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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 43
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 3.57
Limited: 3.86
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
Back to the main COTD

2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Modified - Giving no weakness and free retreat to all your
eeveelutions is good but I don't know how useful it is.
Automatic confusion is always a nice thing to have. 3/5
Limited - Not sure if basic darkness energy are given out to
participants in prereleases. If they are, it's very
good, since confusion is a great special condition. 4/5
Arbok14 |
Umbreon Lv. 43
Majestic Dawn
Analysis: Umbreon, quite simply,
should be in EVERY deck involving Eevee and its
evolutions. 80 HP is not fantastic and neither is the
weakness to fighting. But, it helps itself and
eliminates its weakness and retreat cost, as well as any
of your other Eeveelutions in play. Resistance to
Psychic is definitely good too. Confuse Ray is a tad
weak, but auto-Confusion is always good.
Modified: Seriously, every deck with
Eevee should have at lesast one of these Umbreons. Its
Body is just so amazingly good that it is almost unfair.
I can see Cessation Crystal getting really popular to
counter this. (4.5/5)
Limited: Just really good. Confuse Ray
is great for this format. (4.5/5)

goose |
Lv.43 MD
Today’s COTD today is yet another Eeveelution that has
one job and one job only, remove all other Eeveelutions
weakness and retreat cost. 80 HP is average, the attack
isn’t bad but isn’t good, and the weakness and
resistance balance each other out (Afraid of Gallade but
resistant to Gardevoir,) the attack is more of a last
resort attack than a main attack (50 damage is going
nowhere fast!) And the single retreat cost is expected.
The poke-body is where this card is at, all Eeveelutions
have no weakness or retreat cost. How good is the
exactly? No more OHKO while not prize flipping fear of
Gallade for this card, and hullo tech for all
Eeveelution decks ever made and that ever will be made
(Modified or Unmodified…)
Pros –
all Eeveelutions weakness and retreat cost go away
isn’t bad for a bench warmer
Cons –
spend it’s time just sitting on the bench.
Modified – Nice tech for all Eeveelution decks out
there. 4/5
– no other dark pokemon in the set so I doubt this will
see much play here… 3/5 +1 for every other Umbreon you
Umbreon hunts in darkness for pray why is it out in the
snow in the middle of the day?
“To me,
boxing is like a ballet, except there's no music, no
choreography, and the dancers hit each other.”
Jigglypuff13 |
5/21 Umbreon
Hello, and today we are looking at Umbreon Lv.43 from
Majestic Dawn.
Obviously, if you are considering playing this, you are
going to put it into an Eeveelutions deck due to it’s
Poké-Body. Giving each of your Eeveelutions no weakness
and no retreat cost does sound very nice. However, think
about it; how many of your Eeveelutions are going to
need no weakness? You have probably focused the deck on
one specific Eeveelution to be the main attacker, and
you need to think does it actually need no weakness.
Some will (such as Flareon based decks due to the up and
coming rise of Water Pokémon), where as others won’t
(like Glaceon, since how many Metal types are there to
be worried about?). You can easily save space in the
latter by not including Umbreon. Those that need no
weakness to survive will be looking to have some Umbreon
support, so should almost be put in automatically, but
there are other options to think about as well, though.
No retreat cost is nice, but only 2 Eeveelutions have a
retreat cost over 1, so, to me, it isn’t really worth
It’s attack isn’t exactly a saving grace either. 3 for
50 and Confusion isn’t game breaking, barely 3HKOing
important Pokémon, and Confusion is easy to get rid of
from Switch/Warp Point/Retreat/Teleportation or
whatever. Mind you, looking at the others, they were
also more likely to be the main attackers, and not this.
Even with this dismal single attack, it can be an
attacker in a pinch, hitting Dusknoir (DP) and Banette
(SW) hard, OHKOing the latter with a Plus Power/Strength
Charm, and possibly the former with a bit more work.
Umbreon is countered pathetically easily, with Lati-Lock
(which is going to see more play due to MD's new and
great Poké-Bodies), Battle Frontier and Cessation
Crystal all turning it’s best ability off. While it can
turn weakness off, other Eeveelutions can quite happily
counter weakness as well by hitting the opposing
attackers weakness. Often, it won’t KO them, but it will
do a fair bit of damage, and may make your opponent
think twice. If you do end up having to use it as an
attacker (which you should hope not really), then it can
easily be OHKOed by the beast that is Gallade (SW) by
only flipping one prize (2 with DRE), and that’s with
the Poké-Body turned on as well. Turned off, it doesn’t
even need to flip a prize. Gardevoir (SW) 2HKOs Umbreon,
which, considering Umbreon is a Psychic resistant Dark
Pokemon, isn’t very good. Other big decks like that HP
as well, such as Magmortar needing 4 energies, either to
KO it while active from with Flame Blast, or for the
Lv.X version to KO it with Flame Buster it while it’s on
the bench. Skittles will like it if Umbreon is active,
meaning a Ho-Oh with 4 different basic energies with
OHKO one in the active slot. Of course, many of these
need Umbreon active to KO it, and if you have it active,
what are you doing?
Modified: It’s a good, viable choice. Turning off
weakness is a good ability, and less retreat cost is
hardly a bad effect either. The attack is disappointing,
so it’s a bench sitter, pure and simple. However, I
think there are better choice of Eeveelution that can be
used instead of Umbreon, many of which can also help to
counter weakness, making the main point of the Poké-Body
slightly redundant. 3/5
Limited: If you get other Eeveelutions, this is a nice
bench sitter to help the others in having no weakness,
and thus countering almost every deck you could face. No
retreat cost for your Eeveelutions is nice as well,
allowing you to save precious energies. It’s just a
shame the attack requires a Dark energy. If it didn’t,
it would be better since Confusion is nice here. Without
Eeveelutions, is useless unless you pull a Dark energy
or 2. 3/5

of the Lake
Hello (or Hallo, as the Germans say) again. Watch out for Jermy, because today's COTD is another Eeveelution.
Umbreon Lv.43
The evil dark version of the ubiquitous evolutions of Eevee, Umbreon is naturally going to be considered for Eeveelutions decks. But will it fare better than its Lightning counterpart, Jolteon?
The answer to that rhetorical question is yes (or ja, as the Germans say). Alongside Espeon, Umbreon makes up the other half of the "Eeveelutions that give boosts to Eeveelutions with their Poké-Bodies™." Moonlight Veil offers Eeveelutions free retreat and no weakness, meaning that all your Eeveelutions will have bottom stats as good as Base Gastly! Although the +20 HP that Espeon MD offers is far more important than the benefits of Moonlight Veil, it still doesn't hurt to get one out in an Eeveelutions; especially if you're playing Magmortar or Skittles, and they have a Lake Boundary up, threatening OHKOs to your precious Leafeon Lv.X.
Other than Eeveelutions, there really aren't that many combos to this card. It doesn't offer anything in terms of attacking power, nor as a supporter Pokémon, to any non-Eeveelutions deck. Unless you are hell bent on getting your opponent's active confused for the ludicrous cost of 2D, there isn't much to do with this card in any other deck.
Umbreon only has one attack, making my job really easy here. Don't attack with Umbreon.
Bottom stats
As mentioned above, thanks to Moonlight Veil, Umbreon has bottom stats nearly as good as Base Gastly! Unless Latilocked, no weakness and free retreat are the best possible attributes you can have in the bottom left and bottom right corners of a card. -20 Resistance to Psychic will help you defend against Plox, and uh, Banette? Really though, you shouldn't have Umbreon as your active.
Jermy is a former World Champion, and he uses the Call for Family Eevee in his Eeveelutions deck! So yeah, use the Call for Family Eevee.
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 3/5. Only really works in Eeveelutions, but it is pretty much a must-have in it. Secondary to Espeon, as the +20 HP will prove much more valuable in HP-On than free retreat and no weakness.
Limited: 3/5. Its attack only does 50, and while auto-confuse is slightly useful, the only other Darkness types in the set are Darkrai and Stunky. And the 3-3-3 Infernape line will totally destroy your Stunky, and then you will start crying and your susurrus of how you're going to quit this game fills the air.
Unlimited: 1/5. A stage 1 that does 50 for 3 Energy. Do I have to spell this out?
Fun fact: Even if you used Garchomp Lv.X to bring Leafeon into play, without evolving it from an Eevee, Leafeon would still get the benefits of Umbreon's Moonlight Veil. I don't know why I thought this would be worthy of a mention, but oh well.
(1:20:03 PM) PoJoMOTL: What do you have to say about Umbreon MD, if anything?
(1:20:12 PM) BANGINBOX: BARF!!!!
(1:20:14 PM) BANGINBOX: lol
(1:20:16 PM) BANGINBOX: j/k
(1:20:32 PM) BANGINBOX: ummmmm
(1:20:51 PM) BANGINBOX: not as good as its predecesor
(1:20:59 PM) BANGINBOX: but solid if use properly |
Brad Valila
Canada |
May 21st Umbreon
Umbreon-Now heres a card I could see myself using. With
all the great eeveelutions coming out in Majestic dawn,
I cant see a reason not to use this. The HP isnt great,
but you combine it with tomorrows card and you're
strolling. With no weakness, or retreat its easy to
splash. However you still need one dark energy to its
attack, 50 dmg and garunteed status problems; Fairly
Limited-No weakness or reatreat cost in this format is
I think this is even better than Umbreon. 100HP and a
great type. Use it with Umbreon for no retreat cost or
weakness. This is anti-Gallade which, lets face it,
needs to happen some more. Easy attack to use, 60 for P
and CC, and you can move some energy around if you need
to. This is great if Espeon is about to get knocked out
or you need it elsewhere.
Limited-Easy to play here too. Use it :)
Limited 5/5 |

Bulbasaur |
This evolution of Eevee will be used for his pokebody-
moonlight veil. Ridding your Eevee-evolved pokemon of
weakness and retreat cost is always good.
HP- 80 is sort of low when considering that Magmortar
gets 110 and they're both stage 1. Espeon would remedy
this, but that is for tomorrow's review.
Attack- 3 energy for 50 is actually a bit below average
nowadays, even with an auto-confuse effect. I don't
think you should be attacking with Umbreon. He seems to
be made for Eevee decks, not dark decks.
Bottom Stats- Standard fare for a dark type. Resists
Gardevoir, weak to Gallade, but the pokebody takes care
of that.
Poke-Power/Body- This is why you play this thing.
Moonlight Veil gives free retreat an no weakness to all
your Eeveelutions.
Throw one into an Eevee deck if you have one. That's
all it combos with!
Modified- 3/5
Limited- 4/5 |
Alazor |
Umbreon (Majestic Dawn)
Modified 3.7/5
It's poke-body and resistance-- help resist Gardevior
and Gallade. Free retreat is good, but it can be shut
down by Cessation Crystal and Battle Frontier.
Limited: 4.2/5 Play it for its Poke-Body. I give it a
little less since it doesn't have a cheap 1st attack.