack isn’t worth it, 4 (C) for 70
is never worth it… Just stick with the first attack.
Pros –
Good HP
2 (C) for a great attack!
No trainers, Ect, Ect, for a whole turn!
Cons –
Bad weakness
Bad second attack
Bad retreat cost (The lug must weigh a ton!)
Modified – If only GG had one less G to play with…
(It would make everyone happy.) 4/5
Limited – Grab him! (As long as you have the evo
line) He’s colorless! 5/5
Yay! Only 5 more days ‘till SSBB!
“Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for
late pizza.”