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Pojo's Pokemon Card of the Day
Lv. 51
Diamond & Pearl
Majestic Dawn
Date Reviewed:
& Reviews Summary
Modified: 2.17
Limited: 4.17
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being the worst.
3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.
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2005 World
Check out my
eBay Store |
Modified - If this card was printed like 15 sets ago, it
would be good. Now there are just too many cards that
overpower it. It's hard to get energy cards in your discard
pile on turn 1. Removing 6 damage counters won't do anything
with Mewtwo getting OHKOed left and right. 60 damage is too
mediocre for 3 energy. 1/5
Limited - Recover is great here with the limited amount of
damage pokemon do in this format. A nice solid basic. 4/5

goose |
Lv.51 MD
Hello, I
hope you all had a great Memorial Day yesterday! Today’s
COTD today is Mewtwo, this guy was a pain in the
prereleases due to the healing effect, but I don’t quite
see it working in modified. 90HP is easily OHKOable,
there isn’t much of a chance late game that this guy
will stay out long. Which makes his recover attack
almost useless, how can you recover something that’s
KOed? Energy Absorption is nice, but would have been
much better if it could be place on pokemon other than
Mewtwo. Psyburn isn’t worth is really, there are too
many good pokemon that do more than 60 for 3 energy… The
heavy weakness and 2 much retreat cost just puts a few
more nails in Mewtwo’s coffin.
Pros –
Nice HP
Absorption is nice
is always good
Cons –
doesn’t recover enough damage
isn’t worth it
2 large
of retreat cost
– I think that’s the largest list of Cons I’ve ever seen
on a card! 2/5
– Dude, self healing AND energy attaching attack? This
rocks here. 4/5
Wait to
use this thing until Mewtwo Lv.X comes out someday…
of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be
better to change the locks.”
Jigglypuff13 |
5/27 Mewtwo Lv. 51 (MD)
Looking at this card, it reminds me a lot of movie Promo
Mewtwo from the first movie, just a bit more powerful, a
bit more HP, and an extra attack that, to be honest,
isn’t very helpful. I’ll start with Recover, and, for P,
isn’t too bad, but, unfortunately, Mewtwo doesn’t really
have enough HP to warrant it’s use. Energy Absorption is
still a nice ability, but does use up your attack, which
basically now allows your opponent to take a prize by
KO-ing Mewtwo during their turn. Psyburn, for a basic,
isn’t bad due to being able to do 60. With Energy
Absorption, you can end up doing 60 on turn 2. While
that doesn’t sound too good, how many other decks can do
that? Well, Skittles, which can easily do that 60 or
even more with a bit of luck on T2 or 1, but that isn't
the point.
Mewtwo isn’t the hardest hitting Basic, isn’t the
quickest, and isn’t the most durable. Everything is
looking bad for Mewtwo at the moment, and it gets worse.
There is no deck it can work in. That 60 damage can
easily be done by main attackers in every deck, and
generally with other effects or more damage. Of course,
since it has to be used as an attacker, this isn’t good
news for Mewtwo. If there were any other good Big Basic
Pokémon, and if there were great trainers like back in
the Base Set to Fossil days, then I could see Haymaker
working again (though a couple more Big Basic
Pokémon would be needed). However, there aren’t any good
Big Basic Pokémon any more, and there are no great
trainers like Bill or Oak any more, Haymaker just won’t
work, and thus Mewtwo just won’t work.
But wait, you’ve just thought of some great way of using
Mewtwo (and if you haven’t, don’t worry, I doubt anyone
has), which is great. But I’m going to have to rain on
your parade now, since Mewtwo just can’t survive the
metagame. G&G decks will happily have Gardevoir (SW)
Psychic Lock Mewtwo for a OHKO, or toy with you and use
Gallade (SW) to Psychic Cut Mewtwo. Magmortar (SW) will
happily load 5 energies on it to KO Mewtwo, or Flam
Buster a benched Mewtwo using the Lv.X version. Banette
(SW) with KO it with a Banette in the discard, or even
without it with a Strength Charm or Plus Power. Ho-Oh
(SW) will need 5 different energies to KO Mewtwo, and
that’s quite a simple thing for Skittles to do. Just
about every deck can and will do the required 90 to
easily KO Mewtwo, with or without weakness including
whatever new archetypes we get with Majestic Dawn. It’s
60 damage attack will barely 2HKO the weakest of main
attackers, the 110HP ones, so is just rubbish really.
However, there is Unlimited. I don’t know a lot about
Unlimited, and I don’t know if Haymaker is still a big
deck here. If it is, then this Mewtwo is better than the
old Movie Promo Mewtwo due to the extra 20 damage for
the same energy cost, plus still has Energy Absorption,
plus Recover which may or may not be useful here. If
Haymaker is big, and you are using it, and you are
considering Mewtwo in the deck, use this one.
Modified: Oh dear. It’s weak, it’s slow for it’s damage,
it has low HP, there’s no way of using it, it’s just
pointless here. 1/5
Limited: If you can discard the 2 Psychic energies
quickly, it will happily power itself up and start
powering through every thing with 60 every turn, and
being able to heal itself almost totally whenever it
needs to. It is great here. 4/5

of the Lake
Happy late birthday Greeny!
In case you aren't one of the cool kids who have been playing since the game first came out, this card is basically an upgraded version of the Movie Promo Mewtwo. Yes, a basic that had 70 HP and could do 40 was considered broken back then. You kids and your Gallades and Leafeon Lv.Xs. Back in our time, we had to walk through snow-covered mountains just to get to league. Twice.
Mewtwo Lv.X, but it's not out yet.
Energy Absorption
Mewtwo may not be able to abuse DRE, but Energy Absorption makes up for it.
So you lost the roll (wait, you're not supposed to high roll to see who goes first anymore. Call a judge!), and are going second. You open with Mewtwo, attach a Psychic, Felicity's away two more Psychic, and Energy Absorption. Your first turn is over, and you already have a Mewtwo with 3 energies. You can power up your Mewtwo as fast as DonkHatter Skittles does Ho-Oh.
You can also pull this off with TV Reporter, Sableye's Excavate, Computer Search, and Holon Adventurer; anything that lets you discard your energies can be used with Energy Absorption. Mewtwo makes a great opener, as it can threaten beatings T2.
Remember how great Gold Berry was? Those guys probably don't, as 5 of the 6 don't play the game anymore.
Simply put, healing has been long gone in the game. When the only viable healing card in the format is Potion, you know there is something rotten in the state of Denmark Pokémon.
For a single Psychic energy, Mewtwo can remove 6 damage counters! Now, this isn't something you want to count on, because there are lots of cards in the format that can OHKO Mewtwo; however, when they bring up something like Absol or Pachirisu to stall while they're building a main hitter at their bench, you can sneak a Recover in.
One point of note is that Recover is amazing in limited. You will literally make your opponents cry.
Attacks (Wait, didn't we already do this?)
"But MOTL!" I hear you cry; "can this thing actually attack?
Yes, yes it can. Psyburn knocks out Gardevoir with a Lake Boundary, Gallade with a Lake Boundary and a PlusPower/Strength Charm, and Gardevoir Lv.X with a single PlusPower/Strength Charm. Try saying that three times fast.
60 damage is nowt ubiquitous, though. If only it did a smidgeon more damage! 70 would THKO almost everything, but alas, that's not the case.
Bottom stats
Terrible. An x2 Weakness on a basic will just invite more OHKOs; Gardevoir, Espeon, Banette, even something as random as Mismagius will OHKO Mewtwo. Mewtwo itself OHKOs Mewtwo.
Two retreat is pretty bad as well, but the weakness kills Mewtwo. Better tech in that Blastoise d.
Mewtwo Lv.X
Not out yet, but you can find the translations everywhere. Its Poké-Body will come in real helpful against the new Azelf, Uxie, and Mespirit Lv.Xs, but Cessation Crystal will put a stop to all that. Not that Crystal Guardians won't be rotated or nuffin'.
The attack does 120 for 1PP, and you have to discard all Energy attached to Mewtwo. You can't hope to skip a turn without doing damage in HP-On (and DP-On), especially as virtually everything has 130 HP. The combo with Energy Absorption is nice, but giving up a turn to Energy Absorb is another turn for your opponent to do a BILLION damage.
Ratings (1 - Sux, 3 - Meh, 5 - Rox)
Modified: 3/5. When Mewtwo Lv.X comes out, bump it to a 4/5.
Limited: 5/5. Recover is excellent in Limited.
Unlimited: 2/5. If you're still running Sponge, this is a step above the Movie Promo one; but seriously, why are you running Sponge?!
Today's quote comes from another former National Champion, one from down under.
(11:20:28 AM) PoJoMOTL: What do you have to say about Mewtwo MD, if anything?
(11:21:00 AM) [Jade]: Mewtwo is an awesome card but still going to be a beast for the next format. For all of these pixie fans, you will be in a really painful battle next season since, this Mewtwo will be a reallystrong autoloss for you. With two Mewtwos in play, its GG for yourpixies, as all disruptions wont work for you. 'nuff said.
(11:21:37 AM) [Jade]: LONG LIVE MEWTWO Lv.X
(11:22:31 AM) [Jade]: ( Legend Awakens, coming August 2008 ). |
Brad Valila
Canada |
Back after the US long weekend!
As a place to start, a 0 energy attack is always useful.
You get to bring back two energy and attach them. This
works great sonce recover makes you discard off of
Mewtwo to recover 60 HP. Psyburn is subpar, but you can
easily be doing 6 on turn 2 if you got some energies
into the discard somehow. 90 HP on a basic is always
great. However, 2 retreat cost and the old style x2
weakness hurts. Especially for physic.
Limited-Healing that much on a basic and being able to
recycle energy = great.
Limited-5/5 |
Alazor |
Mewtwo (Majestic Dawn)
This guy looks like the old Movie Promo Mewtwo but
better! Recover might let you stall for a couple of
extra turns. I'd play him with some TV Reporter or
Felicity's Drawing, Computer Search, or Holon Mentor.
You could also use Super Scoop Up or Scoop after getting
special energies from the discard. I'd play him right
now, but I'd also wait for Mewtwo lv. X from the next
Modified: 3.5/5
Use with Felicity's drawing and get him doing damge T2,
T3. Again should be better with the lv.X.
Limited: 4/5
Nice basic, but watch out for Scizor. Probably use him
with Unown Q for discard.
Super Scoop Up and Special energies would be nice with
him. Chatot also helps.
Unlimited: 3/5
Gold Berry, Scoop Up able, Gold Berry, Computer Search,
Energy Removal, Super Energy Removable, Briney'd, Focus
Banded, Swoop!able.
When Mewtwo lv. X comes out, it might make Vileplume ex
run for their money. It might stall out against Clefable
(Jungle), but Sneasel I'm not sure about unless you can
counter their stadiums and run lots of Energy and Super
Energy Removal. I'm adding him to my old stall deck--
might also work in Mewchu (Mewtwo and Pichu (Neo
Genesis).) Maybe could stall agianst Raindance but there
are so many different kinds.
Overall a pretty nice card, new Mewtwo ex, just not an
ex, which was short-lived. |