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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 39
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.42
Limited: 3.71
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Modified - One
of the worst eeveelutions. The attacks are nothing special
and HP is low. 1/5
Limited - It's
average, but average stuff usually does good in this format.
Arbok14 |
Jolteon Lv. 38
Majestic Dawn
Analysis: Well, I am definitely a fan
of the Eeveelutions as, I'm sure, everyone else is.
Jolteon does not really impress. 80 HP and the weakness
to fighting are unfortunate. The resistance to Metal is
nothing to be too excited about. Thunder Fang is average
at best. Lightning Strike can do 90 if you discard 2
energy (most of the time you would discard a Double
Rainbow, as I could not see a deck built solely around
Jolteon and therefore be able to provide basic lightning
energy). Even its retreat cost is pointless, as Umbreon
provides free retreat for all Eeveelutions anyway. Only
play this Jolteon with other Eeveelutions, and never
never never by itself.
Modified: Protection against the new
and improved Empoleon, though Leafeon has the resistance
advantage for that anyway. It can provide slight
protection against Glaceon's weakness, but again,
Umbreon does that more effectively by erasing the
weakness. (2/5)
Limited: Nice cheap attack and a free
retreat. Its second attack is a great finisher, too.

goose |
Lv.39 MD
I’m back from my trip from Disneyland finally, and I
have nothing else really to do for a while (Well,
nothing that will make so I can’t do the COTD’s,) so
expect a few full weeks of COTD’s! Hold on, before I go
any further with my COTD, I have to say that I went to
two prereleases (The day before and right after we got
back too,) and I finally got my Unkown P that was
supposed to come out in GE… And I also pulled a Leafeon
Lv.X and a Porygon Z Lv.X one at each of the prereleases
I went to. So I’m happy right now and can’t wait for the
spring battle roads! Anyway, Jolteon was a lifesaver for
me at the prereleases; I won a few lucky games by
top-decking this little guy more than once. But, I don’t
see much valid use in a modified format, it just isn’t
worth it. If you want to do massive damage with discard
then go with Infernape DP who basically required the
same stuff to do the same thing…
Pros –
Nice 1
(L) attack
90 for
(L)(L)(C) is nice
retreat cost
Cons –
Discarding energy is bad
Not good
enough attacks
– I’m going to have to give this a no. 2.75/5
– With so many Eevee and other electric pokemon running
around this set, this thing is a lifesaver! (And not the
candy!) 4/5
I hope
you all had fun a prereleases and I can’t wait until
triumphs when good people do nothing…”
Jigglypuff13 |
5/19 Jolteon (MD)
Hello everybody! Since this is my first COTD, I thought
I should introduce myself. I started playing the PTCG
ever since it basically first came out over here in
England, but only started going to leagues and premier
tournaments since about 2004. I have played the game
from the beginning, and hope I will so long as the game
OK, today
we are looking at a card from the Majestic Dawn set,
Jolteon Lv.39.
first attack. Thunder Fang, is a solid L for 20. The
chance of Paralyses is a welcome side effect as well,
but overall, that attack won’t make Jolteon a main
attacker, though it is a solid back up. Lightning Strike
provides a solid, if uninspiring, 50 for LLC. However,
discard 2 energies for 90 makes it some what more
interesting. 90 on a non-evolving Stage 1 is rather
tempting, but then the need of actually discarding those
2 energies every turn makes it a less viable option,
even if there are ways of doing that (such as using
Magneton (PK) to get the energies back, and then using
Leafeon Lv.X’s Poké-Power to allow yourself to attach 2
energies per turn, or it can do the Infernape (DP)
thing, and use up a DRE every turn instead). The retreat
is perfect, which is nice.
No matter
what, though, any Jolteon based deck will be weak to one
of the most popular decks in the format, G&G. Gallade
(SW) will happily OHKO Jolteon for flipping no prizes
(or 1 with a DRE attached), while any combo similar to
the one I described with easily be shot down by
Gardevoir (SW)’s Psychic Lock. Coupled with Jolteon’s
lack of being able to OHKO many of the most popular
Pokémon in the game at the moment (though most other
Stage 1’s and Lightning weak Pokémon with Lake Boundary
in play do fear it), plus the possibility of other
fighting Pokémon making their way into the format (like
Kabutops (MD)) makes it unviable as a main attacker.
As a tech
or back up attacker in Eeveelution decks (though it
would have to mainly be in Flareon or maybe Leafeon Lv.X
based decks), the quick 90 afforded by Lightning Strike
from a Scramble or maybe a DRE can shake things up a bit
(so long as it doesn't get errated to be Energy Cards
instead of Energy). However, using up an Eevee can be
annoying, since many Eeveelution decks will probably be
running the support Eeveelutions (Espeon and Umbreon
(both MD)). One of them and 2 of your main attacking
Eeveelution, and the spare Eevee has a lot of
competition as to what you should evolve it into, and
there are probably better choices.
Not main attacker material, but the 90 afforded by
Lightning Strike is often a solid option, especially if
you don’t want to use lose your main attacker in a
sacrifice situation. Using up an Eevee is quite costly,
and there are better choices to Jolteon. 3/5
Limited: 90 can and will KO most of what you come across here, and in the
turn it take to recharge, you can do 20 and hopefully
Paralyse their active. 4/5

of the Lake |
Hi everyone, hope you enjoy this! (you better >=O)
Being one of the ubiquitous evolutions of the freak mutant Pokémon
that is Eevee, Jolteon has an obvious Eeveelutions combo. Lightning
type "supporter" Pokémon like Electivire SW (and Pikachu MT, if you're
crazy enough) have a meager combo with Jolteon (and every other
Lightning type).
There is a really (well, relatively) nifty combo with Double Rainbow
Energy. Read carefully: "You may discard 2 Energy attached to
Jolteon." NOT 2 Energy CARDS. Thus, with a Lightning and
a DRE attached, Jolteon can discard the DRE for a quick 80, keeping
the Lightning Energy, and can repeat this feat with an additional
DRE! In fact, with a Leafeon Lv.X out, you could bench an Eevee, Rare
Candy it into Jolteon, attach a DRE and any other energy, retreat the
active, and do an instant 80! Impressive, until you remember that this
is HP-On and pretty much everything does that amount of damage WITHOUT
having to discard any energy. Ohh...
The first attack is relatively straightforward, L for 20 and paralyze
on a flip. The paralyze flip might be preferable to the extra 10 that
most MD Pokémon do for one colored energy, as you can avoid an attack
for a turn, especially if it's something nasty like Psychic Lock or a
6-prize flip Psychic Cut (assuming no Warp Point/Gardevoir Lv.X on
The second attack combos quite nicely with DRE, but in the end, you
don't want to go through your DREs just to do 80. Empoleon DP,
Empoleon MD, and Feraligatr SW are the most likely Water types that
you will face, and all of them have 130 HP and +30 Lightning weakness;
so foregoing a Lake Boundary (or twin PlusPowers), you won't even OHKO
one of these if they haven't taken any damage, while the latter two
can easily OHKO Jolteon.
Bottom stats
The 0 retreat cost is nice, however the rest of the bottom stats are
what drag this card down (well, them and the 80 HP and the
not-quite-good attacks and the bad card art). The +20 Fighting
weakness is what especially hurts, as a Gallade can flip a single
prize for an OHKO. Even with an Espeon out, a two prize flip has
Jolteon die faint knocked out. Gallade's not going
anywhere, and the new Kabutops hits Jolteon where it hurts as
On the plus side, Jolteon's -20 Resistance to Metal will let it
survive against attacks by popular Metal Pokémon that everyone plays,
such as Charizard d and Skarmory.
There really isn't anything to say here. Play the Eevee with Call
for Family. If you DARE play any other Eevee, Jermy101 will reap
your soul.*
*Jermy may or may not actually reap your soul, but he will
scold you for using a bad Eevee instead of the broken one.
Ratings (1 -
Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 2/5. It's just not worth playing in an
Eeveelutions, and you certainly won't be teching this in anywhere
Limited: 3/5. If you can get the Eevee, sure, go ahead
and play this. However, without the DRE, it's second attack is too
slow to be effective, especially when you face the guy who drafted an
entire 3-3-3 Infernape line, and then you start crying and mumbling
about how you're going to quit this game.
Unlimited: 1/5. If you need me to explain this, I really
don't think you should be playing this game. At least not Unlimited. |
Brad Valila
Canada |
Jolteon, May 19th
Well I have to start off saying I don't like this.
terrible weakness, low HP, and sub-par attacks. Sure,
one energy for 20 and a possible flip is okay. On the
otherhand, lightning strike is only usefull to KO when
you can. Although I am a fan of the 0 retreat cost,
but..paired with Umbreon, it doesnt make a difference
Limited-1 energy for 20 and a possible status is great
here, but lightning strike costs too much to use.
Limited 2.5 |
Alazor |
Jolteon (Majestic Dawn)
Modified: 4/5
It can work well with other Eeveelutions and lv. Xs for
fast and cheap attacks.
Limited: 5/5
If you have an Eevee based deck, play this card. It's
fast and a good stage 1.
Squirtle |
Well I might as well introduce myself I am Squirtle and
thats all you need to know.
So todays card is Jolteon and he is a eveelution but
there is really nothing good about him even if the art
is cool.
His first attack is okay 20 damage and a chance for
Paralyses.But the
second attack I really dont like it only does 50 without
the discard and even with the discard it only does 90.
Ps stay tuned for more eeveelutions all but one card
this week are eeveelutions
Modified 1/5
Limited 2/5 |